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API for creating a contract and configuring the mock service.


log = logging.getLogger(__name__) module-attribute


Broker(broker_base_url=None, broker_username=None, broker_password=None, broker_token=None)

PactBroker helper functions.

:param broker_base_url: URL of the pact broker that pacts will be published to. Can also be supplied through the PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL environment variable. Defaults to None. :type broker_base_url: str :param broker_username: Username to use when connecting to the pact broker if authentication is required. Can also be supplied through the PACT_BROKER_USERNAME environment variable. Defaults to None. :type broker_username: str :param broker_password: Password to use when connecting to the pact broker if authentication is required. Strongly recommend supplying this value through the PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD environment variable instead. Defaults to None. :type broker_password: str :param broker_token: Authentication token to use when connecting to the pact broker. Strongly recommend supplying this value through the PACT_BROKER_TOKEN environment variable instead. Defaults to None.

Source code in src/pact/
def __init__(self, broker_base_url=None, broker_username=None, broker_password=None, broker_token=None):
    Create a Broker instance.

    :param broker_base_url: URL of the pact broker that pacts will be
        published to. Can also be supplied through the PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL
        environment variable. Defaults to None.
    :type broker_base_url: str
    :param broker_username: Username to use when connecting to the pact
        broker if authentication is required. Can also be supplied through
        the PACT_BROKER_USERNAME environment variable. Defaults to None.
    :type broker_username: str
    :param broker_password: Password to use when connecting to the pact
        broker if authentication is required. Strongly recommend supplying
        this value through the PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD environment variable
        instead. Defaults to None.
    :type broker_password: str
    :param broker_token: Authentication token to use when connecting to
        the pact broker. Strongly recommend supplying this value through
        the PACT_BROKER_TOKEN environment variable instead.
        Defaults to None.
        "This class will be deprecated Pact Python v3 "
        "(see pact-foundation/pact-python#396)",
    self.broker_base_url = broker_base_url
    self.broker_username = broker_username
    self.broker_password = broker_password
    self.broker_token = broker_token


broker_base_url = broker_base_url instance-attribute
broker_password = broker_password instance-attribute
broker_token = broker_token instance-attribute
broker_username = broker_username instance-attribute


publish(consumer_name, version, pact_dir=None, tag_with_git_branch=None, consumer_tags=None, branch=None, build_url=None, auto_detect_version_properties=None)

Publish the generated pact files to the specified pact broker.

Source code in src/pact/
def publish(self, consumer_name, version, pact_dir=None,
            tag_with_git_branch=None, consumer_tags=None, branch=None, build_url=None, auto_detect_version_properties=None):
    """Publish the generated pact files to the specified pact broker."""
    if self.broker_base_url is None \
            and "PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL" not in os.environ:
        raise RuntimeError("No pact broker URL specified. "
                           + "Did you expect the PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL "
                           + "environment variable to be set?")

    pact_files = fnmatch.filter(
        self._normalize_consumer_name(consumer_name) + '*.json'
    pact_files = list(map(lambda pact_file: f'{pact_dir}/{pact_file}', pact_files))
    command = [


    if self.broker_username is not None:
    if self.broker_password is not None:
    if self.broker_token is not None:


    if tag_with_git_branch:

    if consumer_tags is not None:
        for tag in consumer_tags:
            command.extend(['-t', tag])

    if branch:

    if build_url:

    if auto_detect_version_properties is True:

    log.debug(f"PactBroker publish command: {command}")

    publish_process = Popen(command)
    if publish_process.returncode != 0:
        url = self._get_broker_base_url()
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"There was an error while publishing to the pact broker at {url}.")