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Test 01 Provider Flask

Test the Flask provider with Pact.

This module tests the Flask provider defined in src/ against the mock consumer. The mock consumer is set up by Pact and will replay the requests defined by the consumers. Pact will then validate that the provider responds with the expected responses.

The provider will be expected to be in a given state in order to respond to certain requests. For example, when fetching a user's information, the provider will need to have a user with the given ID in the database. In order to avoid side effects, the provider's database calls are mocked out using functionalities from unittest.mock.

In order to set the provider into the correct state, this test module defines an additional endpoint on the provider, in this case /_pact/provider_states. Calls to this endpoint mock the relevant database calls to set the provider into the correct state.

A good resource for understanding the provider tests is the Pact Provider Test section of the Pact documentation.


PROVIDER_URL = URL('http://localhost:8080') module-attribute



mock_delete_request_to_delete_user() -> None

Mock the database for the delete request to delete a user.

Source code in examples/tests/
def mock_delete_request_to_delete_user() -> None:
    Mock the database for the delete request to delete a user.
    import examples.src.flask

    local_db = {
        123: User(
            name="Verna Hampton",
            hobbies=["hiking", "swimming"],
        124: User(
            name="Jane Doe",
            hobbies=["running", "dancing"],

    def local_delitem(key: int) -> None:
        del local_db[key]

    def local_contains(key: int) -> bool:
        return key in local_db

    mock_db = MagicMock()
    mock_db.__delitem__.side_effect = local_delitem
    mock_db.__contains__.side_effect = local_contains
    mock_db.is_mocked = True
    examples.src.flask.FAKE_DB = mock_db

mock_pact_provider_states() -> dict[str, str | None] async

Define the provider state.

For Pact to be able to correctly test compliance with the contract, the internal state of the provider needs to be set up correctly. Naively, this would be achieved by setting up the database with the correct data for the test, but this can be slow and error-prone. Instead this is best achieved by mocking the relevant calls to the database so as to avoid any side effects.

For Pact to be able to correctly get the provider into the correct state, this function is used to define an additional endpoint on the provider. This endpoint is called by Pact before each test to ensure that the provider is in the correct state.

Source code in examples/tests/
@app.route("/_pact/provider_states", methods=["POST"])
async def mock_pact_provider_states() -> dict[str, str | None]:
    Define the provider state.

    For Pact to be able to correctly test compliance with the contract, the
    internal state of the provider needs to be set up correctly. Naively, this
    would be achieved by setting up the database with the correct data for the
    test, but this can be slow and error-prone. Instead this is best achieved by
    mocking the relevant calls to the database so as to avoid any side effects.

    For Pact to be able to correctly get the provider into the correct state,
    this function is used to define an additional endpoint on the provider. This
    endpoint is called by Pact before each test to ensure that the provider is
    in the correct state.
    if request.json is None:
        msg = "Request must be JSON"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    state: str = request.json["state"]
    mapping = {
        "user 123 doesn't exist": mock_user_123_doesnt_exist,
        "user 123 exists": mock_user_123_exists,
        "create user 124": mock_post_request_to_create_user,
        "delete the user 124": mock_delete_request_to_delete_user,
    return {"result": mapping[state]()}  # type: ignore[index]

mock_post_request_to_create_user() -> None

Mock the database for the post request to create a user.

Source code in examples/tests/
def mock_post_request_to_create_user() -> None:
    Mock the database for the post request to create a user.
    import examples.src.flask

    local_db: dict[int, User] = {}

    def local_setitem(key: int, value: User) -> None:
        local_db[key] = value

    def local_getitem(key: int) -> User:
        return local_db[key]

    mock_db = MagicMock()
    mock_db.__len__.return_value = 124
    mock_db.__setitem__.side_effect = local_setitem
    mock_db.__getitem__.side_effect = local_getitem
    examples.src.flask.FAKE_DB = mock_db

mock_user_123_doesnt_exist() -> None

Mock the database for the user 123 doesn't exist state.

Source code in examples/tests/
def mock_user_123_doesnt_exist() -> None:
    """Mock the database for the user 123 doesn't exist state."""
    import examples.src.flask

    examples.src.flask.FAKE_DB = MagicMock()
    examples.src.flask.FAKE_DB.get.return_value = None

mock_user_123_exists() -> None

Mock the database for the user 123 exists state.

You may notice that the return value here differs from the consumer's expected response. This is because the consumer's expected response is guided by what the consumer uses.

By using consumer-driven contracts and testing the provider against the consumer's contract, we can ensure that the provider is what the consumer needs. This allows the provider to safely evolve their API (by both adding and removing fields) without fear of breaking the interactions with the consumers.

Source code in examples/tests/
def mock_user_123_exists() -> None:
    Mock the database for the user 123 exists state.

    You may notice that the return value here differs from the consumer's
    expected response. This is because the consumer's expected response is
    guided by what the consumer uses.

    By using consumer-driven contracts and testing the provider against the
    consumer's contract, we can ensure that the provider is what the consumer
    needs. This allows the provider to safely evolve their API (by both adding
    and removing fields) without fear of breaking the interactions with the
    import examples.src.flask

    examples.src.flask.FAKE_DB = MagicMock()
    examples.src.flask.FAKE_DB.get.return_value = User(
        name="Verna Hampton",
        hobbies=["hiking", "swimming"],

run_server() -> None

Run the Flask server.

This function is required to run the Flask server in a separate process. A lambda cannot be used as the target of a multiprocessing.Process as it cannot be pickled.

Source code in examples/tests/
def run_server() -> None:
    Run the Flask server.

    This function is required to run the Flask server in a separate process. A
    lambda cannot be used as the target of a `multiprocessing.Process` as it
    cannot be pickled.

test_against_broker(broker: URL, verifier: Verifier) -> None

Test the provider against the broker.

The broker will be used to retrieve the contract, and the provider will be tested against the contract.

As Pact is a consumer-driven, the provider is tested against the contract defined by the consumer. The consumer defines the expected request to and response from the provider.

For an example of the consumer's contract, see the consumer's tests.

Source code in examples/tests/
def test_against_broker(broker: URL, verifier: Verifier) -> None:
    Test the provider against the broker.

    The broker will be used to retrieve the contract, and the provider will be
    tested against the contract.

    As Pact is a consumer-driven, the provider is tested against the contract
    defined by the consumer. The consumer defines the expected request to and
    response from the provider.

    For an example of the consumer's contract, see the consumer's tests.
    code, _ = verifier.verify_with_broker(
        # Despite the auth being set in the broker URL, we still need to pass
        # the username and password to the verify_with_broker method.
        provider_states_setup_url=str(PROVIDER_URL / "_pact" / "provider_states"),

    assert code == 0

verifier() -> Generator[Verifier, Any, None]

Set up the Pact verifier.

Source code in examples/tests/
def verifier() -> Generator[Verifier, Any, None]:
    """Set up the Pact verifier."""
    proc = Process(target=run_server, daemon=True)
    verifier = Verifier(
    yield verifier