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Handler for non-HTTP interactions.

This module implements a very basic handler to handle JSON payloads which might be sent through a messaging system. Unlike a HTTP interaction, the handler is solely responsible for processing the message, and does not necessarily need to send a response. This specific example handles file system events.

Due to the broad range of possible technologies underpinning message systems (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ, SQS, SNS, etc.), Pact's implementation is agnostic to the transport mechanism. Instead, Pact Python v3 allows to provide a simple function (or mapping of functions) to produce messages. Under the hood, Pact uses HTTP to communicate

Note that the code in this module is agnostic of Pact (i.e., this would be your production code). The pact-python dependency only appears in the tests. This is because the consumer is not concerned with Pact, only the tests are.



Filesystem interface.

In practice, the handler would process messages and perform some actions on other systems, whether that be a database, a filesystem, or some other service. This capability would typically be offered by some library; however, when running tests, we typically wish to avoid actually interacting with this external service.

In order to avoid side effects while testing, the test setup should mock out the calls to the external service.

This class provides a simple dummy filesystem interface (which evidently would fail if actually used), and serves to demonstrate how to mock out external services when testing.

Source code in examples/src/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Initialize the filesystem connection."""


read(file: str) -> str

Read contents from a file.

Source code in examples/src/
def read(self, file: str) -> str:
    """Read contents from a file."""
    raise NotImplementedError
write(_file: str, _contents: str) -> None

Write contents to a file.

Source code in examples/src/
def write(self, _file: str, _contents: str) -> None:
    """Write contents to a file."""
    raise NotImplementedError


Message queue handler.

This class is responsible for handling messages from the queue.

This ensures the underlying filesystem is ready to be used.

Source code in examples/src/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    Initialize the handler.

    This ensures the underlying filesystem is ready to be used.
    self.fs = Filesystem()


fs = Filesystem() instance-attribute


process(event: dict[str, Any]) -> str | None

Process an event from the queue.

The event is expected to be a dictionary with the following mandatory keys:

  • action: The action to be performed, either READ or WRITE.
  • path: The path to the file to be read or written.

The event may also contain an optional contents key, which is the contents to be written to the file. If the contents key is not present, an empty file will be written.

Source code in examples/src/
def process(self, event: dict[str, Any]) -> str | None:
    Process an event from the queue.

    The event is expected to be a dictionary with the following mandatory

    - `action`: The action to be performed, either `READ` or `WRITE`.
    - `path`: The path to the file to be read or written.

    The event may also contain an optional `contents` key, which is the
    contents to be written to the file. If the `contents` key is not
    present, an empty file will be written.

    if event["action"] == "WRITE":
        self.fs.write(event["path"], event.get("contents", ""))
        return None
    if event["action"] == "READ":

    msg = f"Invalid action: {event['action']!r}"
    raise ValueError(msg)
validate_event(event: dict[str, Any] | Any) -> None staticmethod

Validates the event received from the queue.

The event is expected to be a dictionary with the following mandatory keys:

  • action: The action to be performed, either READ or WRITe.
  • path: The path to the file to be read or written.
Source code in examples/src/
def validate_event(event: dict[str, Any] | Any) -> None:  # noqa: ANN401
    Validates the event received from the queue.

    The event is expected to be a dictionary with the following mandatory

    - `action`: The action to be performed, either `READ` or `WRITe`.
    - `path`: The path to the file to be read or written.
    if not isinstance(event, dict):
        msg = "Event must be a dictionary."
        raise TypeError(msg)
    if "action" not in event:
        msg = "Event must contain an 'action' key."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if "path" not in event:
        msg = "Event must contain a 'path' key."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if event["action"] not in ["READ", "WRITE"]:
        msg = "Event must contain a valid 'action' key."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    except TypeError as err:
        msg = "Event must contain a valid 'path' key."
        raise ValueError(msg) from err