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Python bindings for the Pact FFI.

This module provides a Python interface to the Pact FFI. It is a thin wrapper around the C API, and is intended to be used by the Pact Python client library to provide a Pythonic interface to Pact.


This module is not intended to be used directly by Pact users. Pact users should use the Pact Python client library instead. No guarantees are made about the stability of this module's API.

Developer Notes

This modules should provide the following only:

  • Basic Enum classes
  • Simple wrappers around functions, including the casting of input and output values between the high level Python types and the low level C types.
  • Simple wrappers around some of the low-level types. Specifically designed to automatically handle the freeing of memory when the Python object is destroyed.

These low-level functions may then be combined into higher level classes and modules. Ideally, all code outside of this module should be written in pure Python and not worry about allocating or freeing memory.

During initial implementation, a lot of these functions will simply raise a NotImplementedError.

For those unfamiliar with CFFI, please make sure to read the CFFI documentation.


The Rust library exposes a number of handles to internal data structures. This is done to avoid exposing the internal implementation details of the library to users of the library, and avoid unnecessarily casting to and from possibly complicated structs.

In the Rust library, the handles are thin wrappers around integers, and unfortunately the CFFI interface sees this and automatically unwraps them, exposing the underlying integer. As a result, we must re-wrap the integer returned by the CFFI interface. This unfortunately means that we may be subject to changes in private implementation details upstream.

Freeing Memory

Python has a garbage collector, and as a result, we don't need to worry about manually freeing memory. Having said that, Python's garbace collector is only aware of Python objects, and not of any memory allocated by the Rust library.

To ensure that the memory allocated by the Rust library is freed, we must make sure to define the __del__ method to call the appropriate free function whenever the Python object is destroyed.

Note that there are some rather subtle details as to when this is called, when it may never be called, and what global variables are accessible. This is explained in the documentation for __del__ above, and in Python's garbage collection module.

Error Handling

The FFI function should handle all errors raised by the function call, and raise an appropriate Python exception. The exception should be raised using the appropriate Python exception class, and should be documented in the function's docstring.


GeneratorCategoryOptions = Literal['METHOD', 'method', 'PATH', 'path', 'HEADER', 'header', 'QUERY', 'query', 'BODY', 'body', 'STATUS', 'status', 'METADATA', 'metadata'] module-attribute

Generator Category Options.

Type alias for the string literals which represent the Generator Category Options.

MatchingRuleCategoryOptions = Literal['METHOD', 'method', 'PATH', 'path', 'HEADER', 'header', 'QUERY', 'query', 'BODY', 'body', 'STATUS', 'status', 'CONTENTS', 'contents', 'METADATA', 'metadata'] module-attribute

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) module-attribute


AsynchronousMessage(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = False)


CFFI data structure.



Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This determines whether the message should be freed when the Python object is destroyed.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


If the ptr is not a struct AsynchronousMessage.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = False) -> None:
    Initialise a new Asynchronous Message.

            CFFI data structure.

            Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This
            determines whether the message should be freed when the Python
            object is destroyed.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct AsynchronousMessage`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct AsynchronousMessage *":
        msg = (
            f"ptr must be a struct AsynchronousMessage, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr
    self._owned = owned


contents: MessageContents | None property

The contents of the message.

This may be None if the message has no contents.

description: str property

Description of this message interaction.

This needs to be unique in the pact file.


provider_states() -> GeneratorType[ProviderState, None, None]

Optional provider state for the interaction.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_states(self) -> GeneratorType[ProviderState, None, None]:
    Optional provider state for the interaction.
    yield from async_message_get_provider_state_iter(self)
    return  # Ensures that the parent object outlives the generator



Bases: Enum

Expression Value Type.

Rust ExpressionValueType


BOOLEAN = lib.ExpressionValueType_Boolean class-attribute instance-attribute
DECIMAL = lib.ExpressionValueType_Decimal class-attribute instance-attribute
INTEGER = lib.ExpressionValueType_Integer class-attribute instance-attribute
NUMBER = lib.ExpressionValueType_Number class-attribute instance-attribute
STRING = lib.ExpressionValueType_String class-attribute instance-attribute
UNKNOWN = lib.ExpressionValueType_Unknown class-attribute instance-attribute

Generator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct Generator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a generator value.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct Generator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct Generator *":
        msg = f"ptr must be a struct Generator, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


json: dict[str, Any] property

Dictionary representation of the generator.


generate_integer(context: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> int

Generate an integer from the generator.


JSON payload containing any generator context. For example:

  • The context for a ProviderStateGenerator should contain the values returned from the provider state callback function.

TYPE: dict[str, Any] | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generate_integer(self, context: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> int:
    Generate an integer from the generator.

            JSON payload containing any generator context. For example:

            -   The context for a `ProviderStateGenerator` should contain
                the values returned from the provider state callback
    return generator_generate_integer(self, json.dumps(context or {}))
generate_string(context: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> str

Generate a string from the generator.


JSON payload containing any generator context. For example:

  • The context for a MockServerURL generator should contain details about the running mock server.
  • The context for a ProviderStateGenerator should contain the values returned from the provider state callback function.

TYPE: dict[str, Any] | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generate_string(self, context: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> str:
    Generate a string from the generator.

            JSON payload containing any generator context. For example:

            -   The context for a `MockServerURL` generator should contain
                details about the running mock server.
            -   The context for a `ProviderStateGenerator` should contain
                the values returned from the provider state callback
    return generator_generate_string(self, json.dumps(context or {}))


Bases: Enum

Generator Category.

Rust GeneratorCategory


BODY = lib.GeneratorCategory_BODY class-attribute instance-attribute
HEADER = lib.GeneratorCategory_HEADER class-attribute instance-attribute
METADATA = lib.GeneratorCategory_METADATA class-attribute instance-attribute
METHOD = lib.GeneratorCategory_METHOD class-attribute instance-attribute
PATH = lib.GeneratorCategory_PATH class-attribute instance-attribute
QUERY = lib.GeneratorCategory_QUERY class-attribute instance-attribute
STATUS = lib.GeneratorCategory_STATUS class-attribute instance-attribute

GeneratorCategoryIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct GeneratorCategoryIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new generator category iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct GeneratorCategoryIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct GeneratorCategoryIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct GeneratorCategoryIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

GeneratorKeyValuePair(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct GeneratorKeyValuePair.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new key-value generator pair.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct GeneratorKeyValuePair`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct GeneratorKeyValuePair *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct GeneratorKeyValuePair, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


generator: Generator property

Generator value.

path: str property

Generator path.



InteractionHandle(ref: int)

Handle to a HTTP Interaction.

Rust InteractionHandle


Reference to the Interaction Handle.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ref: int) -> None:
    Initialise a new Interaction Handle.

            Reference to the Interaction Handle.
    self._ref: int = ref


Bases: Enum

Interaction Part.

Rust InteractionPart


REQUEST = lib.InteractionPart_Request class-attribute instance-attribute
RESPONSE = lib.InteractionPart_Response class-attribute instance-attribute


Bases: Enum

Level Filter.


DEBUG = lib.LevelFilter_Debug class-attribute instance-attribute
ERROR = lib.LevelFilter_Error class-attribute instance-attribute
INFO = lib.LevelFilter_Info class-attribute instance-attribute
OFF = lib.LevelFilter_Off class-attribute instance-attribute
TRACE = lib.LevelFilter_Trace class-attribute instance-attribute
WARN = lib.LevelFilter_Warn class-attribute instance-attribute

MatchingRule(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct MatchingRule.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new key-value generator pair.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct MatchingRule`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct MatchingRule *":
        msg = f"ptr must be a struct MatchingRule, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


json: dict[str, Any] property

Dictionary representation of the matching rule.


Bases: Enum

Matching Rule Category.

Rust MatchingRuleCategory


BODY = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_BODY class-attribute instance-attribute
CONTENTS = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_CONTENTS class-attribute instance-attribute
HEADER = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_HEADER class-attribute instance-attribute
METADATA = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_METADATA class-attribute instance-attribute
METHOD = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_METHOD class-attribute instance-attribute
PATH = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_PATH class-attribute instance-attribute
QUERY = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_QUERY class-attribute instance-attribute
STATUS = lib.MatchingRuleCategory_STATUS class-attribute instance-attribute

MatchingRuleCategoryIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct MatchingRuleCategoryIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new key-value generator pair.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct MatchingRuleCategoryIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct MatchingRuleCategoryIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct MatchingRuleCategoryIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr



MatchingRuleKeyValuePair(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct MatchingRuleKeyValuePair.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new key-value generator pair.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct MatchingRuleKeyValuePair`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct MatchingRuleKeyValuePair *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct MatchingRuleKeyValuePair, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


matching_rule: MatchingRule property

Matching Rule value.

path: str property

Matching Rule path.


MessageContents(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = True)


CFFI data structure.



Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This determines whether the message should be freed when the Python object is destroyed.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


If the ptr is not a struct MessageContents.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = True) -> None:
    Initialise a Message Contents.

            CFFI data structure.

            Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This
            determines whether the message should be freed when the Python
            object is destroyed.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct MessageContents`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct MessageContents *":
        msg = f"ptr must be a struct MessageContents, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr
    self._owned = owned


contents: str | bytes | None property

Get the contents of the message.

metadata: GeneratorType[MessageMetadataPair, None, None] property

Get the metadata for the message contents.


generators(category: GeneratorCategoryOptions | GeneratorCategory) -> GeneratorType[GeneratorKeyValuePair, None, None]

Get the generators for the message contents.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generators(
    category: GeneratorCategoryOptions | GeneratorCategory,
) -> GeneratorType[GeneratorKeyValuePair, None, None]:
    Get the generators for the message contents.
    if isinstance(category, str):
        category = GeneratorCategory(category.upper())
    yield from message_contents_get_generators_iter(self, category)
    return  # Ensures that the parent object outlives the generator
matching_rules(category: MatchingRuleCategoryOptions | MatchingRuleCategory) -> GeneratorType[MatchingRuleKeyValuePair, None, None]

Get the matching rules for the message contents.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rules(
    category: MatchingRuleCategoryOptions | MatchingRuleCategory,
) -> GeneratorType[MatchingRuleKeyValuePair, None, None]:
    Get the matching rules for the message contents.
    if isinstance(category, str):
        category = MatchingRuleCategory(category.upper())
    yield from message_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(self, category)
    return  # Ensures that the parent object outlives the generator

MessageMetadataIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over an interaction's metadata.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct MessageMetadataIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Message Metadata Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct MessageMetadataIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct MessageMetadataIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct MessageMetadataIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

MessageMetadataPair(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

A metadata key-value pair.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct MessageMetadataPair.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Message Metadata Pair.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct MessageMetadataPair`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct MessageMetadataPair *":
        msg = (
            f"ptr must be a struct MessageMetadataPair, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


key: str property

Metadata key.

value: str property

Metadata value.




OwnedString(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Bases: str

A string that owns its own memory.

This is used to ensure that the memory is freed when the string is destroyed.

As this is subclassed from str, it can be used in place of a normal string in most cases.


CFFI data structure.


Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Owned String.

            CFFI data structure.
    self._ptr = ptr
    s = ffi.string(ptr)
    self._string = s if isinstance(s, str) else s.decode("utf-8")


PactAsyncMessageIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over a Pact's asynchronous messages.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct PactAsyncMessageIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Pact Asynchronous Message Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct PactAsyncMessageIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct PactAsyncMessageIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct PactAsyncMessageIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

PactHandle(ref: int)

Handle to a Pact.

Rust PactHandle


Rust library reference to the Pact Handle.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ref: int) -> None:
    Initialise a new Pact Handle.

            Rust library reference to the Pact Handle.
    self._ref: int = ref


PactInteractionIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over a Pact's interactions.

Interactions encompasses all types of interactions, including HTTP interactions and messages.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct PactInteractionIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Pact Interaction Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct PactInteractionIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct PactInteractionIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct PactInteractionIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

PactServerHandle(ref: int)

Handle to a Pact Server.

This does not have an exact correspondence in the Rust library. It is used to manage the lifecycle of the mock server.

Implementation Notes

The Rust library uses the port number as a unique identifier, in much the same was as it uses a wrapped integer for the Pact handle.


Rust library reference to the Pact Server.

TYPE: int

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ref: int) -> None:
    Initialise a new Pact Server Handle.

            Rust library reference to the Pact Server.
    self._ref: int = ref


port: int property

Port on which the Pact Server is running.


Bases: Enum

Pact Specification.

Rust PactSpecification


UNKNOWN = lib.PactSpecification_Unknown class-attribute instance-attribute
V1 = lib.PactSpecification_V1 class-attribute instance-attribute
V1_1 = lib.PactSpecification_V1_1 class-attribute instance-attribute
V2 = lib.PactSpecification_V2 class-attribute instance-attribute
V3 = lib.PactSpecification_V3 class-attribute instance-attribute
V4 = lib.PactSpecification_V4 class-attribute instance-attribute


from_str(version: str) -> PactSpecification classmethod

Instantiate a Pact Specification from a string.

This method is case-insensitive, and allows for the version to be specified with or without a leading "V", and with either a dot or an underscore as the separator.


The version of the Pact Specification.

TYPE: str


The Pact Specification.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def from_str(cls, version: str) -> PactSpecification:
    Instantiate a Pact Specification from a string.

    This method is case-insensitive, and allows for the version to be
    specified with or without a leading "V", and with either a dot or an
    underscore as the separator.

            The version of the Pact Specification.

        The Pact Specification.
    version = version.upper().replace(".", "_")
    if version.startswith("V"):
        return cls[version]
    return cls["V" + version]

PactSyncHttpIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over a Pact's synchronous HTTP interactions.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct PactSyncHttpIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Pact Synchronous HTTP Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct PactSyncHttpIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct PactSyncHttpIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct PactSyncHttpIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

PactSyncMessageIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over a Pact's synchronous messages.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct PactSyncMessageIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Pact Synchronous Message Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct PactSyncMessageIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct PactSyncMessageIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct PactSyncMessageIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


ProviderState(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct ProviderState.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new ProviderState.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct ProviderState`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct ProviderState *":
        msg = f"ptr must be a struct ProviderState, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


name: str property

Provider State name.


parameters() -> GeneratorType[tuple[str, str], None, None]

Provider State parameters.

This is a generator that yields key-value pairs.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def parameters(self) -> GeneratorType[tuple[str, str], None, None]:
    Provider State parameters.

    This is a generator that yields key-value pairs.
    for p in provider_state_get_param_iter(self):
        yield p.key, p.value
    return  # Ensures that the parent object outlives the generator

ProviderStateIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over an interactions ProviderStates.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct ProviderStateIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Provider State Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct ProviderStateIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct ProviderStateIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct ProviderStateIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

ProviderStateParamIterator(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)

Iterator over a Provider States Parameters.


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct ProviderStateParamIterator.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Provider State Param Iterator.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct ProviderStateParamIterator`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct ProviderStateParamIterator *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct ProviderStateParamIterator, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr

ProviderStateParamPair(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData)


CFFI data structure.



If the ptr is not a struct ProviderStateParamPair.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new ProviderStateParamPair.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct ProviderStateParamPair`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct ProviderStateParamPair *":
        msg = (
            "ptr must be a struct ProviderStateParamPair, got"
            f" {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr


key: str property

Provider State Param key.

value: str property

Provider State Param value.

StringResult(cdata: cffi.FFI.CData)

String result.


CFFI data structure.



If the cdata is not a struct StringResult.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, cdata: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new String Result.

            CFFI data structure.

            If the `cdata` is not a `struct StringResult`.
    if ffi.typeof(cdata).cname != "struct StringResult":
        msg = f"cdata must be a struct StringResult, got {ffi.typeof(cdata).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._cdata = typing.cast("StringResult._StringResultCData", cdata)


is_failed: bool property

Whether the result is an error.

is_ok: bool property

Whether the result is ok.

text: str property

The text of the result.


raise_exception() -> None

Raise an exception with the text of the result.


If the result is an error.


If the result is an error.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def raise_exception(self) -> None:
    Raise an exception with the text of the result.

            If the result is an error.

            If the result is an error.
    if self.is_failed:
        raise RuntimeError(self.text)

SynchronousHttp(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = False)


CFFI data structure.



Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This determines whether the message should be freed when the Python object is destroyed.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


If the ptr is not a struct SynchronousHttp.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = False) -> None:
    Initialise a new Synchronous HTTP Interaction.

            CFFI data structure.

            Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This
            determines whether the message should be freed when the Python
            object is destroyed.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct SynchronousHttp`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct SynchronousHttp *":
        msg = f"ptr must be a struct SynchronousHttp, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr
    self._owned = owned


description: str property

Description of this message interaction.

This needs to be unique in the pact file.

request_contents: str | bytes | None property

The contents of the request.

response_contents: str | bytes | None property

The contents of the response.


provider_states() -> GeneratorType[ProviderState, None, None]

Optional provider state for the interaction.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_states(self) -> GeneratorType[ProviderState, None, None]:
    Optional provider state for the interaction.
    yield from sync_http_get_provider_state_iter(self)
    return  # Ensures that the parent object outlives the generator

SynchronousMessage(ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = False)


CFFI data structure.



Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This determines whether the message should be freed when the Python object is destroyed.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


If the ptr is not a struct SynchronousMessage.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ptr: cffi.FFI.CData, *, owned: bool = False) -> None:
    Initialise a new Synchronous Message.

            CFFI data structure.

            Whether the message is owned by something else or not. This
            determines whether the message should be freed when the Python
            object is destroyed.

            If the `ptr` is not a `struct SynchronousMessage`.
    if ffi.typeof(ptr).cname != "struct SynchronousMessage *":
        msg = (
            f"ptr must be a struct SynchronousMessage, got {ffi.typeof(ptr).cname}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    self._ptr = ptr
    self._owned = owned


description: str property

Description of this message interaction.

This needs to be unique in the pact file.

request_contents: MessageContents property

The contents of the message.

response_contents: GeneratorType[MessageContents, None, None] property

The contents of the responses.


provider_states() -> GeneratorType[ProviderState, None, None]

Optional provider state for the interaction.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_states(self) -> GeneratorType[ProviderState, None, None]:
    Optional provider state for the interaction.
    yield from sync_message_get_provider_state_iter(self)
    return  # Ensures that the parent object outlives the generator

VerifierHandle(ref: cffi.FFI.CData)

Handle to a Verifier.

Rust VerifierHandle


Rust library reference to the Verifier Handle.


Source code in src/pact/v3/
def __init__(self, ref: cffi.FFI.CData) -> None:
    Initialise a new Verifier Handle.

            Rust library reference to the Verifier Handle.
    self._ref = ref


add_text_comment(interaction: InteractionHandle, comment: str) -> None

Add a text comment to the interaction.

Rust pactffi_add_text_comment


Interaction handle to set the comments for.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


Comment value. This is a regular string value.

TYPE: str


If the comment could not be added.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def add_text_comment(interaction: InteractionHandle, comment: str) -> None:
    Add a text comment to the interaction.


            Interaction handle to set the comments for.

            Comment value. This is a regular string value.

            If the comment could not be added.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_add_text_comment(
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to add text comment for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

async_message_delete(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> None

Destroy the AsynchronousMessage being pointed to.

Rust pactffi_async_message_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_delete(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> None:
    Destroy the `AsynchronousMessage` being pointed to.

    [Rust `pactffi_async_message_delete`](

async_message_generate_contents(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> MessageContents | None

Get the message contents of an AsynchronousMessage as a MessageContents pointer.

This function differs from async_message_get_contents in that it will process the message contents for any generators or matchers that are present in the message in order to generate the actual message contents as would be received by the consumer.

Rust pactffi_async_message_generate_contents

If the message contents are missing, this function will return None.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_generate_contents(
    message: AsynchronousMessage,
) -> MessageContents | None:
    Get the message contents of an `AsynchronousMessage` as a `MessageContents` pointer.

    This function differs from `async_message_get_contents` in
    that it will process the message contents for any generators or matchers
    that are present in the message in order to generate the actual message
    contents as would be received by the consumer.


    If the message contents are missing, this function will return `None`.
    return MessageContents(

async_message_get_contents(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> MessageContents | None

Get the message contents of an AsynchronousMessage as a MessageContents pointer.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_contents

If the message contents are missing, this function will return None.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_contents(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> MessageContents | None:
    Get the message contents of an `AsynchronousMessage` as a `MessageContents` pointer.


    If the message contents are missing, this function will return `None`.
    return MessageContents(lib.pactffi_async_message_get_contents(message._ptr))

async_message_get_contents_bin(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> str

Get the contents of an AsynchronousMessage as bytes.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_contents_bin


The number of bytes in the buffer will be returned by pactffi_async_message_get_contents_length. It is safe to use the pointer while the message is not deleted or changed. Using the pointer after the message is mutated or deleted may lead to undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the message is missing, then this function also returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_contents_bin(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> str:
    Get the contents of an `AsynchronousMessage` as bytes.


    # Safety

    The number of bytes in the buffer will be returned by
    `pactffi_async_message_get_contents_length`. It is safe to use the pointer
    while the message is not deleted or changed. Using the pointer after the
    message is mutated or deleted may lead to undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the message is missing,
    then this function also returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

async_message_get_contents_length(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> int

Get the length of the contents of a AsynchronousMessage.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_contents_length


This function is safe.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns 0. If the body of the request is missing, then this function also returns 0.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_contents_length(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> int:
    Get the length of the contents of a `AsynchronousMessage`.


    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns 0. If the body of the request is missing,
    then this function also returns 0.
    raise NotImplementedError

async_message_get_contents_str(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> str

Get the message contents of an AsynchronousMessage in string form.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_contents_str


The returned string must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.

The returned string can outlive the message.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the message is missing, then this function also returns NULL. This means there's no mechanism to differentiate with this function call alone between a NULL message and a missing message body.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_contents_str(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> str:
    Get the message contents of an `AsynchronousMessage` in string form.

    [Rust `pactffi_async_message_get_contents_str`](

    # Safety

    The returned string must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    The returned string can outlive the message.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the message
    is missing, then this function also returns NULL. This means there's
    no mechanism to differentiate with this function call alone between
    a NULL message and a missing message body.
    raise NotImplementedError

async_message_get_description(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> str

Get a copy of the description.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_description


If the description cannot be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_description(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> str:
    Get a copy of the description.


            If the description cannot be retrieved.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_async_message_get_description(message._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Unable to get the description from the message."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

async_message_get_provider_state(message: AsynchronousMessage, index: int) -> ProviderState

Get a copy of the provider state at the given index from this message.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_provider_state


If the provider state cannot be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_provider_state(
    message: AsynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> ProviderState:
    Get a copy of the provider state at the given index from this message.


            If the provider state cannot be retrieved.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_async_message_get_provider_state(message._ptr, index)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Unable to get the provider state from the message."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return ProviderState(ptr)

async_message_get_provider_state_iter(message: AsynchronousMessage) -> ProviderStateIterator

Get an iterator over provider states.

Rust pactffi_async_message_get_provider_state_iter


The underlying data must not change during iteration.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_get_provider_state_iter(
    message: AsynchronousMessage,
) -> ProviderStateIterator:
    Get an iterator over provider states.

    [Rust `pactffi_async_message_get_provider_state_iter`](

    # Safety

    The underlying data must not change during iteration.
    return ProviderStateIterator(

async_message_new() -> AsynchronousMessage

Get a mutable pointer to a newly-created default message on the heap.

Rust pactffi_async_message_new


This function is safe.

Error Handling

Returns NULL on error.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_new() -> AsynchronousMessage:
    Get a mutable pointer to a newly-created default message on the heap.

    [Rust `pactffi_async_message_new`](

    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    Returns NULL on error.
    raise NotImplementedError

async_message_set_contents_bin(message: AsynchronousMessage, contents: str, len: int, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the contents of the message as an array of bytes.

Rust pactffi_async_message_set_contents_bin

  • message - the message to set the contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from
  • len - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The contents pointer must be valid for reads of len bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_set_contents_bin(
    message: AsynchronousMessage,
    contents: str,
    len: int,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the contents of the message as an array of bytes.


    * `message` - the message to set the contents for
    * `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from
    * `len` - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
    * `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The contents pointer must be valid for reads of `len` bytes, and it must be
    properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

async_message_set_contents_str(message: AsynchronousMessage, contents: str, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the contents of the message as a string.

Rust pactffi_async_message_set_contents_str

  • message - the message to set the contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_set_contents_str(
    message: AsynchronousMessage,
    contents: str,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the contents of the message as a string.


    - `message` - the message to set the contents for
    - `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid
      NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
    - `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point
    to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

async_message_set_description(message: AsynchronousMessage, description: str) -> int

Write the description field on the AsynchronousMessage.

Rust pactffi_async_message_set_description


description must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

This function will only reallocate if the new string does not fit in the existing buffer.

Error Handling

Errors will be reported with a non-zero return value.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def async_message_set_description(
    message: AsynchronousMessage,
    description: str,
) -> int:
    Write the `description` field on the `AsynchronousMessage`.

    [Rust `pactffi_async_message_set_description`](

    # Safety

    `description` must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8
    will be replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

    This function will only reallocate if the new string
    does not fit in the existing buffer.

    # Error Handling

    Errors will be reported with a non-zero return value.
    raise NotImplementedError

check_regex(regex: str, example: str) -> bool

Checks that the example string matches the given regex.

Rust pactffi_check_regex


Both the regex and example pointers must be valid pointers to NULL-terminated strings. Invalid pointers will result in undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def check_regex(regex: str, example: str) -> bool:
    Checks that the example string matches the given regex.


    # Safety

    Both the regex and example pointers must be valid pointers to
    NULL-terminated strings. Invalid pointers will result in undefined
    raise NotImplementedError

cleanup_mock_server(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> None

External interface to cleanup a mock server.

This function will try terminate the mock server with the given port number and cleanup any memory allocated for it.

Rust pactffi_cleanup_mock_server


Handle to the mock server to cleanup.

TYPE: PactServerHandle


If the mock server could not be cleaned up.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def cleanup_mock_server(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> None:
    External interface to cleanup a mock server.

    This function will try terminate the mock server with the given port number
    and cleanup any memory allocated for it.


            Handle to the mock server to cleanup.

            If the mock server could not be cleaned up.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_cleanup_mock_server(mock_server_handle._ref)
    if not success:
        msg = f"Could not cleanup mock server with port {mock_server_handle._ref}"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

cleanup_plugins(pact: PactHandle) -> None

Decrement the access count on any plugins that are loaded for the Pact.

This will shutdown any plugins that are no longer required (access count is zero).

Rust pactffi_cleanup_plugins

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def cleanup_plugins(pact: PactHandle) -> None:
    Decrement the access count on any plugins that are loaded for the Pact.

    This will shutdown any plugins that are no longer required (access count is


consumer_get_name(consumer: Consumer) -> str

Get a copy of this consumer's name.

Rust pactffi_consumer_get_name

The copy must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.


// Assuming `file_name` and `json_str` are already defined.

MessagePact *message_pact = pactffi_message_pact_new_from_json(file_name, json_str);
if (message_pact == NULLPTR) {
    // handle error.

Consumer *consumer = pactffi_message_pact_get_consumer(message_pact);
if (consumer == NULLPTR) {
    // handle error.

char *name = pactffi_consumer_get_name(consumer);
if (name == NULL) {
    // handle error.

printf("%s\n", name);



This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the Rust string contains an embedded NULL byte. In the case of error, a NULL pointer will be returned.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def consumer_get_name(consumer: Consumer) -> str:
    Get a copy of this consumer's name.

    [Rust `pactffi_consumer_get_name`](

    The copy must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    # Usage

    // Assuming `file_name` and `json_str` are already defined.

    MessagePact *message_pact = pactffi_message_pact_new_from_json(file_name, json_str);
    if (message_pact == NULLPTR) {
        // handle error.

    Consumer *consumer = pactffi_message_pact_get_consumer(message_pact);
    if (consumer == NULLPTR) {
        // handle error.

    char *name = pactffi_consumer_get_name(consumer);
    if (name == NULL) {
        // handle error.

    printf("%s\n", name);


    # Errors

    This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer,
    or the Rust string contains an embedded NULL byte.
    In the case of error, a NULL pointer will be returned.
    raise NotImplementedError

create_mock_server(pact_str: str, addr_str: str, *, tls: bool) -> int

[DEPRECATED] External interface to create a HTTP mock server.

A pointer to the pact JSON as a NULL-terminated C string is passed in, as well as the port for the mock server to run on. A value of 0 for the port will result in a port being allocated by the operating system. The port of the mock server is returned.

Rust pactffi_create_mock_server

  • pact_str - Pact JSON
  • addr_str - Address to bind to in the form name:port (i.e.
  • tls - boolean flag to indicate of the mock server should use TLS (using a self-signed certificate)

This function is deprecated and replaced with pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport.


Errors are returned as negative values.

Error Description
-1 A null pointer was received
-2 The pact JSON could not be parsed
-3 The mock server could not be started
-4 The method panicked
-5 The address is not valid
-6 Could not create the TLS configuration with the self-signed certificate
Source code in src/pact/v3/
def create_mock_server(pact_str: str, addr_str: str, *, tls: bool) -> int:
    [DEPRECATED] External interface to create a HTTP mock server.

    A pointer to the pact JSON as a NULL-terminated C string is passed in, as
    well as the port for the mock server to run on. A value of 0 for the port
    will result in a port being allocated by the operating system. The port of
    the mock server is returned.


    * `pact_str` - Pact JSON
    * `addr_str` - Address to bind to in the form name:port (i.e.
    * `tls` - boolean flag to indicate of the mock server should use TLS (using
      a self-signed certificate)

    This function is deprecated and replaced with

    # Errors

    Errors are returned as negative values.

    | Error | Description |
    | -1 | A null pointer was received |
    | -2 | The pact JSON could not be parsed |
    | -3 | The mock server could not be started |
    | -4 | The method panicked |
    | -5 | The address is not valid |
    | -6 | Could not create the TLS configuration with the self-signed certificate |
        "This function is deprecated, use create_mock_server_for_transport instead",
    raise NotImplementedError

create_mock_server_for_pact(pact: PactHandle, addr_str: str, *, tls: bool) -> int

[DEPRECATED] External interface to create a HTTP mock server.

A Pact handle is passed in, as well as the port for the mock server to run on. A value of 0 for the port will result in a port being allocated by the operating system. The port of the mock server is returned.

Rust pactffi_create_mock_server_for_pact

  • pact - Handle to a Pact model created with created with pactffi_new_pact.
  • addr_str - Address to bind to in the form name:port (i.e. Must be a valid UTF-8 NULL-terminated string.
  • tls - boolean flag to indicate of the mock server should use TLS (using a self-signed certificate)

This function is deprecated and replaced with pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport.


Errors are returned as negative values.

Error Description
-1 An invalid handle was received. Handles should be created with pactffi_new_pact
-3 The mock server could not be started
-4 The method panicked
-5 The address is not valid
-6 Could not create the TLS configuration with the self-signed certificate
Source code in src/pact/v3/
def create_mock_server_for_pact(pact: PactHandle, addr_str: str, *, tls: bool) -> int:
    [DEPRECATED] External interface to create a HTTP mock server.

    A Pact handle is passed in, as well as the port for the mock server to run
    on. A value of 0 for the port will result in a port being allocated by the
    operating system. The port of the mock server is returned.


    * `pact` - Handle to a Pact model created with created with
    * `addr_str` - Address to bind to in the form name:port (i.e.
      Must be a valid UTF-8 NULL-terminated string.
    * `tls` - boolean flag to indicate of the mock server should use TLS (using
      a self-signed certificate)

    This function is deprecated and replaced with

    # Errors

    Errors are returned as negative values.

    | Error | Description |
    | -1 | An invalid handle was received. Handles should be created with `pactffi_new_pact` |
    | -3 | The mock server could not be started |
    | -4 | The method panicked |
    | -5 | The address is not valid |
    | -6 | Could not create the TLS configuration with the self-signed certificate |
    """  # noqa: E501
        "This function is deprecated, use create_mock_server_for_transport instead",
    raise NotImplementedError

create_mock_server_for_transport(pact: PactHandle, addr: str, port: int, transport: str, transport_config: str | None) -> PactServerHandle

Create a mock server for the provided Pact handle and transport.

Rust pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport


Handle to the Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The address to bind to.

TYPE: str


The port number to bind to. A value of zero will result in the operating system allocating an available port.

TYPE: int


The transport to use (i.e. http, https, grpc). The underlying Pact library will interpret this, typically in a case-sensitive way.

TYPE: str


Configuration to be passed to the transport. This must be a valid JSON string, or None if not required.

TYPE: str | None


A handle to the mock server.


If the mock server could not be created. The error message will contain details of the error.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def create_mock_server_for_transport(
    pact: PactHandle,
    addr: str,
    port: int,
    transport: str,
    transport_config: str | None,
) -> PactServerHandle:
    Create a mock server for the provided Pact handle and transport.


            Handle to the Pact model.

            The address to bind to.

            The port number to bind to. A value of zero will result in the
            operating system allocating an available port.

            The transport to use (i.e. http, https, grpc). The underlying Pact
            library will interpret this, typically in a case-sensitive way.

            Configuration to be passed to the transport. This must be a valid
            JSON string, or `None` if not required.

        A handle to the mock server.

            If the mock server could not be created. The error message will
            contain details of the error.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_create_mock_server_for_transport(
        (transport_config.encode("utf-8") if transport_config else ffi.NULL),
    if ret > 0:
        return PactServerHandle(ret)

    if ret == -1:
        msg = f"An invalid Pact handle was received: {pact}."
    elif ret == -2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = "Invalid transport_config JSON."
    elif ret == -3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Pact mock server could not be started for {pact}."
    elif ret == -4:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Panick during Pact mock server creation for {pact}."
    elif ret == -5:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Address is invalid: {addr}."
        msg = f"An unknown error occurred during Pact mock server creation for {pact}."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

enable_ansi_support() -> None

Enable ANSI coloured output on Windows.

On non-Windows platforms, this function is a no-op.

Rust pactffi_enable_ansi_support


This function is safe.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def enable_ansi_support() -> None:
    Enable ANSI coloured output on Windows.

    On non-Windows platforms, this function is a no-op.


    # Safety

    This function is safe.
    raise NotImplementedError

fetch_log_buffer(log_id: str) -> str

Fetch the in-memory logger buffer contents.

Rust pactffi_fetch_log_buffer

This will only have any contents if the buffer sink has been configured to log to. The contents will be allocated on the heap and will need to be freed with pactffi_string_delete.

Fetches the logs associated with the provided identifier, or uses the "global" one if the identifier is not specified (i.e. NULL).

Returns a NULL pointer if the buffer can't be fetched. This can occur is there is not sufficient memory to make a copy of the contents or the buffer contains non-UTF-8 characters.


This function will fail if the log_id pointer is invalid or does not point to a NULL terminated string.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def fetch_log_buffer(log_id: str) -> str:
    Fetch the in-memory logger buffer contents.


    This will only have any contents if the `buffer` sink has been configured to
    log to. The contents will be allocated on the heap and will need to be freed
    with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    Fetches the logs associated with the provided identifier, or uses the
    "global" one if the identifier is not specified (i.e. NULL).

    Returns a NULL pointer if the buffer can't be fetched. This can occur is
    there is not sufficient memory to make a copy of the contents or the buffer
    contains non-UTF-8 characters.

    # Safety

    This function will fail if the log_id pointer is invalid or does not point
    to a NULL terminated string.
    raise NotImplementedError

free_pact_handle(pact: PactHandle) -> None

Delete a Pact handle and free the resources used by it.

Rust pactffi_free_pact_handle


If the handle could not be freed.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def free_pact_handle(pact: PactHandle) -> None:
    Delete a Pact handle and free the resources used by it.


            If the handle could not be freed.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_free_pact_handle(pact._ref)
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = f"{pact} is not valid or does not refer to a valid Pact."
        msg = f"There was an unknown error freeing {pact}."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

free_string(s: str) -> None

[DEPRECATED] Frees the memory allocated to a string by another function.

Rust pactffi_free_string

This function is deprecated. Use pactffi_string_delete instead.


The string pointer can be NULL (which is a no-op), but if it is not a valid pointer the call will result in undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def free_string(s: str) -> None:
    [DEPRECATED] Frees the memory allocated to a string by another function.


    This function is deprecated. Use `pactffi_string_delete` instead.

    # Safety

    The string pointer can be NULL (which is a no-op), but if it is not a valid
    pointer the call will result in undefined behaviour.
        "This function is deprecated, use string_delete instead",
    raise NotImplementedError

generate_datetime_string(format: str) -> StringResult

Generates a datetime value from the provided format string.

This uses the current system date and time NOTE: The memory for the returned string needs to be freed with the pactffi_string_delete function

Rust pactffi_generate_datetime_string


If the format string pointer is NULL or has invalid UTF-8 characters, an error result will be returned. If the format string pointer is not a valid pointer or is not a NULL-terminated string, this will lead to undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generate_datetime_string(format: str) -> StringResult:
    Generates a datetime value from the provided format string.

    This uses the current system date and time NOTE: The memory for the returned
    string needs to be freed with the `pactffi_string_delete` function


    # Safety

    If the format string pointer is NULL or has invalid UTF-8 characters, an
    error result will be returned. If the format string pointer is not a valid
    pointer or is not a NULL-terminated string, this will lead to undefined
    raise NotImplementedError

generate_regex_value(regex: str) -> StringResult

Generates an example string based on the provided regex.

NOTE: The memory for the returned string needs to be freed with the pactffi_string_delete function.

Rust pactffi_generate_regex_value


The regex pointer must be a valid pointer to a NULL-terminated string. Invalid pointers will result in undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generate_regex_value(regex: str) -> StringResult:
    Generates an example string based on the provided regex.

    NOTE: The memory for the returned string needs to be freed with the
    `pactffi_string_delete` function.


    # Safety

    The regex pointer must be a valid pointer to a NULL-terminated string.
    Invalid pointers will result in undefined behaviour.
    raise NotImplementedError

generator_generate_integer(generator: Generator, context_json: str) -> int

Generate an integer value using the provided generator.

An optional JSON payload containing any generator context can be given. The context value is used for generators like ProviderStateGenerator (which should be the values returned from the Provider State callback function).

Rust pactffi_generator_generate_integer

If anything goes wrong or the generator is not a type that can generate an integer value, it will return a zero value.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generator_generate_integer(generator: Generator, context_json: str) -> int:
    Generate an integer value using the provided generator.

    An optional JSON payload containing any generator context can be given. The
    context value is used for generators like `ProviderStateGenerator` (which
    should be the values returned from the Provider State callback function).


    If anything goes wrong or the generator is not a type that can generate an
    integer value, it will return a zero value.
    return lib.pactffi_generator_generate_integer(

generator_generate_string(generator: Generator, context_json: str) -> str

Generate a string value using the provided generator.

An optional JSON payload containing any generator context ca be given. The context value is used for generators like MockServerURL (which should contain details about the running mock server) and ProviderStateGenerator (which should be the values returned from the Provider State callback function).

Rust pactffi_generator_generate_string

If anything goes wrong, it will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generator_generate_string(generator: Generator, context_json: str) -> str:
    Generate a string value using the provided generator.

    An optional JSON payload containing any generator context ca be given. The
    context value is used for generators like `MockServerURL` (which should
    contain details about the running mock server) and `ProviderStateGenerator`
    (which should be the values returned from the Provider State callback


    If anything goes wrong, it will return a NULL pointer.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_generator_generate_string(
    s = ffi.string(ptr)
    if isinstance(s, bytes):
        s = s.decode("utf-8")
    return s

generator_to_json(generator: Generator) -> str

Get the JSON form of the generator.

Rust pactffi_generator_to_json

The returned string must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.


This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the owner of the generator has been deleted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generator_to_json(generator: Generator) -> str:
    Get the JSON form of the generator.


    The returned string must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    # Safety

    This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the owner of the
    generator has been deleted.
    return OwnedString(lib.pactffi_generator_to_json(generator._ptr))

generators_iter_delete(iter: GeneratorCategoryIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_generators_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generators_iter_delete(iter: GeneratorCategoryIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.


generators_iter_next(iter: GeneratorCategoryIterator) -> GeneratorKeyValuePair

Get the next path and generator out of the iterator, if possible.

Rust pactffi_generators_iter_next

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_generator_iter_pair_delete.


If the iterator has reached the end.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generators_iter_next(iter: GeneratorCategoryIterator) -> GeneratorKeyValuePair:
    Get the next path and generator out of the iterator, if possible.


    The returned pointer must be deleted with

            If the iterator has reached the end.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_generators_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return GeneratorKeyValuePair(ptr)

generators_iter_pair_delete(pair: GeneratorKeyValuePair) -> None

Free a pair of key and value returned from pactffi_generators_iter_next.

Rust pactffi_generators_iter_pair_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def generators_iter_pair_delete(pair: GeneratorKeyValuePair) -> None:
    Free a pair of key and value returned from `pactffi_generators_iter_next`.


get_error_message(length: int = 1024) -> str | None

Provide the error message from LAST_ERROR to the calling C code.

Rust pactffi_get_error_message

This function should be called after any other function in the pact_matching FFI indicates a failure with its own error message, if the caller wants to get more context on why the error happened.

Do note that this error-reporting mechanism only reports the top-level error message, not any source information embedded in the original Rust error type. If you want more detailed information for debugging purposes, use the logging interface.


The length of the buffer to allocate for the error message. If the error message is longer than this, it will be truncated.

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 1024

str | None

A string containing the error message, or None if there is no error

str | None



If the error message could not be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def get_error_message(length: int = 1024) -> str | None:
    Provide the error message from `LAST_ERROR` to the calling C code.


    This function should be called after any other function in the pact_matching
    FFI indicates a failure with its own error message, if the caller wants to
    get more context on why the error happened.

    Do note that this error-reporting mechanism only reports the top-level error
    message, not any source information embedded in the original Rust error
    type. If you want more detailed information for debugging purposes, use the
    logging interface.

            The length of the buffer to allocate for the error message. If the
            error message is longer than this, it will be truncated.

        A string containing the error message, or None if there is no error

            If the error message could not be retrieved.
    buffer ="char[]", length)
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_get_error_message(buffer, length)

    if ret >= 0:
        # While the documentation says that the return value is the number of bytes
        # written, the actually return value is always 0 on success.
        if msg := ffi.string(buffer):
            if isinstance(msg, bytes):
                return msg.decode("utf-8")
            return msg
        return None
    if ret == -1:
        msg = "The provided buffer is a null pointer."
    elif ret == -2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        # Instead of returning an error here, we call the function again with a
        # larger buffer.
        return get_error_message(length * 32)
    elif ret == -3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = "The write failed for some other reason."
    elif ret == -4:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = "The error message had an interior NULL."
        msg = "An unknown error occurred."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

get_tls_ca_certificate() -> OwnedString

Fetch the CA Certificate used to generate the self-signed certificate.

Rust pactffi_get_tls_ca_certificate

NOTE: The string for the result is allocated on the heap, and will have to be freed by the caller using pactffi_string_delete.


An empty string indicates an error reading the pem file.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def get_tls_ca_certificate() -> OwnedString:
    Fetch the CA Certificate used to generate the self-signed certificate.


    **NOTE:** The string for the result is allocated on the heap, and will have
    to be freed by the caller using pactffi_string_delete.

    # Errors

    An empty string indicates an error reading the pem file.
    return OwnedString(lib.pactffi_get_tls_ca_certificate())

given(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: str) -> None

Adds a provider state to the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_given


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The provider state description. It needs to be unique.

TYPE: str


If the provider state could not be specified.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def given(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: str) -> None:
    Adds a provider state to the Interaction.


            Handle to the Interaction.

            The provider state description. It needs to be unique.

            If the provider state could not be specified.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_given(interaction._ref, description.encode("utf-8"))
    if not success:
        msg = "The provider state could not be specified."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

given_with_param(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: str, name: str, value: str) -> None

Adds a parameter key and value to a provider state to the Interaction.

If the provider state does not exist, a new one will be created, otherwise the parameter will be merged into the existing one. The parameter value will be parsed as JSON.

Rust pactffi_given_with_param


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The provider state description.

TYPE: str


Parameter name.

TYPE: str


Parameter value as JSON.

TYPE: str


If the interaction state could not be updated.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def given_with_param(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    description: str,
    name: str,
    value: str,
) -> None:
    Adds a parameter key and value to a provider state to the Interaction.

    If the provider state does not exist, a new one will be created, otherwise
    the parameter will be merged into the existing one. The parameter value will
    be parsed as JSON.


            Handle to the Interaction.

            The provider state description.

            Parameter name.

            Parameter value as JSON.

            If the interaction state could not be updated.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_given_with_param(
    if not success:
        msg = "The interaction state could not be updated."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

given_with_params(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: str, params: str) -> None

Adds a provider state to the Interaction.

If the params is not an JSON object, it will add it as a single parameter with a value key.

Rust pactffi_given_with_params


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The provider state description.

TYPE: str


Parameter values as a JSON fragment.

TYPE: str


If the interaction state could not be updated.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def given_with_params(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    description: str,
    params: str,
) -> None:
    Adds a provider state to the Interaction.

    If the params is not an JSON object, it will add it as a single parameter
    with a `value` key.


            Handle to the Interaction.

            The provider state description.

            Parameter values as a JSON fragment.

            If the interaction state could not be updated.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_given_with_params(
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = "The interaction state could not be updated."
    elif ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Internal error: {get_error_message()}"
    elif ret == 3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = "Invalid C string."
        msg = "Unknown error."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

handle_get_pact_spec_version(handle: PactHandle) -> PactSpecification

Fetches the Pact specification version for the given Pact model.

Rust pactffi_handle_get_pact_spec_version


Handle to a Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The spec version for the Pact model.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def handle_get_pact_spec_version(handle: PactHandle) -> PactSpecification:
    Fetches the Pact specification version for the given Pact model.


            Handle to a Pact model.

        The spec version for the Pact model.
    return PactSpecification(lib.pactffi_handle_get_pact_spec_version(handle._ref))

init(log_env_var: str) -> None

Initialise the mock server library.

This can provide an environment variable name to use to set the log levels. This function should only be called once, as it tries to install a global tracing subscriber.

Rust pactffi_init


log_env_var must be a valid NULL terminated UTF-8 string.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def init(log_env_var: str) -> None:
    Initialise the mock server library.

    This can provide an environment variable name to use to set the log levels.
    This function should only be called once, as it tries to install a global
    tracing subscriber.


    # Safety

    log_env_var must be a valid NULL terminated UTF-8 string.
    raise NotImplementedError

init_with_log_level(level: str = 'INFO') -> None

Initialises logging, and sets the log level explicitly.

This function should only be called once, as it tries to install a global tracing subscriber.

Rust pactffi_init_with_log_level


One of TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE/OFF. Case-insensitive.



Exported functions are inherently unsafe.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def init_with_log_level(level: str = "INFO") -> None:
    Initialises logging, and sets the log level explicitly.

    This function should only be called once, as it tries to install a global
    tracing subscriber.


            One of TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE/OFF. Case-insensitive.

    # Safety

    Exported functions are inherently unsafe.
    raise NotImplementedError

interaction_contents(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, content_type: str, contents: str) -> None

Setup the interaction part using a plugin.

The contents is a JSON string that will be passed on to the plugin to configure the interaction part. Refer to the plugin documentation on the format of the JSON contents.

Rust pactffi_interaction_contents


Handle to the interaction to configure.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to configure (request or response). It is ignored for messages.

TYPE: InteractionPart


Mime type of the contents.

TYPE: str


JSON contents that gets passed to the plugin.

TYPE: str


If the interaction could not be configured

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def interaction_contents(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    content_type: str,
    contents: str,
) -> None:
    Setup the interaction part using a plugin.

    The contents is a JSON string that will be passed on to the plugin to
    configure the interaction part. Refer to the plugin documentation on the
    format of the JSON contents.


            Handle to the interaction to configure.

            The part of the interaction to configure (request or response). It
            is ignored for messages.

            Mime type of the contents.

            JSON contents that gets passed to the plugin.

            If the interaction could not be configured
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_interaction_contents(
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = f"A general panic was caught: {get_error_message()}"
    if ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = "The mock server has already been started."
    if ret == 3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The interaction handle {interaction} is invalid."
    if ret == 4:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The content type {content_type} is not valid."
    if ret == 5:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = "The content is not valid JSON."
    if ret == 6:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The plugin returned an error: {get_error_message()}"
        msg = f"There was an unknown error configuring the interaction: {ret}"
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

interaction_test_name(interaction: InteractionHandle, test_name: str) -> None

Sets the test name annotation for the interaction.

This allows capturing the name of the test as metadata. This can only be used with V4 interactions.

Rust pactffi_interaction_test_name


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The test name to set.

TYPE: str


If the test name can not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def interaction_test_name(interaction: InteractionHandle, test_name: str) -> None:
    Sets the test name annotation for the interaction.

    This allows capturing the name of the test as metadata. This can only be
    used with V4 interactions.


            Handle to the Interaction.

            The test name to set.

            If the test name can not be set.

    ret: int = lib.pactffi_interaction_test_name(
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = f"Function panicked: {get_error_message()}"
    elif ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Invalid handle: {interaction}."
    elif ret == 3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Mock server for {interaction} has already started."
    elif ret == 4:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Interaction {interaction} is not a V4 interaction."
        msg = f"Unknown error setting test name for {interaction}."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

log_message(message: str, log_level: LevelFilter | str = LevelFilter.ERROR, source: str | None = None) -> None

Log using the shared core logging facility.

Rust pactffi_log_message

This is useful for callers to have a single set of logs.


The contents written to the log

TYPE: str


The verbosity at which this message should be logged.

TYPE: LevelFilter | str DEFAULT: ERROR


The source of the log, such as the class, module or caller.

TYPE: str | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def log_message(
    message: str,
    log_level: LevelFilter | str = LevelFilter.ERROR,
    source: str | None = None,
) -> None:
    Log using the shared core logging facility.


    This is useful for callers to have a single set of logs.

            The contents written to the log

            The verbosity at which this message should be logged.

            The source of the log, such as the class, module or caller.
    if isinstance(log_level, str):
        log_level = LevelFilter[log_level.upper()]
    if source is None:
        import inspect

        source = inspect.stack()[1].function

log_to_buffer(level_filter: LevelFilter | str = LevelFilter.ERROR) -> None

Convenience function to direct all logging to a task local memory buffer.

Rust pactffi_log_to_buffer


If there was an error setting the logger.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def log_to_buffer(level_filter: LevelFilter | str = LevelFilter.ERROR) -> None:
    Convenience function to direct all logging to a task local memory buffer.

    [Rust `pactffi_log_to_buffer`](

            If there was an error setting the logger.
    if isinstance(level_filter, str):
        level_filter = LevelFilter[level_filter.upper()]
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_log_to_buffer(level_filter.value)
    if ret != 0:
        msg = "There was an unknown error setting the logger."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

log_to_file(file_name: str, level_filter: LevelFilter) -> int

Convenience function to direct all logging to a file.

Rust pactffi_log_to_file


This function will fail if the file_name pointer is invalid or does not point to a NULL terminated string.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def log_to_file(file_name: str, level_filter: LevelFilter) -> int:
    Convenience function to direct all logging to a file.


    # Safety

    This function will fail if the file_name pointer is invalid or does not
    point to a NULL terminated string.
    raise NotImplementedError

log_to_stderr(level_filter: LevelFilter | str = LevelFilter.ERROR) -> None

Convenience function to direct all logging to stderr.

Rust pactffi_log_to_stderr


The level of logs to filter to. If a string is given, it must match one of the LevelFilter values (case insensitive).

TYPE: LevelFilter | str DEFAULT: ERROR


If there was an error setting the logger.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def log_to_stderr(level_filter: LevelFilter | str = LevelFilter.ERROR) -> None:
    Convenience function to direct all logging to stderr.


            The level of logs to filter to. If a string is given, it must match
            one of the [`LevelFilter`][pact.v3.ffi.LevelFilter] values (case

            If there was an error setting the logger.
    if isinstance(level_filter, str):
        level_filter = LevelFilter[level_filter.upper()]
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_log_to_stderr(level_filter.value)
    if ret != 0:
        msg = "There was an unknown error setting the logger."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

log_to_stdout(level_filter: LevelFilter) -> int

Convenience function to direct all logging to stdout.

Rust pactffi_log_to_stdout

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def log_to_stdout(level_filter: LevelFilter) -> int:
    Convenience function to direct all logging to stdout.

    [Rust `pactffi_log_to_stdout`](
    raise NotImplementedError

logger_apply() -> int

Apply the previously configured sinks and levels to the program.

Rust pactffi_logger_apply

If no sinks have been setup, will set the log level to info and the target to standard out.

This function will install a global tracing subscriber. Any attempts to modify the logger after the call to logger_apply will fail.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def logger_apply() -> int:
    Apply the previously configured sinks and levels to the program.


    If no sinks have been setup, will set the log level to info and the target
    to standard out.

    This function will install a global tracing subscriber. Any attempts to
    modify the logger after the call to `logger_apply` will fail.
    raise NotImplementedError

logger_attach_sink(sink_specifier: str, level_filter: LevelFilter) -> int

Attach an additional sink to the thread-local logger.

Rust pactffi_logger_attach_sink

This logger does nothing until pactffi_logger_apply has been called.

Types of sinks can be specified:

  • stdout (pactffi_logger_attach_sink("stdout", LevelFilter_Info))
  • stderr (pactffi_logger_attach_sink("stderr", LevelFilter_Debug))
  • file w/ file path (pactffi_logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", LevelFilter_Trace))
  • buffer (pactffi_logger_attach_sink("buffer", LevelFilter_Debug))


int result = pactffi_logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", LogLevel_Filter);

Error Handling

The return error codes are as follows:

  • -1: Can't set logger (applying the logger failed, perhaps because one is applied already).
  • -2: No logger has been initialized (call pactffi_logger_init before any other log function).
  • -3: The sink specifier was not UTF-8 encoded.
  • -4: The sink type specified is not a known type (known types: "stdout", "stderr", or "file /some/path").
  • -5: No file path was specified in a file-type sink specification.
  • -6: Opening a sink to the specified file path failed (check permissions).


This function checks the validity of the passed-in sink specifier, and errors out if the specifier isn't valid UTF-8. Passing in an invalid or NULL pointer will result in undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def logger_attach_sink(sink_specifier: str, level_filter: LevelFilter) -> int:
    Attach an additional sink to the thread-local logger.


    This logger does nothing until `pactffi_logger_apply` has been called.

    Types of sinks can be specified:

    - stdout (`pactffi_logger_attach_sink("stdout", LevelFilter_Info)`)
    - stderr (`pactffi_logger_attach_sink("stderr", LevelFilter_Debug)`)
    - file w/ file path (`pactffi_logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path",
    - buffer (`pactffi_logger_attach_sink("buffer", LevelFilter_Debug)`)

    # Usage

    int result = pactffi_logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", LogLevel_Filter);

    # Error Handling

    The return error codes are as follows:

    - `-1`: Can't set logger (applying the logger failed, perhaps because one is
      applied already).
    - `-2`: No logger has been initialized (call `pactffi_logger_init` before
      any other log function).
    - `-3`: The sink specifier was not UTF-8 encoded.
    - `-4`: The sink type specified is not a known type (known types: "stdout",
      "stderr", or "file /some/path").
    - `-5`: No file path was specified in a file-type sink specification.
    - `-6`: Opening a sink to the specified file path failed (check

    # Safety

    This function checks the validity of the passed-in sink specifier, and
    errors out if the specifier isn't valid UTF-8. Passing in an invalid or NULL
    pointer will result in undefined behaviour.
    raise NotImplementedError

logger_init() -> None

Initialize the FFI logger with no sinks.

Rust pactffi_logger_init

This initialized logger does nothing until pactffi_logger_apply has been called.




This function is always safe to call.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def logger_init() -> None:
    Initialize the FFI logger with no sinks.

    [Rust `pactffi_logger_init`](

    This initialized logger does nothing until `pactffi_logger_apply` has been called.

    # Usage


    # Safety

    This function is always safe to call.
    raise NotImplementedError

matcher_definition_delete(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> None

Frees the memory used by the result of parsing the matching definition expression.

Rust pactffi_matcher_definition_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matcher_definition_delete(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> None:
    Frees the memory used by the result of parsing the matching definition expression.

    [Rust `pactffi_matcher_definition_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

matcher_definition_error(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> str

Returns any error message from parsing a matching definition expression.

If there is no error, it will return a NULL pointer, otherwise returns the error message as a NULL-terminated string. The returned string must be freed using the pactffi_string_delete function once done with it.

Rust pactffi_matcher_definition_error

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matcher_definition_error(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> str:
    Returns any error message from parsing a matching definition expression.

    If there is no error, it will return a NULL pointer, otherwise returns the
    error message as a NULL-terminated string. The returned string must be freed
    using the `pactffi_string_delete` function once done with it.

    raise NotImplementedError

matcher_definition_generator(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> Generator

Returns the generator from parsing a matching definition expression.

If there was an error or there is no associated generator, it will return a NULL pointer, otherwise returns the generator as a pointer.

Rust pactffi_matcher_definition_generator

The generator pointer will be a valid pointer as long as pactffi_matcher_definition_delete has not been called on the definition. Using the generator pointer after the definition has been deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matcher_definition_generator(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> Generator:
    Returns the generator from parsing a matching definition expression.

    If there was an error or there is no associated generator, it will return a
    NULL pointer, otherwise returns the generator as a pointer.


    The generator pointer will be a valid pointer as long as
    `pactffi_matcher_definition_delete` has not been called on the definition.
    Using the generator pointer after the definition has been deleted will
    result in undefined behaviour.
    raise NotImplementedError

matcher_definition_iter(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> MatchingRuleIterator

Returns an iterator over the matching rules from the parsed definition.

The iterator needs to be deleted with the pactffi_matching_rule_iter_delete function once done with it.

Rust pactffi_matcher_definition_iter

If there was an error parsing the expression, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matcher_definition_iter(
    definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult,
) -> MatchingRuleIterator:
    Returns an iterator over the matching rules from the parsed definition.

    The iterator needs to be deleted with the
    `pactffi_matching_rule_iter_delete` function once done with it.


    If there was an error parsing the expression, this function will return a
    NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

matcher_definition_value(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> str

Returns the value from parsing a matching definition expression.

If there was an error, it will return a NULL pointer, otherwise returns the value as a NULL-terminated string. The returned string must be freed using the pactffi_string_delete function once done with it.

Rust pactffi_matcher_definition_value

Note that different expressions values can have types other than a string. Use pactffi_matcher_definition_value_type to get the actual type of the value. This function will always return the string representation of the value.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matcher_definition_value(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> str:
    Returns the value from parsing a matching definition expression.

    If there was an error, it will return a NULL pointer, otherwise returns the
    value as a NULL-terminated string. The returned string must be freed using
    the `pactffi_string_delete` function once done with it.


    Note that different expressions values can have types other than a string.
    Use `pactffi_matcher_definition_value_type` to get the actual type of the
    value. This function will always return the string representation of the
    raise NotImplementedError

matcher_definition_value_type(definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult) -> ExpressionValueType

Returns the type of the value from parsing a matching definition expression.

If there was an error parsing the expression, it will return Unknown.

Rust pactffi_matcher_definition_value_type

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matcher_definition_value_type(
    definition: MatchingRuleDefinitionResult,
) -> ExpressionValueType:
    Returns the type of the value from parsing a matching definition expression.

    If there was an error parsing the expression, it will return Unknown.

    raise NotImplementedError

matches_binary_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: str, expected_value_len: int, actual_value: str, actual_value_len: int, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the binary value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_binary_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get
  • expected_value_len - length of the expected value bytes
  • actual_value - value to match
  • actual_value_len - length of the actual value bytes
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule, expected value and actual value pointers must be a valid pointers. expected_value_len and actual_value_len must contain the number of bytes that the value pointers point to. Passing invalid lengths can lead to undefined behaviour.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_binary_value(  # noqa: PLR0913
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: str,
    expected_value_len: int,
    actual_value: str,
    actual_value_len: int,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the binary value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get
    * expected_value_len - length of the expected value bytes
    * actual_value - value to match
    * actual_value_len - length of the actual value bytes
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule, expected value and actual value pointers must be a valid
    pointers. expected_value_len and actual_value_len must contain the number of
    bytes that the value pointers point to. Passing invalid lengths can lead to
    undefined behaviour.
    raise NotImplementedError

matches_bool_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: int, actual_value: int, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the boolean value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_bool_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get, 0 == false and 1 == true
  • actual_value - value to match, 0 == false and 1 == true
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_bool_value(
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: int,
    actual_value: int,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the boolean value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get, 0 == false and 1 == true
    * actual_value - value to match, 0 == false and 1 == true
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

matches_f64_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: float, actual_value: float, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the floating point value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_f64_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get
  • actual_value - value to match
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_f64_value(
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: float,
    actual_value: float,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the floating point value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get
    * actual_value - value to match
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

matches_i64_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: int, actual_value: int, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the signed integer value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_i64_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get
  • actual_value - value to match
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_i64_value(
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: int,
    actual_value: int,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the signed integer value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get
    * actual_value - value to match
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

matches_json_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: str, actual_value: str, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the JSON value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_json_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get as a NULL terminated string
  • actual_value - value to match as a NULL terminated string
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer, and the value parameters must be valid pointers to a NULL terminated strings.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_json_value(
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: str,
    actual_value: str,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the JSON value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get as a NULL terminated string
    * actual_value - value to match as a NULL terminated string
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer, and the value parameters
    must be valid pointers to a NULL terminated strings.
    raise NotImplementedError

matches_string_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: str, actual_value: str, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the string value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_string_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get as a NULL terminated string
  • actual_value - value to match as a NULL terminated string
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer, and the value parameters must be valid pointers to a NULL terminated strings.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_string_value(
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: str,
    actual_value: str,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the string value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get as a NULL terminated string
    * actual_value - value to match as a NULL terminated string
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer, and the value parameters
    must be valid pointers to a NULL terminated strings.
    raise NotImplementedError

matches_u64_value(matching_rule: MatchingRule, expected_value: int, actual_value: int, cascaded: int) -> OwnedString

Determines if the unsigned integer value matches the given matching rule.

If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error message pointer will need to be deleted with the pactffi_string_delete function once it is no longer required.

Rust pactffi_matches_u64_value

  • matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
  • expected_value - value we expect to get
  • actual_value - value to match
  • cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 == false, 1 == true


The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matches_u64_value(
    matching_rule: MatchingRule,
    expected_value: int,
    actual_value: int,
    cascaded: int,
) -> OwnedString:
    Determines if the unsigned integer value matches the given matching rule.

    If the value matches OK, will return a NULL pointer. If the value does not
    match, will return a error message as a NULL terminated string. The error
    message pointer will need to be deleted with the `pactffi_string_delete`
    function once it is no longer required.


    * matching_rule - pointer to a matching rule
    * expected_value - value we expect to get
    * actual_value - value to match
    * cascaded - if the matching rule has been cascaded from a parent. 0 ==
      false, 1 == true

    # Safety

    The matching rule pointer must be a valid pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rule_id(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> int

Return the ID of the matching rule.

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_id

The ID corresponds to the following rules:

Rule ID
Equality 1
Regex 2
Type 3
MinType 4
MaxType 5
MinMaxType 6
Timestamp 7
Time 8
Date 9
Include 10
Number 11
Integer 12
Decimal 13
Null 14
ContentType 15
ArrayContains 16
Values 17
Boolean 18
StatusCode 19
NotEmpty 20
Semver 21
EachKey 22
EachValue 23


This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid pointer and the iterator has not been deleted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_id(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> int:
    Return the ID of the matching rule.


    The ID corresponds to the following rules:

    | Rule | ID |
    | ---- | -- |
    | Equality | 1 |
    | Regex | 2 |
    | Type | 3 |
    | MinType | 4 |
    | MaxType | 5 |
    | MinMaxType | 6 |
    | Timestamp | 7 |
    | Time | 8 |
    | Date | 9 |
    | Include | 10 |
    | Number | 11 |
    | Integer | 12 |
    | Decimal | 13 |
    | Null | 14 |
    | ContentType | 15 |
    | ArrayContains | 16 |
    | Values | 17 |
    | Boolean | 18 |
    | StatusCode | 19 |
    | NotEmpty | 20 |
    | Semver | 21 |
    | EachKey | 22 |
    | EachValue | 23 |

    # Safety

    This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid
    pointer and the iterator has not been deleted.
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rule_iter_delete(iter: MatchingRuleIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_iter_delete(iter: MatchingRuleIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.

    [Rust `pactffi_matching_rule_iter_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rule_iter_next(iter: MatchingRuleIterator) -> MatchingRuleResult

Get the next matching rule or reference from the iterator.

As the values returned are owned by the iterator, they do not need to be deleted but will be cleaned up when the iterator is deleted.

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_iter_next

Will return a NULL pointer when the iterator has advanced past the end of the list.


This function is safe.

Error Handling

This function will return a NULL pointer if passed a NULL pointer or if an error occurs.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_iter_next(iter: MatchingRuleIterator) -> MatchingRuleResult:
    Get the next matching rule or reference from the iterator.

    As the values returned are owned by the iterator, they do not need to be
    deleted but will be cleaned up when the iterator is deleted.


    Will return a NULL pointer when the iterator has advanced past the end of
    the list.

    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    This function will return a NULL pointer if passed a NULL pointer or if an
    error occurs.
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rule_pointer(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> MatchingRule

Returns the matching rule pointer for the matching rule.

Will return a NULL pointer if the matching rule result was a reference.

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_pointer


This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid pointer and the iterator it came from has not been deleted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_pointer(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> MatchingRule:
    Returns the matching rule pointer for the matching rule.

    Will return a NULL pointer if the matching rule result was a reference.


    # Safety

    This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid
    pointer and the iterator it came from has not been deleted.
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rule_reference_name(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> str

Return any matching rule reference to a attribute by name.

This is when the matcher should be configured to match the type of a structure. I.e.,

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_reference_name

  "pact:match": "eachValue(matching($'person'))",
  "person": {
    "name": "Fred",
    "age": 100

Will return a NULL pointer if the matching rule was not a reference.


This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid pointer and the iterator has not been deleted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_reference_name(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> str:
    Return any matching rule reference to a attribute by name.

    This is when the matcher should be configured to match the type of a
    structure. I.e.,


      "pact:match": "eachValue(matching($'person'))",
      "person": {
        "name": "Fred",
        "age": 100

    Will return a NULL pointer if the matching rule was not a reference.

    # Safety

    This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid
    pointer and the iterator has not been deleted.
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rule_to_json(rule: MatchingRule) -> str

Get the JSON form of the matching rule.

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_to_json

The returned string must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.


This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the iterator that owns the value of the matching rule has been deleted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_to_json(rule: MatchingRule) -> str:
    Get the JSON form of the matching rule.


    The returned string must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    # Safety

    This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the iterator that
    owns the value of the matching rule has been deleted.
    return OwnedString(lib.pactffi_matching_rule_to_json(rule._ptr))

matching_rule_value(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> str

Returns the associated value for the matching rule.

If the matching rule does not have an associated value, will return a NULL pointer.

Rust pactffi_matching_rule_value

The associated values for the rules are:

Equality 1 NULL
Regex 2 Regex value
Type 3 NULL
MinType 4 Minimum value
MaxType 5 Maximum value
MinMaxType 6 "min:max"
Timestamp 7 Format string
Time 8 Format string
Date 9 Format string
Include 10 String value
Number 11 NULL
Integer 12 NULL
Decimal 13 NULL
Null 14 NULL
ContentType 15 Content type
ArrayContains 16 NULL
Values 17 NULL
Boolean 18 NULL
StatusCode 19 NULL
NotEmpty 20 NULL
Semver 21 NULL
EachKey 22 NULL
EachValue 23 NULL

Will return a NULL pointer if the matching rule was a reference or does not have an associated value.


This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid pointer and the iterator it came from has not been deleted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rule_value(rule_result: MatchingRuleResult) -> str:
    Returns the associated value for the matching rule.

    If the matching rule does not have an associated value, will return a NULL


    The associated values for the rules are:

    | Rule | ID | VALUE |
    | ---- | -- | ----- |
    | Equality | 1 | NULL |
    | Regex | 2 | Regex value |
    | Type | 3 | NULL |
    | MinType | 4 | Minimum value |
    | MaxType | 5 | Maximum value |
    | MinMaxType | 6 | "min:max" |
    | Timestamp | 7 | Format string |
    | Time | 8 | Format string |
    | Date | 9 | Format string |
    | Include | 10 | String value |
    | Number | 11 | NULL |
    | Integer | 12 | NULL |
    | Decimal | 13 | NULL |
    | Null | 14 | NULL |
    | ContentType | 15 | Content type |
    | ArrayContains | 16 | NULL |
    | Values | 17 | NULL |
    | Boolean | 18 | NULL |
    | StatusCode | 19 | NULL |
    | NotEmpty | 20 | NULL |
    | Semver | 21 | NULL |
    | EachKey | 22 | NULL |
    | EachValue | 23 | NULL |

    Will return a NULL pointer if the matching rule was a reference or does not
    have an associated value.

    # Safety

    This function is safe as long as the MatchingRuleResult pointer is a valid
    pointer and the iterator it came from has not been deleted.
    raise NotImplementedError

matching_rules_iter_delete(iter: MatchingRuleCategoryIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rules_iter_delete(iter: MatchingRuleCategoryIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.


matching_rules_iter_next(iter: MatchingRuleCategoryIterator) -> MatchingRuleKeyValuePair

Get the next path and matching rule out of the iterator, if possible.

Rust pactffi_matching_rules_iter_next

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_matching_rules_iter_pair_delete.


The underlying data is owned by the MatchingRuleKeyValuePair, so is always safe to use.

Error Handling

If no further data is present, returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rules_iter_next(
    iter: MatchingRuleCategoryIterator,
) -> MatchingRuleKeyValuePair:
    Get the next path and matching rule out of the iterator, if possible.


    The returned pointer must be deleted with

    # Safety

    The underlying data is owned by the `MatchingRuleKeyValuePair`, so is always
    safe to use.

    # Error Handling

    If no further data is present, returns NULL.
    return MatchingRuleKeyValuePair(lib.pactffi_matching_rules_iter_next(iter._ptr))

matching_rules_iter_pair_delete(pair: MatchingRuleKeyValuePair) -> None

Free a pair of key and value returned from message_metadata_iter_next.

Rust pactffi_matching_rules_iter_pair_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def matching_rules_iter_pair_delete(pair: MatchingRuleKeyValuePair) -> None:
    Free a pair of key and value returned from `message_metadata_iter_next`.


message_contents_delete(contents: MessageContents) -> None

Delete the message contents instance.

This should only be called on a message contents that require deletion. The function creating the message contents should document whether it requires deletion.

Deleting a message content which is associated with an interaction will result in undefined behaviour.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_delete(contents: MessageContents) -> None:
    Delete the message contents instance.

    This should only be called on a message contents that require deletion.
    The function creating the message contents should document whether it
    requires deletion.

    Deleting a message content which is associated with an interaction
    will result in undefined behaviour.

    [Rust `pactffi_message_contents_delete`](

message_contents_get_contents_bin(contents: MessageContents) -> bytes | None

Get the contents of a message as a pointer to an array of bytes.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_bin

If the message has no contents, this function will return None.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_get_contents_bin(contents: MessageContents) -> bytes | None:
    Get the contents of a message as a pointer to an array of bytes.


    If the message has no contents, this function will return `None`.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_bin(contents._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return ffi.buffer(

message_contents_get_contents_length(contents: MessageContents) -> int

Get the length of the message contents.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_length

If the message has not contents, this function will return 0.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_get_contents_length(contents: MessageContents) -> int:
    Get the length of the message contents.

    [Rust `pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_length`](

    If the message has not contents, this function will return 0.
    return lib.pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_length(contents._ptr)

message_contents_get_contents_str(contents: MessageContents) -> str | None

Get the message contents in string form.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_str

If the message has no contents or contain invalid UTF-8 characters, this function will return None.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_get_contents_str(contents: MessageContents) -> str | None:
    Get the message contents in string form.

    [Rust `pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_str`](

    If the message has no contents or contain invalid UTF-8 characters, this
    function will return `None`.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_message_contents_get_contents_str(contents._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return OwnedString(ptr)

message_contents_get_generators_iter(contents: MessageContents, category: GeneratorCategory) -> GeneratorCategoryIterator

Get an iterator over the generators for a category of a message.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_get_generators_iter


The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the message or message contents has been deleted.


If the generators iterator cannot be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_get_generators_iter(
    contents: MessageContents,
    category: GeneratorCategory,
) -> GeneratorCategoryIterator:
    Get an iterator over the generators for a category of a message.


    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the message
    or message contents has been deleted.

            If the generators iterator cannot be retrieved.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_message_contents_get_generators_iter(contents._ptr, category)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Unable to get the generators iterator from the message contents."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return GeneratorCategoryIterator(ptr)

message_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(contents: MessageContents, category: MatchingRuleCategory) -> MatchingRuleCategoryIterator

Get an iterator over the matching rules for a category of a message.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_get_matching_rule_iter

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete when done with it.

Note that there could be multiple matching rules for the same key, so this iterator will sequentially return each rule with the same key.

For sample, given the following rules:

"$.a" => Type,
"$.b" => Regex("\\d+"), Number

This iterator will return a sequence of 3 values:

  • ("$.a", Type)
  • ("$.b", Regex("\d+"))
  • ("$.b", Number)


The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the message or message contents has been deleted.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(
    contents: MessageContents,
    category: MatchingRuleCategory,
) -> MatchingRuleCategoryIterator:
    Get an iterator over the matching rules for a category of a message.


    The returned pointer must be deleted with
    `pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete` when done with it.

    Note that there could be multiple matching rules for the same key, so this
    iterator will sequentially return each rule with the same key.

    For sample, given the following rules:

    "$.a" => Type,
    "$.b" => Regex("\\d+"), Number

    This iterator will return a sequence of 3 values:

    - `("$.a", Type)`
    - `("$.b", Regex("\d+"))`
    - `("$.b", Number)`

    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the message
    or message contents has been deleted.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    return MatchingRuleCategoryIterator(
        lib.pactffi_message_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(contents._ptr, category)

message_contents_get_metadata_iter(contents: MessageContents) -> MessageMetadataIterator

Get an iterator over the metadata of a message.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_get_metadata_iter


This iterator carries a pointer to the message contents, and must not outlive the message.

The message metadata also must not be modified during iteration. If it is, the old iterator must be deleted and a new iterator created.


If the metadata iterator cannot be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_get_metadata_iter(
    contents: MessageContents,
) -> MessageMetadataIterator:
    Get an iterator over the metadata of a message.


    # Safety

    This iterator carries a pointer to the message contents, and must not
    outlive the message.

    The message metadata also must not be modified during iteration. If it is,
    the old iterator must be deleted and a new iterator created.

            If the metadata iterator cannot be retrieved.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_message_contents_get_metadata_iter(contents._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Unable to get the metadata iterator from the message contents."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return MessageMetadataIterator(ptr)

message_contents_set_contents_bin(contents: MessageContents, contents_bin: str, len: int, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the contents of the message as an array of bytes.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_set_contents_bin

  • message - the message contents to set the contents for
  • contents_bin - pointer to contents to copy from
  • len - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The contents pointer must be valid for reads of len bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_set_contents_bin(
    contents: MessageContents,
    contents_bin: str,
    len: int,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the contents of the message as an array of bytes.


    * `message` - the message contents to set the contents for
    * `contents_bin` - pointer to contents to copy from
    * `len` - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
    * `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The contents pointer must be valid for reads of `len` bytes, and it must be
    properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

message_contents_set_contents_str(contents: MessageContents, contents_str: str, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the contents of the message as a string.

Rust pactffi_message_contents_set_contents_str

  • contents - the message contents to set the contents for
  • contents_str - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents string is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_contents_set_contents_str(
    contents: MessageContents,
    contents_str: str,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the contents of the message as a string.


    * `contents` - the message contents to set the contents for
    * `contents_str` - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid
      NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
    * `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point
    to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is

    # Error Handling

    If the contents string is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents
    as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will
    set the content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

message_metadata_iter_delete(iter: MessageMetadataIterator) -> None

Free the metadata iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_message_metadata_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_metadata_iter_delete(iter: MessageMetadataIterator) -> None:
    Free the metadata iterator when you're done using it.


message_metadata_iter_next(iter: MessageMetadataIterator) -> MessageMetadataPair

Get the next key and value out of the iterator, if possible.

Rust pactffi_message_metadata_iter_next

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_message_metadata_pair_delete.


The underlying data must not change during iteration. This function must only ever be called from a foreign language. Calling it from a Rust function that has a Tokio runtime in its call stack can result in a deadlock.


If no further data is present.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_metadata_iter_next(iter: MessageMetadataIterator) -> MessageMetadataPair:
    Get the next key and value out of the iterator, if possible.


    The returned pointer must be deleted with

    # Safety

    The underlying data must not change during iteration. This function must
    only ever be called from a foreign language. Calling it from a Rust function
    that has a Tokio runtime in its call stack can result in a deadlock.

            If no further data is present.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_message_metadata_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return MessageMetadataPair(ptr)

message_metadata_pair_delete(pair: MessageMetadataPair) -> None

Free a pair of key and value returned from message_metadata_iter_next.

Rust pactffi_message_metadata_pair_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def message_metadata_pair_delete(pair: MessageMetadataPair) -> None:
    Free a pair of key and value returned from `message_metadata_iter_next`.


mismatch_ansi_description(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str

Get an ANSI-compatible description of a mismatch.

Rust pactffi_mismatch_ansi_description

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatch_ansi_description(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str:
    Get an ANSI-compatible description of a mismatch.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatch_ansi_description`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatch_description(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str

Get a description of a mismatch.

Rust pactffi_mismatch_description

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatch_description(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str:
    Get a description of a mismatch.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatch_description`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatch_summary(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str

Get a summary of a mismatch.

Rust pactffi_mismatch_summary

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatch_summary(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str:
    Get a summary of a mismatch.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatch_summary`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatch_to_json(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str

Get a JSON representation of the mismatch.

Rust pactffi_mismatch_to_json

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatch_to_json(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str:
    Get a JSON representation of the mismatch.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatch_to_json`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatch_type(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str

Get the type of a mismatch.

Rust pactffi_mismatch_type

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatch_type(mismatch: Mismatch) -> str:
    Get the type of a mismatch.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatch_type`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatches_delete(mismatches: Mismatches) -> None

Delete mismatches.

Rust pactffi_mismatches_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatches_delete(mismatches: Mismatches) -> None:
    Delete mismatches.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatches_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatches_get_iter(mismatches: Mismatches) -> MismatchesIterator

Get an iterator over mismatches.

Rust pactffi_mismatches_get_iter

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatches_get_iter(mismatches: Mismatches) -> MismatchesIterator:
    Get an iterator over mismatches.

    raise NotImplementedError

mismatches_iter_delete(iter: MismatchesIterator) -> None

Delete a mismatches iterator when you're done with it.

Rust pactffi_mismatches_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatches_iter_delete(iter: MismatchesIterator) -> None:
    Delete a mismatches iterator when you're done with it.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatches_iter_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

mismatches_iter_next(iter: MismatchesIterator) -> Mismatch

Get the next mismatch from a mismatches iterator.

Rust pactffi_mismatches_iter_next

Returns a null pointer if no mismatches remain.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mismatches_iter_next(iter: MismatchesIterator) -> Mismatch:
    Get the next mismatch from a mismatches iterator.

    [Rust `pactffi_mismatches_iter_next`](

    Returns a null pointer if no mismatches remain.
    raise NotImplementedError

mock_server_logs(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> str

Fetch the logs for the mock server.

This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before the mock server is started.

Rust pactffi_mock_server_logs


If the logs for the mock server can not be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mock_server_logs(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> str:
    Fetch the logs for the mock server.

    This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before the mock server is


            If the logs for the mock server can not be retrieved.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_mock_server_logs(mock_server_handle._ref)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = f"Unable to obtain logs from {mock_server_handle!r}"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    string = ffi.string(ptr)
    if isinstance(string, bytes):
        string = string.decode("utf-8")
    return string

mock_server_matched(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> bool

External interface to check if a mock server has matched all its requests.

If all requests have been matched, true is returned. false is returned if any request has not been successfully matched, or the method panics.

Rust pactffi_mock_server_matched

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mock_server_matched(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> bool:
    External interface to check if a mock server has matched all its requests.

    If all requests have been matched, `true` is returned. `false` is returned
    if any request has not been successfully matched, or the method panics.

    return lib.pactffi_mock_server_matched(mock_server_handle._ref)

mock_server_mismatches(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle) -> list[dict[str, Any]]

External interface to get all the mismatches from a mock server.

Rust pactffi_mock_server_mismatches



If there is no mock server with the provided port number, or the function panics.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def mock_server_mismatches(
    mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    External interface to get all the mismatches from a mock server.


    # Errors

            If there is no mock server with the provided port number, or the
            function panics.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_mock_server_mismatches(mock_server_handle._ref)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = f"No mock server found with port {mock_server_handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    string = ffi.string(ptr)
    if isinstance(string, bytes):
        string = string.decode("utf-8")
    return json.loads(string)

new_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: str) -> InteractionHandle

Creates a new HTTP Interaction and returns a handle to it.

Calling this function with the same description as an existing interaction will result in that interaction being replaced with the new one.

Rust pactffi_new_interaction


Handle to the Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

TYPE: str


Handle to the new Interaction.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def new_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: str) -> InteractionHandle:
    Creates a new HTTP Interaction and returns a handle to it.

    Calling this function with the same description as an existing interaction
    will result in that interaction being replaced with the new one.


            Handle to the Pact model.

            The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

        Handle to the new Interaction.
    return InteractionHandle(

new_message_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: str) -> InteractionHandle

Creates a new message interaction and returns a handle to it.

Calling this function with the same description as an existing interaction will result in that interaction being replaced with the new one.

Rust pactffi_new_message_interaction


Handle to the Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

TYPE: str


Handle to the new Interaction

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def new_message_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: str) -> InteractionHandle:
    Creates a new message interaction and returns a handle to it.

    Calling this function with the same description as an existing interaction
    will result in that interaction being replaced with the new one.


            Handle to the Pact model.

            The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

        Handle to the new Interaction
    return InteractionHandle(

new_pact(consumer_name: str, provider_name: str) -> PactHandle

Creates a new Pact model and returns a handle to it.

Rust pactffi_new_pact


The name of the consumer for the pact.

TYPE: str


The name of the provider for the pact.

TYPE: str


Handle to the new Pact model.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def new_pact(consumer_name: str, provider_name: str) -> PactHandle:
    Creates a new Pact model and returns a handle to it.


            The name of the consumer for the pact.

            The name of the provider for the pact.

        Handle to the new Pact model.
    return PactHandle(

new_sync_message_interaction(pact: PactHandle, description: str) -> InteractionHandle

Creates a new synchronous message interaction and returns a handle to it.

Calling this function with the same description as an existing interaction will result in that interaction being replaced with the new one.

Rust pactffi_new_sync_message_interaction


Handle to the Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

TYPE: str


Handle to the new Interaction

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def new_sync_message_interaction(
    pact: PactHandle,
    description: str,
) -> InteractionHandle:
    Creates a new synchronous message interaction and returns a handle to it.

    Calling this function with the same description as an existing interaction
    will result in that interaction being replaced with the new one.


            Handle to the Pact model.

            The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

        Handle to the new Interaction
    return InteractionHandle(

pact_async_message_iter_delete(iter: PactAsyncMessageIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_pact_async_message_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_async_message_iter_delete(iter: PactAsyncMessageIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.


pact_async_message_iter_next(iter: PactAsyncMessageIterator) -> AsynchronousMessage

Get the next asynchronous message from the iterator.

Rust pactffi_pact_async_message_iter_next


If the iterator has reached the end.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_async_message_iter_next(iter: PactAsyncMessageIterator) -> AsynchronousMessage:
    Get the next asynchronous message from the iterator.


            If the iterator has reached the end.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_pact_async_message_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return AsynchronousMessage(ptr, owned=True)

pact_consumer_delete(consumer: Consumer) -> None

Frees the memory used by the Pact consumer.

Rust pactffi_pact_consumer_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_consumer_delete(consumer: Consumer) -> None:
    Frees the memory used by the Pact consumer.

    [Rust `pactffi_pact_consumer_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_get_consumer(pact: Pact) -> Consumer

Get the consumer from a Pact.

This returns a copy of the consumer model, and needs to be cleaned up with pactffi_pact_consumer_delete when no longer required.

Rust pactffi_pact_get_consumer


This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer. In the case of error, a NULL pointer will be returned.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_get_consumer(pact: Pact) -> Consumer:
    Get the consumer from a Pact.

    This returns a copy of the consumer model, and needs to be cleaned up with
    `pactffi_pact_consumer_delete` when no longer required.


    # Errors

    This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer. In the case of
    error, a NULL pointer will be returned.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_get_provider(pact: Pact) -> Provider

Get the provider from a Pact.

This returns a copy of the provider model, and needs to be cleaned up with pactffi_pact_provider_delete when no longer required.

Rust pactffi_pact_get_provider


This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer. In the case of error, a NULL pointer will be returned.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_get_provider(pact: Pact) -> Provider:
    Get the provider from a Pact.

    This returns a copy of the provider model, and needs to be cleaned up with
    `pactffi_pact_provider_delete` when no longer required.


    # Errors

    This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer. In the case of
    error, a NULL pointer will be returned.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_handle_get_async_message_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> PactAsyncMessageIterator

Get an iterator over all the asynchronous messages of the Pact.

The returned iterator needs to be freed with pactffi_pact_sync_message_iter_delete.

Rust pactffi_pact_handle_get_sync_message_iter


The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_handle_get_async_message_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> PactAsyncMessageIterator:
    Get an iterator over all the asynchronous messages of the Pact.

    The returned iterator needs to be freed with


    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

    This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null
    ('\0') bytes.
    return PactAsyncMessageIterator(

pact_handle_get_sync_http_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> PactSyncHttpIterator

Get an iterator over all the synchronous HTTP request/response interactions.

The returned iterator needs to be freed with pactffi_pact_sync_http_iter_delete.

Rust pactffi_pact_handle_get_sync_http_iter


The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_handle_get_sync_http_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> PactSyncHttpIterator:
    Get an iterator over all the synchronous HTTP request/response interactions.

    The returned iterator needs to be freed with


    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

    This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null
    ('\0') bytes.
    return PactSyncHttpIterator(lib.pactffi_pact_handle_get_sync_http_iter(pact._ref))

pact_handle_get_sync_message_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> PactSyncMessageIterator

Get an iterator over all the synchronous messages of the Pact.

The returned iterator needs to be freed with pactffi_pact_sync_message_iter_delete.

Rust pactffi_pact_handle_get_sync_message_iter


The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_handle_get_sync_message_iter(pact: PactHandle) -> PactSyncMessageIterator:
    Get an iterator over all the synchronous messages of the Pact.

    The returned iterator needs to be freed with


    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the Pact, so it is always safe to use.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

    This function may fail if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null
    ('\0') bytes.
    return PactSyncMessageIterator(

pact_handle_to_pointer(pact: PactHandle) -> Pact

Unwraps a Pact handle to the underlying Pact.

The Pact model which has been cloned from the Pact handle's inner Pact model.

The returned Pact model must be freed with the pactffi_pact_model_delete function when no longer needed.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_handle_to_pointer(pact: PactHandle) -> Pact:
    Unwraps a Pact handle to the underlying Pact.

    The Pact model which has been cloned from the Pact handle's inner Pact

    The returned Pact model must be freed with the `pactffi_pact_model_delete`
    function when no longer needed.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_handle_write_file(pact: PactHandle, directory: Path | str | None, *, overwrite: bool) -> None

External interface to write out the pact file.

Rust pactffi_pact_handle_write_file

This function should be called if all the consumer tests have passed.


Handle to a Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The directory to write the file to. If None, the current working directory is used.

TYPE: Path | str | None


If True, the file will be overwritten with the contents of the current pact. Otherwise, it will be merged with any existing pact file.

TYPE: bool


If there was an error writing the pact file.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_handle_write_file(
    pact: PactHandle,
    directory: Path | str | None,
    overwrite: bool,
) -> None:
    External interface to write out the pact file.


    This function should be called if all the consumer tests have passed.

            Handle to a Pact model.

            The directory to write the file to. If `None`, the current working
            directory is used.

            If `True`, the file will be overwritten with the contents of the
            current pact. Otherwise, it will be merged with any existing pact

            If there was an error writing the pact file.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_pact_handle_write_file(
        str(directory).encode("utf-8") if directory else ffi.NULL,
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = f"The function panicked while writing {pact} to {directory}."
    elif ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The pact file was not able to be written for {pact}."
    elif ret == 3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The pact for {pact} was not found."
        msg = f"Unknown error writing {pact} to {directory}."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

pact_interaction_as_asynchronous_message(interaction: PactInteraction) -> AsynchronousMessage

Casts this interaction to a AsynchronousMessage interaction.

Returns a NULL pointer if the interaction can not be casted to a AsynchronousMessage interaction (for instance, it is a http interaction). The returned pointer must be freed with pactffi_async_message_delete when no longer required.

Rust pactffi_pact_interaction_as_asynchronous_message

Note that if the interaction is a V3 Message, it will be converted to a V4 AsynchronousMessage before being returned.

Safety This function is safe as long as the interaction pointer is a valid


Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_interaction_as_asynchronous_message(
    interaction: PactInteraction,
) -> AsynchronousMessage:
    Casts this interaction to a `AsynchronousMessage` interaction.

    Returns a NULL pointer if the interaction can not be casted to a
    `AsynchronousMessage` interaction (for instance, it is a http interaction).
    The returned pointer must be freed with `pactffi_async_message_delete` when
    no longer required.


    Note that if the interaction is a V3 `Message`, it will be converted to a V4
    `AsynchronousMessage` before being returned.

    # Safety This function is safe as long as the interaction pointer is a valid

    # Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_interaction_as_synchronous_http(interaction: PactInteraction) -> SynchronousHttp

Casts this interaction to a SynchronousHttp interaction.

Returns a NULL pointer if the interaction can not be casted to a SynchronousHttp interaction (for instance, it is a message interaction). The returned pointer must be freed with pactffi_sync_http_delete when no longer required.

Rust pactffi_pact_interaction_as_synchronous_http

Safety This function is safe as long as the interaction pointer is a valid


Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_interaction_as_synchronous_http(
    interaction: PactInteraction,
) -> SynchronousHttp:
    Casts this interaction to a `SynchronousHttp` interaction.

    Returns a NULL pointer if the interaction can not be casted to a
    `SynchronousHttp` interaction (for instance, it is a message interaction).
    The returned pointer must be freed with `pactffi_sync_http_delete` when no
    longer required.


    # Safety This function is safe as long as the interaction pointer is a valid

    # Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_interaction_as_synchronous_message(interaction: PactInteraction) -> SynchronousMessage

Casts this interaction to a SynchronousMessage interaction.

Returns a NULL pointer if the interaction can not be casted to a SynchronousMessage interaction (for instance, it is a http interaction). The returned pointer must be freed with pactffi_sync_message_delete when no longer required.

Rust pactffi_pact_interaction_as_synchronous_message

Safety This function is safe as long as the interaction pointer is a valid


Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_interaction_as_synchronous_message(
    interaction: PactInteraction,
) -> SynchronousMessage:
    Casts this interaction to a `SynchronousMessage` interaction.

    Returns a NULL pointer if the interaction can not be casted to a
    `SynchronousMessage` interaction (for instance, it is a http interaction).
    The returned pointer must be freed with `pactffi_sync_message_delete` when
    no longer required.


    # Safety This function is safe as long as the interaction pointer is a valid

    # Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_interaction_delete(interaction: PactInteraction) -> None

Frees the memory used by the Pact interaction model.

Rust pactffi_pact_interaction_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_interaction_delete(interaction: PactInteraction) -> None:
    Frees the memory used by the Pact interaction model.

    [Rust `pactffi_pact_interaction_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_interaction_iter_delete(iter: PactInteractionIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_pact_interaction_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_interaction_iter_delete(iter: PactInteractionIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.


pact_interaction_iter_next(iter: PactInteractionIterator) -> PactInteraction

Get the next interaction from the pact.

Rust pactffi_pact_interaction_iter_next


If the iterator has reached the end.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_interaction_iter_next(iter: PactInteractionIterator) -> PactInteraction:
    Get the next interaction from the pact.


            If the iterator has reached the end.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_pact_interaction_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    raise NotImplementedError
    return PactInteraction(ptr)

pact_model_delete(pact: Pact) -> None

Frees the memory used by the Pact model.

Rust pactffi_pact_model_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_model_delete(pact: Pact) -> None:
    Frees the memory used by the Pact model.

    [Rust `pactffi_pact_model_delete`](
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_model_interaction_iterator(pact: Pact) -> PactInteractionIterator

Returns an iterator over all the interactions in the Pact.

Rust pactffi_pact_model_interaction_iterator

The iterator will have to be deleted using the pactffi_pact_interaction_iter_delete function. The iterator will contain a copy of the interactions, so it will not be affected but mutations to the Pact model and will still function if the Pact model is deleted.

Safety This function is safe as long as the Pact pointer is a valid


Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_model_interaction_iterator(pact: Pact) -> PactInteractionIterator:
    Returns an iterator over all the interactions in the Pact.


    The iterator will have to be deleted using the
    `pactffi_pact_interaction_iter_delete` function. The iterator will contain a
    copy of the interactions, so it will not be affected but mutations to the
    Pact model and will still function if the Pact model is deleted.

    # Safety This function is safe as long as the Pact pointer is a valid

    # Errors On any error, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_provider_delete(provider: Provider) -> None

Frees the memory used by the Pact provider.

Rust pactffi_pact_provider_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_provider_delete(provider: Provider) -> None:
    Frees the memory used by the Pact provider.

    raise NotImplementedError

pact_spec_version(pact: Pact) -> PactSpecification

Returns the Pact specification enum that the Pact is for.

Rust pactffi_pact_spec_version

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_spec_version(pact: Pact) -> PactSpecification:
    Returns the Pact specification enum that the Pact is for.

    [Rust `pactffi_pact_spec_version`](
    raise NotImplementedError

pact_sync_http_iter_delete(iter: PactSyncHttpIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_pact_sync_http_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_sync_http_iter_delete(iter: PactSyncHttpIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.


pact_sync_http_iter_next(iter: PactSyncHttpIterator) -> SynchronousHttp

Get the next synchronous HTTP request/response interaction from the V4 pact.

Rust pactffi_pact_sync_http_iter_next


If the iterator has reached the end.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_sync_http_iter_next(iter: PactSyncHttpIterator) -> SynchronousHttp:
    Get the next synchronous HTTP request/response interaction from the V4 pact.


            If the iterator has reached the end.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_pact_sync_http_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return SynchronousHttp(ptr, owned=True)

pact_sync_message_iter_delete(iter: PactSyncMessageIterator) -> None

Free the iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_pact_sync_message_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_sync_message_iter_delete(iter: PactSyncMessageIterator) -> None:
    Free the iterator when you're done using it.


pact_sync_message_iter_next(iter: PactSyncMessageIterator) -> SynchronousMessage

Get the next synchronous request/response message from the V4 pact.

Rust pactffi_pact_sync_message_iter_next


If the iterator has reached the end.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def pact_sync_message_iter_next(iter: PactSyncMessageIterator) -> SynchronousMessage:
    Get the next synchronous request/response message from the V4 pact.


            If the iterator has reached the end.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_pact_sync_message_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return SynchronousMessage(ptr, owned=True)

parse_matcher_definition(expression: str) -> MatchingRuleDefinitionResult

Parse a matcher definition string into a MatchingRuleDefinition.

The MatchingRuleDefinition contains the example value, and matching rules and any generator.

Rust pactffi_parse_matcher_definition

The following are examples of matching rule definitions:

  • matching(type,'Name') - type matcher with string value 'Name'
  • matching(number,100) - number matcher
  • matching(datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd','2000-01-01') - datetime matcher with format string

See Matching Rule definition expressions.

The returned value needs to be freed up with the pactffi_matcher_definition_delete function.

Errors If the expression is invalid, the MatchingRuleDefinition error will

be set. You can check for this value with the pactffi_matcher_definition_error function.


This function is safe if the expression is a valid NULL terminated string pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def parse_matcher_definition(expression: str) -> MatchingRuleDefinitionResult:
    Parse a matcher definition string into a MatchingRuleDefinition.

    The MatchingRuleDefinition contains the example value, and matching rules and
    any generator.


    The following are examples of matching rule definitions:

    * `matching(type,'Name')` - type matcher with string value 'Name'
    * `matching(number,100)` - number matcher
    * `matching(datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd','2000-01-01')` - datetime matcher with
      format string

    See [Matching Rule definition

    The returned value needs to be freed up with the
    `pactffi_matcher_definition_delete` function.

    # Errors If the expression is invalid, the MatchingRuleDefinition error will
    be set. You can check for this value with the
    `pactffi_matcher_definition_error` function.

    # Safety

    This function is safe if the expression is a valid NULL terminated string
    raise NotImplementedError

parse_pact_json(json: str) -> Pact

Parses the provided JSON into a Pact model.

Rust pactffi_parse_pact_json

The returned Pact model must be freed with the pactffi_pact_model_delete function when no longer needed.

Error Handling

This function will return a NULL pointer if passed a NULL pointer or if an error occurs.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def parse_pact_json(json: str) -> Pact:
    Parses the provided JSON into a Pact model.


    The returned Pact model must be freed with the `pactffi_pact_model_delete`
    function when no longer needed.

    # Error Handling

    This function will return a NULL pointer if passed a NULL pointer or if an
    error occurs.
    raise NotImplementedError

provider_get_name(provider: Provider) -> str

Get a copy of this provider's name.

Rust pactffi_provider_get_name

The copy must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.


// Assuming `file_name` and `json_str` are already defined.

MessagePact *message_pact = pactffi_message_pact_new_from_json(file_name, json_str);
if (message_pact == NULLPTR) {
    // handle error.

Provider *provider = pactffi_message_pact_get_provider(message_pact);
if (provider == NULLPTR) {
    // handle error.

char *name = pactffi_provider_get_name(provider);
if (name == NULL) {
    // handle error.

printf("%s\n", name);



This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the Rust string contains an embedded NULL byte. In the case of error, a NULL pointer will be returned.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_get_name(provider: Provider) -> str:
    Get a copy of this provider's name.


    The copy must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    # Usage

    // Assuming `file_name` and `json_str` are already defined.

    MessagePact *message_pact = pactffi_message_pact_new_from_json(file_name, json_str);
    if (message_pact == NULLPTR) {
        // handle error.

    Provider *provider = pactffi_message_pact_get_provider(message_pact);
    if (provider == NULLPTR) {
        // handle error.

    char *name = pactffi_provider_get_name(provider);
    if (name == NULL) {
        // handle error.

    printf("%s\n", name);


    # Errors

    This function will fail if it is passed a NULL pointer, or the Rust string
    contains an embedded NULL byte. In the case of error, a NULL pointer will be
    raise NotImplementedError

provider_state_delete(provider_state: ProviderState) -> None

Free the provider state when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_delete(provider_state: ProviderState) -> None:
    Free the provider state when you're done using it.

    raise NotImplementedError

provider_state_get_name(provider_state: ProviderState) -> str | None

Get the name of the provider state as a string.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_get_name


If the name could not be retrieved.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_get_name(provider_state: ProviderState) -> str | None:
    Get the name of the provider state as a string.


            If the name could not be retrieved.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_provider_state_get_name(provider_state._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to get provider state name."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

provider_state_get_param_iter(provider_state: ProviderState) -> ProviderStateParamIterator

Get an iterator over the params of a provider state.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_get_param_iter


This iterator carries a pointer to the provider state, and must not outlive the provider state.

The provider state params also must not be modified during iteration. If it is, the old iterator must be deleted and a new iterator created.


If the iterator could not be created.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_get_param_iter(
    provider_state: ProviderState,
) -> ProviderStateParamIterator:
    Get an iterator over the params of a provider state.


    # Safety

    This iterator carries a pointer to the provider state, and must not outlive
    the provider state.

    The provider state params also must not be modified during iteration. If it
    is, the old iterator must be deleted and a new iterator created.

            If the iterator could not be created.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_provider_state_get_param_iter(provider_state._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to get provider state param iterator."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return ProviderStateParamIterator(ptr)

provider_state_iter_delete(iter: ProviderStateIterator) -> None

Delete the iterator.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_iter_delete(iter: ProviderStateIterator) -> None:
    Delete the iterator.


provider_state_iter_next(iter: ProviderStateIterator) -> ProviderState

Get the next value from the iterator.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_iter_next


The underlying data must not change during iteration.


If no further data is present, or if an internal error occurs.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_iter_next(iter: ProviderStateIterator) -> ProviderState:
    Get the next value from the iterator.


    # Safety

    The underlying data must not change during iteration.

            If no further data is present, or if an internal error occurs.
    provider_state = lib.pactffi_provider_state_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if provider_state == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return ProviderState(provider_state)

provider_state_param_iter_delete(iter: ProviderStateParamIterator) -> None

Free the provider state param iterator when you're done using it.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_param_iter_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_param_iter_delete(iter: ProviderStateParamIterator) -> None:
    Free the provider state param iterator when you're done using it.


provider_state_param_iter_next(iter: ProviderStateParamIterator) -> ProviderStateParamPair

Get the next key and value out of the iterator, if possible.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_param_iter_next


The underlying data must not be modified during iteration.


If no further data is present.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_param_iter_next(
    iter: ProviderStateParamIterator,
) -> ProviderStateParamPair:
    Get the next key and value out of the iterator, if possible.


    # Safety

    The underlying data must not be modified during iteration.

            If no further data is present.
    provider_state_param = lib.pactffi_provider_state_param_iter_next(iter._ptr)
    if provider_state_param == ffi.NULL:
        raise StopIteration
    return ProviderStateParamPair(provider_state_param)

provider_state_param_pair_delete(pair: ProviderStateParamPair) -> None

Free a pair of key and value.

Rust pactffi_provider_state_param_pair_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def provider_state_param_pair_delete(pair: ProviderStateParamPair) -> None:
    Free a pair of key and value.


request_contents_get_generators_iter(request: HttpRequest, category: GeneratorCategory) -> GeneratorCategoryIterator

Get an iterator over the generators for a category of an HTTP request.

Rust pactffi_request_contents_get_generators_iter

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_generators_iter_delete when done with it.


The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the interaction or request contents has been deleted.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def request_contents_get_generators_iter(
    request: HttpRequest,
    category: GeneratorCategory,
) -> GeneratorCategoryIterator:
    Get an iterator over the generators for a category of an HTTP request.


    The returned pointer must be deleted with `pactffi_generators_iter_delete`
    when done with it.

    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the
    interaction or request contents has been deleted.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

request_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(request: HttpRequest, category: MatchingRuleCategory) -> MatchingRuleCategoryIterator

Get an iterator over the matching rules for a category of an HTTP request.

Rust pactffi_request_contents_get_matching_rule_iter

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete when done with it.

For sample, given the following rules:

"$.a" => Type,
"$.b" => Regex("\d+"), Number

This iterator will return a sequence of 3 values:

  • ("$.a", Type)
  • ("$.b", Regex("\d+"))
  • ("$.b", Number)


The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the interaction or request contents has been deleted.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def request_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(
    request: HttpRequest,
    category: MatchingRuleCategory,
) -> MatchingRuleCategoryIterator:
    Get an iterator over the matching rules for a category of an HTTP request.

    [Rust `pactffi_request_contents_get_matching_rule_iter`](

    The returned pointer must be deleted with
    `pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete` when done with it.

    For sample, given the following rules:

    "$.a" => Type,
    "$.b" => Regex("\d+"), Number

    This iterator will return a sequence of 3 values:

    - `("$.a", Type)`
    - `("$.b", Regex("\d+"))`
    - `("$.b", Number)`

    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the
    interaction or request contents has been deleted.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

response_contents_get_generators_iter(response: HttpResponse, category: GeneratorCategory) -> GeneratorCategoryIterator

Get an iterator over the generators for a category of an HTTP response.

Rust pactffi_response_contents_get_generators_iter

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_generators_iter_delete when done with it.


The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the interaction or response contents has been deleted.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def response_contents_get_generators_iter(
    response: HttpResponse,
    category: GeneratorCategory,
) -> GeneratorCategoryIterator:
    Get an iterator over the generators for a category of an HTTP response.


    The returned pointer must be deleted with `pactffi_generators_iter_delete`
    when done with it.

    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the
    interaction or response contents has been deleted.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

response_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(response: HttpResponse, category: MatchingRuleCategory) -> MatchingRuleCategoryIterator

Get an iterator over the matching rules for a category of an HTTP response.

Rust pactffi_response_contents_get_matching_rule_iter

The returned pointer must be deleted with pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete when done with it.

For sample, given the following rules:

"$.a" => Type,
"$.b" => Regex("\d+"), Number

This iterator will return a sequence of 3 values:

  • ("$.a", Type)
  • ("$.b", Regex("\d+"))
  • ("$.b", Number)


The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the interaction or response contents has been deleted.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def response_contents_get_matching_rule_iter(
    response: HttpResponse,
    category: MatchingRuleCategory,
) -> MatchingRuleCategoryIterator:
    Get an iterator over the matching rules for a category of an HTTP response.

    [Rust `pactffi_response_contents_get_matching_rule_iter`](

    The returned pointer must be deleted with
    `pactffi_matching_rules_iter_delete` when done with it.

    For sample, given the following rules:

    "$.a" => Type,
    "$.b" => Regex("\d+"), Number

    This iterator will return a sequence of 3 values:

    - `("$.a", Type)`
    - `("$.b", Regex("\d+"))`
    - `("$.b", Number)`

    # Safety

    The iterator contains a copy of the data, so is safe to use when the
    interaction or response contents has been deleted.

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a NULL pointer.
    raise NotImplementedError

response_status(interaction: InteractionHandle, status: int) -> None

Configures the response for the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_response_status


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The response status. Defaults to 200.

TYPE: int


If the response status could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def response_status(interaction: InteractionHandle, status: int) -> None:
    Configures the response for the Interaction.


            Handle to the Interaction.

            The response status. Defaults to 200.

            If the response status could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_response_status(interaction._ref, status)
    if not success:
        msg = f"The response status {status} could not be set for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

response_status_v2(interaction: InteractionHandle, status: str) -> None

Configures the response for the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_response_status_v2

To include matching rules for the status (only statusCode or integer really makes sense to use), include the matching rule JSON format with the value as a single JSON document. I.e.

        "pact:generator:type": "RandomInt",
        "min": 100,
        "max": 399,
        "pact:matcher:type": "statusCode",
        "status": "nonError",



Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The response status. Defaults to 200.

This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or it may be a JSON matching rule.

TYPE: str


If the response status could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def response_status_v2(interaction: InteractionHandle, status: str) -> None:
    Configures the response for the Interaction.


    To include matching rules for the status (only statusCode or integer really
    makes sense to use), include the matching rule JSON format with the value as
    a single JSON document. I.e.

            "pact:generator:type": "RandomInt",
            "min": 100,
            "max": 399,
            "pact:matcher:type": "statusCode",
            "status": "nonError",

    See [](

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The response status. Defaults to 200.

            This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or
            it may be a [JSON matching

            If the response status could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_response_status_v2(
        interaction._ref, status.encode("utf-8")
    if not success:
        msg = f"The response status {status} could not be set for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

set_comment(interaction: InteractionHandle, key: str, value: str | None) -> None

Add a comment to the interaction.

Rust pactffi_set_comment


Interaction handle to set the comments for.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


Key value

TYPE: str


Comment value. This may be any valid JSON value, or a None to clear the comment. Note that a value that deserialize to a JSON null will result in a comment being added, with the value being the JSON null.

TYPE: str | None


If the comments could not be updated.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def set_comment(interaction: InteractionHandle, key: str, value: str | None) -> None:
    Add a comment to the interaction.


            Interaction handle to set the comments for.

            Key value

            Comment value. This may be any valid JSON value, or a `None` to
            clear the comment. Note that a value that deserialize to a JSON null
            will result in a comment being added, with the value being the JSON

            If the comments could not be updated.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_set_comment(
        value.encode("utf-8") if value else ffi.NULL,
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to set comment for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

set_header(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, name: str, value: str) -> None

Sets a header for the Interaction.

Note that this function will overwrite any previously set header values. Also, this function will not process the value in any way, so matching rules and generators can not be configured with it.

Rust pactffi_set_header

If matching rules are required to be set, use pactffi_with_header_v2.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to add the header to (Request or Response).

TYPE: InteractionPart


The header name. This is case insensitive.

TYPE: str


The header value. This is handled as-is, with no processing.

TYPE: str


If the header could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def set_header(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    name: str,
    value: str,
) -> None:
    Sets a header for the Interaction.

    Note that this function will overwrite any previously set header values.
    Also, this function will not process the value in any way, so matching rules
    and generators can not be configured with it.


    If matching rules are required to be set, use `pactffi_with_header_v2`.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The part of the interaction to add the header to (Request or

            The header name. This is case insensitive.

            The header value. This is handled as-is, with no processing.

            If the header could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_set_header(
    if not success:
        msg = f"The header {name!r} could not be set for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

set_key(interaction: InteractionHandle, key: str | None) -> None

Sets the key attribute for the interaction.

Rust pactffi_set_key


Interaction handle to modify.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


Key value. This must be a valid UTF-8 null-terminated string, or None to clear the key.

TYPE: str | None


If the key could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def set_key(interaction: InteractionHandle, key: str | None) -> None:
    Sets the key attribute for the interaction.


            Interaction handle to modify.

            Key value. This must be a valid UTF-8 null-terminated string, or
            `None` to clear the key.

            If the key could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_set_key(
        key.encode("utf-8") if key else ffi.NULL,
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to set key for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

set_pending(interaction: InteractionHandle, *, pending: bool) -> None

Mark the interaction as pending.

Rust pactffi_set_pending


Interaction handle to modify.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


Boolean value to toggle the pending state of the interaction.

TYPE: bool


If the pending status could not be updated.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def set_pending(interaction: InteractionHandle, *, pending: bool) -> None:
    Mark the interaction as pending.


            Interaction handle to modify.

            Boolean value to toggle the pending state of the interaction.

            If the pending status could not be updated.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_set_pending(interaction._ref, pending)
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to update pending status for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

string_delete(string: OwnedString) -> None

Delete a string previously returned by this FFI.

Rust pactffi_string_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def string_delete(string: OwnedString) -> None:
    Delete a string previously returned by this FFI.


sync_http_delete(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> None

Destroy the SynchronousHttp interaction being pointed to.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_delete(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> None:
    Destroy the `SynchronousHttp` interaction being pointed to.


sync_http_get_description(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> str

Get a copy of the description.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_description


If the description cannot be retrieved

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_description(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> str:
    Get a copy of the description.


            If the description cannot be retrieved
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_description(interaction._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to get description"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

sync_http_get_provider_state(interaction: SynchronousHttp, index: int) -> ProviderState

Get a copy of the provider state at the given index from this interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_provider_state


The returned structure must be deleted with provider_state_delete.

Since it is a copy, the returned structure may safely outlive the SynchronousHttp.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a variant other than Success.

This function may fail if the index requested is out of bounds, or if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_provider_state(
    interaction: SynchronousHttp,
    index: int,
) -> ProviderState:
    Get a copy of the provider state at the given index from this interaction.


    # Safety

    The returned structure must be deleted with `provider_state_delete`.

    Since it is a copy, the returned structure may safely outlive the

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a variant other than Success.

    This function may fail if the index requested is out of bounds, or if any of
    the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_get_provider_state_iter(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> ProviderStateIterator

Get an iterator over provider states.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_provider_state_iter


The underlying data must not change during iteration.


If the iterator cannot be retrieved

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_provider_state_iter(
    interaction: SynchronousHttp,
) -> ProviderStateIterator:
    Get an iterator over provider states.


    # Safety

    The underlying data must not change during iteration.

            If the iterator cannot be retrieved
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_provider_state_iter(interaction._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to get provider state iterator"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return ProviderStateIterator(ptr)

sync_http_get_request(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> HttpRequest

Get the request of a SynchronousHttp interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_request


The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted when the interaction is deleted. Trying to use if after the interaction is deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the interaction is NULL, returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_request(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> HttpRequest:
    Get the request of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction.


    # Safety

    The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted
    when the interaction is deleted. Trying to use if after the interaction is
    deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the interaction is NULL, returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_get_request_contents(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> str | None

Get the request contents of a SynchronousHttp interaction in string form.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_request_contents

Note that this function will return None if either the body is missing or is null.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_request_contents(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> str | None:
    Get the request contents of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction in string form.


    Note that this function will return `None` if either the body is missing or
    is `null`.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_request_contents(interaction._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return OwnedString(ptr)

sync_http_get_request_contents_bin(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> bytes | None

Get the request contents of a SynchronousHttp interaction as bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_request_contents_bin

Note that this function will return None if either the body is missing or is null.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_request_contents_bin(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> bytes | None:
    Get the request contents of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction as bytes.


    Note that this function will return `None` if either the body is missing or
    is `null`.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_request_contents_bin(interaction._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return ffi.buffer(

sync_http_get_request_contents_length(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> int

Get the length of the request contents of a SynchronousHttp interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_request_contents_length

This function will return 0 if the body is missing.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_request_contents_length(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> int:
    Get the length of the request contents of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction.


    This function will return 0 if the body is missing.
    return lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_request_contents_length(interaction._ptr)

sync_http_get_response(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> HttpResponse

Get the response of a SynchronousHttp interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_response


The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted when the interaction is deleted. Trying to use if after the interaction is deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the interaction is NULL, returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_response(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> HttpResponse:
    Get the response of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction.


    # Safety

    The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted
    when the interaction is deleted. Trying to use if after the interaction is
    deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the interaction is NULL, returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_get_response_contents(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> str | None

Get the response contents of a SynchronousHttp interaction in string form.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_response_contents

Note that this function will return None if either the body is missing or is null.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_response_contents(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> str | None:
    Get the response contents of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction in string form.


    Note that this function will return `None` if either the body is missing or
    is `null`.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_response_contents(interaction._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return OwnedString(ptr)

sync_http_get_response_contents_bin(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> bytes | None

Get the response contents of a SynchronousHttp interaction as bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_response_contents_bin

Note that this function will return None if either the body is missing or is null.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_response_contents_bin(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> bytes | None:
    Get the response contents of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction as bytes.


    Note that this function will return `None` if either the body is missing or
    is `null`.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_response_contents_bin(interaction._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return ffi.buffer(

sync_http_get_response_contents_length(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> int

Get the length of the response contents of a SynchronousHttp interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_get_response_contents_length

This function will return 0 if the body is missing.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_get_response_contents_length(interaction: SynchronousHttp) -> int:
    Get the length of the response contents of a `SynchronousHttp` interaction.


    This function will return 0 if the body is missing.
    return lib.pactffi_sync_http_get_response_contents_length(interaction._ptr)

sync_http_new() -> SynchronousHttp

Get a mutable pointer to a newly-created default interaction on the heap.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_new


This function is safe.

Error Handling

Returns NULL on error.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_new() -> SynchronousHttp:
    Get a mutable pointer to a newly-created default interaction on the heap.

    [Rust `pactffi_sync_http_new`](

    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    Returns NULL on error.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_set_description(interaction: SynchronousHttp, description: str) -> int

Write the description field on the SynchronousHttp.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_set_description


description must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

This function will only reallocate if the new string does not fit in the existing buffer.

Error Handling

Errors will be reported with a non-zero return value.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_set_description(interaction: SynchronousHttp, description: str) -> int:
    Write the `description` field on the `SynchronousHttp`.


    # Safety

    `description` must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with

    This function will only reallocate if the new string does not fit in the
    existing buffer.

    # Error Handling

    Errors will be reported with a non-zero return value.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_set_request_contents(interaction: SynchronousHttp, contents: str, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the request contents of the interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_set_request_contents

  • interaction - the interaction to set the request contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The request contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the request contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_set_request_contents(
    interaction: SynchronousHttp,
    contents: str,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the request contents of the interaction.


    - `interaction` - the interaction to set the request contents for
    - `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid
      NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
    - `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The request contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point
    to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the request contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_set_request_contents_bin(interaction: SynchronousHttp, contents: str, len: int, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the request contents of the interaction as an array of bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_set_request_contents_bin

  • interaction - the interaction to set the request contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from
  • len - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The contents pointer must be valid for reads of len bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the request contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_set_request_contents_bin(
    interaction: SynchronousHttp,
    contents: str,
    len: int,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the request contents of the interaction as an array of bytes.


    - `interaction` - the interaction to set the request contents for
    - `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from
    - `len` - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
    - `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The contents pointer must be valid for reads of `len` bytes, and it must be
    properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the request contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_set_response_contents(interaction: SynchronousHttp, contents: str, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the response contents of the interaction.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_set_response_contents

  • interaction - the interaction to set the response contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The response contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the response contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_set_response_contents(
    interaction: SynchronousHttp,
    contents: str,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the response contents of the interaction.


    - `interaction` - the interaction to set the response contents for
    - `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid
      NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
    - `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The response contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or
    point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the response contents as
    null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set
    the content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_http_set_response_contents_bin(interaction: SynchronousHttp, contents: str, len: int, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the response contents of the SynchronousHttp interaction as bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_http_set_response_contents_bin

  • interaction - the interaction to set the response contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from
  • len - number of bytes to copy
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The contents pointer must be valid for reads of len bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the response contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_http_set_response_contents_bin(
    interaction: SynchronousHttp,
    contents: str,
    len: int,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the response contents of the `SynchronousHttp` interaction as bytes.


    - `interaction` - the interaction to set the response contents for
    - `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from
    - `len` - number of bytes to copy
    - `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The contents pointer must be valid for reads of `len` bytes, and it must be
    properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the response contents as
    null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set
    the content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_delete(message: SynchronousMessage) -> None

Destroy the Message being pointed to.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_delete

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_delete(message: SynchronousMessage) -> None:
    Destroy the `Message` being pointed to.


sync_message_generate_request_contents(message: SynchronousMessage) -> MessageContents

Get the request contents of an SynchronousMessage as a MessageContents.

This function differs from pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents in that it will process the message contents for any generators or matchers that are present in the message in order to generate the actual message contents as would be received by the consumer.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_generate_request_contents


If the request contents cannot be generated

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_generate_request_contents(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
) -> MessageContents:
    Get the request contents of an `SynchronousMessage` as a `MessageContents`.

    This function differs from `pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents` in
    that it will process the message contents for any generators or matchers
    that are present in the message in order to generate the actual message
    contents as would be received by the consumer.


            If the request contents cannot be generated
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_message_generate_request_contents(message._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to generate request contents"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return MessageContents(ptr, owned=False)

sync_message_generate_response_contents(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int) -> MessageContents

Get the response contents of an SynchronousMessage as a MessageContents.

This function differs from sync_message_get_response_contents in that it will process the message contents for any generators or matchers that are present in the message in order to generate the actual message contents as would be received by the consumer.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_generate_response_contents


If the response contents could not be generated.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_generate_response_contents(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> MessageContents:
    Get the response contents of an `SynchronousMessage` as a `MessageContents`.

    This function differs from
    `sync_message_get_response_contents` in that it will process
    the message contents for any generators or matchers that are present in
    the message in order to generate the actual message contents as would be
    received by the consumer.


            If the response contents could not be generated.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_message_generate_response_contents(message._ptr, index)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to generate response contents."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return MessageContents(ptr, owned=False)

sync_message_get_description(message: SynchronousMessage) -> str

Get a copy of the description.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_description


If the description could not be retrieved

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_description(message: SynchronousMessage) -> str:
    Get a copy of the description.


            If the description could not be retrieved
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_message_get_description(message._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to get description."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

sync_message_get_number_responses(message: SynchronousMessage) -> int

Get the number of response messages in the SynchronousMessage.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_number_responses

If the message is null, this function will return 0.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_number_responses(message: SynchronousMessage) -> int:
    Get the number of response messages in the `SynchronousMessage`.


    If the message is null, this function will return 0.
    return lib.pactffi_sync_message_get_number_responses(message._ptr)

sync_message_get_provider_state(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int) -> ProviderState

Get a copy of the provider state at the given index from this message.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_provider_state


The returned structure must be deleted with provider_state_delete.

Since it is a copy, the returned structure may safely outlive the SynchronousMessage.

Error Handling

On failure, this function will return a variant other than Success.

This function may fail if the index requested is out of bounds, or if any of the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_provider_state(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> ProviderState:
    Get a copy of the provider state at the given index from this message.


    # Safety

    The returned structure must be deleted with `provider_state_delete`.

    Since it is a copy, the returned structure may safely outlive the

    # Error Handling

    On failure, this function will return a variant other than Success.

    This function may fail if the index requested is out of bounds, or if any of
    the Rust strings contain embedded null ('\0') bytes.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_provider_state_iter(message: SynchronousMessage) -> ProviderStateIterator

Get an iterator over provider states.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_provider_state_iter


The underlying data must not change during iteration.


If the iterator could not be created.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_provider_state_iter(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
) -> ProviderStateIterator:
    Get an iterator over provider states.


    # Safety

    The underlying data must not change during iteration.

            If the iterator could not be created.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_sync_message_get_provider_state_iter(message._ptr)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = "Failed to get provider state iterator."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return ProviderStateIterator(ptr)

sync_message_get_request_contents(message: SynchronousMessage) -> MessageContents

Get the request contents of an SynchronousMessage as a MessageContents.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents


The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted when the message is deleted. Trying to use if after the message is deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_request_contents(message: SynchronousMessage) -> MessageContents:
    Get the request contents of an `SynchronousMessage` as a `MessageContents`.


    # Safety

    The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted
    when the message is deleted. Trying to use if after the message is deleted
    will result in undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_request_contents_bin(message: SynchronousMessage) -> bytes

Get the request contents of a SynchronousMessage as a bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents_bin


The number of bytes in the buffer will be returned by pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents_length. It is safe to use the pointer while the message is not deleted or changed. Using the pointer after the message is mutated or deleted may lead to undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the message is missing, then this function also returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_request_contents_bin(message: SynchronousMessage) -> bytes:
    Get the request contents of a `SynchronousMessage` as a bytes.


    # Safety

    The number of bytes in the buffer will be returned by
    `pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents_length`. It is safe to use the
    pointer while the message is not deleted or changed. Using the pointer after
    the message is mutated or deleted may lead to undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the message is missing,
    then this function also returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_request_contents_length(message: SynchronousMessage) -> int

Get the length of the request contents of a SynchronousMessage.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents_length


This function is safe.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns 0. If the body of the request is missing, then this function also returns 0.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_request_contents_length(message: SynchronousMessage) -> int:
    Get the length of the request contents of a `SynchronousMessage`.


    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns 0. If the body of the request is missing,
    then this function also returns 0.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_request_contents_str(message: SynchronousMessage) -> str

Get the request contents of a SynchronousMessage in string form.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_request_contents_str


The returned string must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.

The returned string can outlive the message.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the request message is missing, then this function also returns NULL. This means there's no mechanism to differentiate with this function call alone between a NULL message and a missing message body.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_request_contents_str(message: SynchronousMessage) -> str:
    Get the request contents of a `SynchronousMessage` in string form.


    # Safety

    The returned string must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    The returned string can outlive the message.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL, returns NULL. If the body of the request message is
    missing, then this function also returns NULL. This means there's no
    mechanism to differentiate with this function call alone between a NULL
    message and a missing message body.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_response_contents(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int) -> MessageContents

Get the response contents of an SynchronousMessage as a MessageContents.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_response_contents


The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted when the message is deleted. Trying to use if after the message is deleted will result in undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_response_contents(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> MessageContents:
    Get the response contents of an `SynchronousMessage` as a `MessageContents`.


    # Safety

    The data pointed to by the pointer this function returns will be deleted
    when the message is deleted. Trying to use if after the message is deleted
    will result in undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_response_contents_bin(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int) -> bytes

Get the response contents of a SynchronousMessage as bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_response_contents_bin


The number of bytes in the buffer will be returned by pactffi_sync_message_get_response_contents_length. It is safe to use the pointer while the message is not deleted or changed. Using the pointer after the message is mutated or deleted may lead to undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns NULL. If the body of the message is missing, then this function also returns NULL.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_response_contents_bin(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> bytes:
    Get the response contents of a `SynchronousMessage` as bytes.


    # Safety

    The number of bytes in the buffer will be returned by
    `pactffi_sync_message_get_response_contents_length`. It is safe to use the
    pointer while the message is not deleted or changed. Using the pointer after
    the message is mutated or deleted may lead to undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns NULL. If the body
    of the message is missing, then this function also returns NULL.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_response_contents_length(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int) -> int

Get the length of the response contents of a SynchronousMessage.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_response_contents_length


This function is safe.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns 0. If the body of the request is missing, then this function also returns 0.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_response_contents_length(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> int:
    Get the length of the response contents of a `SynchronousMessage`.


    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns 0. If the body of
    the request is missing, then this function also returns 0.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_get_response_contents_str(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int) -> str

Get the response contents of a SynchronousMessage in string form.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_get_response_contents_str


The returned string must be deleted with pactffi_string_delete.

The returned string can outlive the message.

Error Handling

If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns NULL.

If the body of the response message is missing, then this function also returns NULL. This means there's no mechanism to differentiate with this function call alone between a NULL message and a missing message body.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_get_response_contents_str(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
) -> str:
    Get the response contents of a `SynchronousMessage` in string form.


    # Safety

    The returned string must be deleted with `pactffi_string_delete`.

    The returned string can outlive the message.

    # Error Handling

    If the message is NULL or the index is not valid, returns NULL.

    If the body of the response message is missing, then this function also
    returns NULL. This means there's no mechanism to differentiate with this
    function call alone between a NULL message and a missing message body.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_new() -> SynchronousMessage

Get a mutable pointer to a newly-created default message on the heap.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_new


This function is safe.

Error Handling

Returns NULL on error.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_new() -> SynchronousMessage:
    Get a mutable pointer to a newly-created default message on the heap.


    # Safety

    This function is safe.

    # Error Handling

    Returns NULL on error.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_set_description(message: SynchronousMessage, description: str) -> int

Write the description field on the SynchronousMessage.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_set_description


description must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

This function will only reallocate if the new string does not fit in the existing buffer.

Error Handling

Errors will be reported with a non-zero return value.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_set_description(message: SynchronousMessage, description: str) -> int:
    Write the `description` field on the `SynchronousMessage`.


    # Safety

    `description` must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with

    This function will only reallocate if the new string does not fit in the
    existing buffer.

    # Error Handling

    Errors will be reported with a non-zero return value.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_set_request_contents_bin(message: SynchronousMessage, contents: str, len: int, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the request contents of the message as an array of bytes.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_set_request_contents_bin

  • message - the message to set the request contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from
  • len - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The contents pointer must be valid for reads of len bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_set_request_contents_bin(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    contents: str,
    len: int,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the request contents of the message as an array of bytes.


    * `message` - the message to set the request contents for
    * `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from
    * `len` - number of bytes to copy from the contents pointer
    * `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The contents pointer must be valid for reads of `len` bytes, and it must be
    properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_set_request_contents_str(message: SynchronousMessage, contents: str, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the request contents of the message.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_set_request_contents_str

  • message - the message to set the request contents for
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_set_request_contents_str(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    contents: str,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the request contents of the message.


    - `message` - the message to set the request contents for
    - `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid
      NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
    - `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point
    to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_set_response_contents_bin(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int, contents: str, len: int, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the response contents of the message at the given index as bytes.

If index is greater than the number of responses in the message, the responses will be padded with default values.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_set_response_contents_bin

  • message - the message to set the response contents for
  • index - index of the response to set. 0 is the first response
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from
  • len - number of bytes to copy
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The contents pointer must be valid for reads of len bytes, and it must be properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_set_response_contents_bin(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
    contents: str,
    len: int,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the response contents of the message at the given index as bytes.

    If index is greater than the number of responses in the message, the
    responses will be padded with default values.


    * `message` - the message to set the response contents for
    * `index` - index of the response to set. 0 is the first response
    * `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from
    * `len` - number of bytes to copy
    * `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The contents pointer must be valid for reads of `len` bytes, and it must be
    properly aligned and consecutive. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the message contents as null.
    If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the
    content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

sync_message_set_response_contents_str(message: SynchronousMessage, index: int, contents: str, content_type: str) -> None

Sets the response contents of the message as a string.

If index is greater than the number of responses in the message, the responses will be padded with default values.

Rust pactffi_sync_message_set_response_contents_str

  • message - the message to set the response contents for
  • index - index of the response to set. 0 is the first response.
  • contents - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
  • content_type - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing the content type of the data.


The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is undefined.

Error Handling

If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the response contents as null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set the content type as unknown.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def sync_message_set_response_contents_str(
    message: SynchronousMessage,
    index: int,
    contents: str,
    content_type: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the response contents of the message as a string.

    If index is greater
    than the number of responses in the message, the responses will be padded
    with default values.


    * `message` - the message to set the response contents for
    * `index` - index of the response to set. 0 is the first response.
    * `contents` - pointer to contents to copy from. Must be a valid
      NULL-terminated UTF-8 string pointer.
    * `content_type` - pointer to the NULL-terminated UTF-8 string containing
      the content type of the data.

    # Safety

    The message contents and content type must either be NULL pointers, or point
    to valid UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Otherwise behaviour is

    # Error Handling

    If the contents is a NULL pointer, it will set the response contents as
    null. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will set
    the content type as unknown.
    raise NotImplementedError

upon_receiving(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: str) -> None

Sets the description for the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_upon_receiving

This function


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

TYPE: str


This function has intentionally been left unimplemented.


If the interaction description could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def upon_receiving(interaction: InteractionHandle, description: str) -> None:
    Sets the description for the Interaction.


    This function

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The interaction description. It needs to be unique for each Pact.

            This function has intentionally been left unimplemented.

            If the interaction description could not be set.
    # This function has intentionally been left unimplemented. The rationale is
    # to avoid code of the form:
    # ```python
    #     .with_request("GET", "/")
    #     .upon_receiving("some new description")
    # ```
    raise NotImplementedError

    success: bool = lib.pactffi_upon_receiving(
    if not success:
        msg = "The interaction description could not be set."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

using_plugin(pact: PactHandle, plugin_name: str, plugin_version: str | None) -> None

Add a plugin to be used by the test.

The plugin needs to be installed correctly for this function to work.

Note that plugins run as separate processes, so will need to be cleaned up afterwards by calling cleanup_plugins otherwise you will have plugin processes left running.

Rust pactffi_using_plugin


Handle to a Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


Name of the plugin to use.

TYPE: str


Version of the plugin to use. If None, the latest version will be used.

TYPE: str | None


If the plugin could not be loaded.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def using_plugin(
    pact: PactHandle,
    plugin_name: str,
    plugin_version: str | None,
) -> None:
    Add a plugin to be used by the test.

    The plugin needs to be installed correctly for this function to work.

    Note that plugins run as separate processes, so will need to be cleaned up
    afterwards by calling [`cleanup_plugins`][pact.v3.ffi.cleanup_plugins]
    otherwise you will have plugin processes left running.


            Handle to a Pact model.

            Name of the plugin to use.

            Version of the plugin to use. If `None`, the latest version will be

            If the plugin could not be loaded.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_using_plugin(
        plugin_version.encode("utf-8") if plugin_version else ffi.NULL,
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = f"A general panic was caught: {get_error_message()}"
    elif ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Failed to load the plugin {plugin_name}."
    elif ret == 3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The Pact handle {pact} is invalid."
        msg = f"There was an unknown error loading the plugin {plugin_name}."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

validate_datetime(value: str, format: str) -> None

Validates the date/time value against the date/time format string.

Rust pactffi_validate_datetime


If the value is not a valid date/time for the format string.


For any other error.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def validate_datetime(value: str, format: str) -> None:
    Validates the date/time value against the date/time format string.


            If the value is not a valid date/time for the format string.

            For any other error.
    ret = lib.pactffi_validate_datetime(value.encode(), format.encode())
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = f"Invalid datetime value {value!r}' for format {format!r}"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"Panic while validating datetime value: {get_error_message()}"
        msg = f"Unknown error while validating datetime value: {ret}"
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_add_custom_header(handle: VerifierHandle, header_name: str, header_value: str) -> None

Adds a custom header to be added to the requests made to the provider.

Rust pactffi_verifier_add_custom_header

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_add_custom_header(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    header_name: str,
    header_value: str,
) -> None:
    Adds a custom header to be added to the requests made to the provider.


verifier_add_directory_source(handle: VerifierHandle, directory: str) -> None

Adds a Pact directory as a source to verify.

All pacts from the directory that match the provider name will be verified.

Rust pactffi_verifier_add_directory_source


All string fields must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_add_directory_source(handle: VerifierHandle, directory: str) -> None:
    Adds a Pact directory as a source to verify.

    All pacts from the directory that match the provider name will be verified.


    # Safety

    All string fields must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced

    lib.pactffi_verifier_add_directory_source(handle._ref, directory.encode("utf-8"))

verifier_add_file_source(handle: VerifierHandle, file: str) -> None

Adds a Pact file as a source to verify.

Rust pactffi_verifier_add_file_source

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_add_file_source(handle: VerifierHandle, file: str) -> None:
    Adds a Pact file as a source to verify.

    lib.pactffi_verifier_add_file_source(handle._ref, file.encode("utf-8"))

verifier_add_provider_transport(handle: VerifierHandle, protocol: str | None, port: int, path: str | None, scheme: str | None) -> None

Adds a new transport for the given provider.

Rust pactffi_verifier_add_provider_transport


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


In this context, the kind of

TYPE: str | None


The port of the provider.

TYPE: int


The path of the provider.

TYPE: str | None


The scheme to use, typically one of HTTP or HTTPS.

TYPE: str | None

If any value is None, the default value as determined by the underlying FFI library will be used.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_add_provider_transport(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    protocol: str | None,
    port: int,
    path: str | None,
    scheme: str | None,
) -> None:
    Adds a new transport for the given provider.


            The verifier handle to update.

            In this context, the kind of

            The port of the provider.

            The path of the provider.

            The scheme to use, typically one of `HTTP` or `HTTPS`.

    If any value is `None`, the default value as determined by the underlying
    FFI library will be used.
        protocol.encode("utf-8") if protocol else ffi.NULL,
        path.encode("utf-8") if path else ffi.NULL,
        scheme.encode("utf-8") if scheme else ffi.NULL,

verifier_broker_source(handle: VerifierHandle, url: str, username: str | None, password: str | None, token: str | None) -> None

Adds a Pact broker as a source to verify.

Rust pactffi_verifier_broker_source

This will fetch all the pact files from the broker that match the provider name.


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


The URL to use as a source for the verifier.

TYPE: str


The username to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

TYPE: str | None


The password to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

TYPE: str | None


The token to use when fetching pacts from the broker. This will be used as a bearer token.

TYPE: str | None

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_broker_source(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    url: str,
    username: str | None,
    password: str | None,
    token: str | None,
) -> None:
    Adds a Pact broker as a source to verify.


    This will fetch all the pact files from the broker that match the provider

            The verifier handle to update.

            The URL to use as a source for the verifier.

            The username to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

            The password to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

            The token to use when fetching pacts from the broker. This will be
            used as a bearer token.
        username.encode("utf-8") if username else ffi.NULL,
        password.encode("utf-8") if password else ffi.NULL,
        token.encode("utf-8") if token else ffi.NULL,

verifier_broker_source_with_selectors(handle: VerifierHandle, url: str, username: str | None, password: str | None, token: str | None, enable_pending: int, include_wip_pacts_since: | None, provider_tags: list[str], provider_branch: str | None, consumer_version_selectors: list[str], consumer_version_tags: list[str]) -> None

Adds a Pact broker as a source to verify.

Rust pactffi_verifier_broker_source_with_selectors

This will fetch all the pact files from the broker that match the provider name and the consumer version selectors (See Consumer Version Selectors).

If a username and password is given, then basic authentication will be used when fetching the pact file. If a token is provided, then bearer token authentication will be used.


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


The URL to use as a source for the verifier.

TYPE: str


The username to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

TYPE: str | None


The password to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

TYPE: str | None


The token to use when fetching pacts from the broker. This will be used as a bearer token.

TYPE: str | None


If pending pacts should be included in the verification process.

TYPE: int


The date to use to filter out WIP pacts.

TYPE: date | None


The tags to use to filter the provider pacts.

TYPE: list[str]


The branch to use to filter the provider pacts.

TYPE: str | None


The consumer version selectors to use to filter the consumer pacts. This must be passed in as a JSON string.

TYPE: list[str]


The tags to use to filter the consumer pacts.

TYPE: list[str]

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_broker_source_with_selectors(  # noqa: PLR0913
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    url: str,
    username: str | None,
    password: str | None,
    token: str | None,
    enable_pending: int,
    include_wip_pacts_since: | None,
    provider_tags: list[str],
    provider_branch: str | None,
    consumer_version_selectors: list[str],
    consumer_version_tags: list[str],
) -> None:
    Adds a Pact broker as a source to verify.


    This will fetch all the pact files from the broker that match the provider
    name and the consumer version selectors (See [Consumer Version

    If a username and password is given, then basic authentication will be used
    when fetching the pact file. If a token is provided, then bearer token
    authentication will be used.

            The verifier handle to update.

            The URL to use as a source for the verifier.

            The username to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

            The password to use when fetching pacts from the broker.

            The token to use when fetching pacts from the broker. This will be
            used as a bearer token.

            If pending pacts should be included in the verification process.

            The date to use to filter out WIP pacts.

            The tags to use to filter the provider pacts.

            The branch to use to filter the provider pacts.

            The consumer version selectors to use to filter the consumer pacts.
            This must be passed in as a JSON string.

            The tags to use to filter the consumer pacts.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_verifier_broker_source_with_selectors(
        username.encode("utf-8") if username else ffi.NULL,
        password.encode("utf-8") if password else ffi.NULL,
        token.encode("utf-8") if token else ffi.NULL,
            if include_wip_pacts_since
            else ffi.NULL
        ["char[]", t.encode("utf-8")) for t in provider_tags],
        provider_branch.encode("utf-8") if provider_branch else ffi.NULL,
        ["char[]", s.encode("utf-8")) for s in consumer_version_selectors],
        ["char[]", t.encode("utf-8")) for t in consumer_version_tags],
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == -1:
        msg = "Invalid version selector JSON."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    msg = "Unknown error adding broker source with selectors."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_cli_args() -> str

External interface to retrieve the CLI options and arguments.

This available when calling the CLI interface, returning them as a JSON string.

Rust pactffi_verifier_cli_args

The purpose is to then be able to use in other languages which wrap the FFI library, to implement the same CLI functionality automatically without manual maintenance of arguments, help descriptions etc.

Example structure

  "options": [
      "long": "scheme",
      "help": "Provider URI scheme (defaults to http)",
      "possible_values": [
      "default_value": "http"
      "multiple": false,
      "long": "file",
      "short": "f",
      "help": "Pact file to verify (can be repeated)",
      "multiple": true
      "long": "user",
      "help": "Username to use when fetching pacts from URLS",
      "multiple": false,
  "flags": [
      "long": "disable-ssl-verification",
      "help": "Disables validation of SSL certificates",
      "multiple": false


Exported functions are inherently unsafe.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_cli_args() -> str:
    External interface to retrieve the CLI options and arguments.

    This available when calling the CLI interface, returning them as a JSON


    The purpose is to then be able to use in other languages which wrap the FFI
    library, to implement the same CLI functionality automatically without
    manual maintenance of arguments, help descriptions etc.

    # Example structure

      "options": [
          "long": "scheme",
          "help": "Provider URI scheme (defaults to http)",
          "possible_values": [
          "default_value": "http"
          "multiple": false,
          "long": "file",
          "short": "f",
          "help": "Pact file to verify (can be repeated)",
          "multiple": true
          "long": "user",
          "help": "Username to use when fetching pacts from URLS",
          "multiple": false,
          "env": "PACT_BROKER_USERNAME"
      "flags": [
          "long": "disable-ssl-verification",
          "help": "Disables validation of SSL certificates",
          "multiple": false

    # Safety

    Exported functions are inherently unsafe.
    raise NotImplementedError

verifier_execute(handle: VerifierHandle) -> None

Runs the verification.



If the verifier could not be executed.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_execute(handle: VerifierHandle) -> None:
    Runs the verification.


            If the verifier could not be executed.
    success: int = lib.pactffi_verifier_execute(handle._ref)
    if success != 0:
        msg = f"Failed to execute verifier for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_json(handle: VerifierHandle) -> OwnedString

Extracts the verification result as a JSON document.

Rust pactffi_verifier_json


If the JSON could not be extracted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_json(handle: VerifierHandle) -> OwnedString:
    Extracts the verification result as a JSON document.


            If the JSON could not be extracted.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_verifier_json(handle._ref)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = f"Failed to get JSON for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

verifier_logs(handle: VerifierHandle) -> OwnedString

Extracts the logs for the verification run.

Rust pactffi_verifier_logs

This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before the verification is executed. The returned string will need to be freed with the free_string function call to avoid leaking memory.


If the logs could not be extracted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_logs(handle: VerifierHandle) -> OwnedString:
    Extracts the logs for the verification run.


    This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before the verification is
    executed. The returned string will need to be freed with the `free_string`
    function call to avoid leaking memory.

            If the logs could not be extracted.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_verifier_logs(handle._ref)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = f"Failed to get logs for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

verifier_logs_for_provider(provider_name: str) -> OwnedString

Extracts the logs for the verification run for the provider name.

Rust pactffi_verifier_logs_for_provider

This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before the verification is executed. The returned string will need to be freed with the free_string function call to avoid leaking memory.


If the logs could not be extracted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_logs_for_provider(provider_name: str) -> OwnedString:
    Extracts the logs for the verification run for the provider name.


    This needs the memory buffer log sink to be setup before the verification is
    executed. The returned string will need to be freed with the `free_string`
    function call to avoid leaking memory.

            If the logs could not be extracted.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_verifier_logs_for_provider(provider_name.encode("utf-8"))
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = f"Failed to get logs for {provider_name}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

verifier_new_for_application() -> VerifierHandle

Get a Handle to a newly created verifier.

By default, verification results will not be published. To enable publishing, use pactffi_verifier_set_publish_options to set the required values and enable it.

Rust pactffi_verifier_new_for_application

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_new_for_application() -> VerifierHandle:
    Get a Handle to a newly created verifier.

    By default, verification results will not be published. To enable
    publishing, use
    to set the required values and enable it.

    from pact import __version__

    result: cffi.FFI.CData = lib.pactffi_verifier_new_for_application(
    return VerifierHandle(result)

verifier_output(handle: VerifierHandle, strip_ansi: int) -> OwnedString

Extracts the standard output for the verification run.

Rust pactffi_verifier_output


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


This parameter controls ANSI escape codes. Setting it to a non-zero value will cause the ANSI control codes to be stripped from the output.

TYPE: int


If the output could not be extracted.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_output(handle: VerifierHandle, strip_ansi: int) -> OwnedString:
    Extracts the standard output for the verification run.


            The verifier handle to update.

            This parameter controls ANSI escape codes. Setting it to a non-zero
            value will cause the ANSI control codes to be stripped from the

            If the output could not be extracted.
    ptr = lib.pactffi_verifier_output(handle._ref, strip_ansi)
    if ptr == ffi.NULL:
        msg = f"Failed to get output for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    return OwnedString(ptr)

verifier_set_coloured_output(handle: VerifierHandle, *, enabled: bool) -> None

Enables or disables coloured output using ANSI escape codes.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_coloured_output

By default, coloured output is enabled.


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


A boolean value to enable or disable coloured output.

TYPE: bool


If the coloured output could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_coloured_output(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    enabled: bool,
) -> None:
    Enables or disables coloured output using ANSI escape codes.


    By default, coloured output is enabled.

            The verifier handle to update.

            A boolean value to enable or disable coloured output.

            If the coloured output could not be set.
    retval: int = lib.pactffi_verifier_set_coloured_output(
    if retval != 0:
        msg = f"Failed to set coloured output for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_set_consumer_filters(handle: VerifierHandle, consumer_filters: Collection[str]) -> None

Set the consumer filters for the Pact verifier.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_consumer_filters

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_consumer_filters(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    consumer_filters: Collection[str],
) -> None:
    Set the consumer filters for the Pact verifier.

        ["char[]", f.encode("utf-8")) for f in consumer_filters],

verifier_set_filter_info(handle: VerifierHandle, filter_description: str | None, filter_state: str | None, *, filter_no_state: bool) -> None

Set the filters for the Pact verifier.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_filter_info

Set filters to narrow down the interactions to verify.


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


A regular expression to filter the interactions by description.

TYPE: str | None


A regular expression to filter the interactions by state.

TYPE: str | None


If True, the option to filter by state will be turned on.

TYPE: bool

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_filter_info(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    filter_description: str | None,
    filter_state: str | None,
    filter_no_state: bool,
) -> None:
    Set the filters for the Pact verifier.


    Set filters to narrow down the interactions to verify.

            The verifier handle to update.

            A regular expression to filter the interactions by description.

            A regular expression to filter the interactions by state.

            If `True`, the option to filter by state will be turned on.
        filter_description.encode("utf-8") if filter_description else ffi.NULL,
        filter_state.encode("utf-8") if filter_state else ffi.NULL,

verifier_set_no_pacts_is_error(handle: VerifierHandle, *, enabled: bool) -> None

Enables or disables if no pacts are found to verify results in an error.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_no_pacts_is_error


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


If True, an error will be raised when no pacts are found to verify.

TYPE: bool


If the no pacts is error setting could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_no_pacts_is_error(handle: VerifierHandle, *, enabled: bool) -> None:
    Enables or disables if no pacts are found to verify results in an error.


            The verifier handle to update.

            If `True`, an error will be raised when no pacts are found to verify.

            If the no pacts is error setting could not be set.
    retval: int = lib.pactffi_verifier_set_no_pacts_is_error(
    if retval != 0:
        msg = f"Failed to set no pacts is error for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_set_provider_info(handle: VerifierHandle, name: str | None, scheme: str | None, host: str | None, port: int | None, path: str | None) -> None

Set the provider details for the Pact verifier.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_provider_info


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


A user-friendly name to describe the provider.

TYPE: str | None


Determine the scheme to use, typically one of HTTP or HTTPS.

TYPE: str | None


The host of the provider. This may be either a hostname to resolve, or an IP address.

TYPE: str | None


The port of the provider.

TYPE: int | None


The path of the provider.

TYPE: str | None

If any value is None, the default value as determined by the underlying FFI library will be used.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_provider_info(  # noqa: PLR0913
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    name: str | None,
    scheme: str | None,
    host: str | None,
    port: int | None,
    path: str | None,
) -> None:
    Set the provider details for the Pact verifier.


            The verifier handle to update.

            A user-friendly name to describe the provider.

            Determine the scheme to use, typically one of `HTTP` or `HTTPS`.

            The host of the provider. This may be either a hostname to resolve,
            or an IP address.

            The port of the provider.

            The path of the provider.

    If any value is `None`, the default value as determined by the underlying
    FFI library will be used.
        name.encode("utf-8") if name else ffi.NULL,
        scheme.encode("utf-8") if scheme else ffi.NULL,
        host.encode("utf-8") if host else ffi.NULL,
        path.encode("utf-8") if path else ffi.NULL,

verifier_set_provider_state(handle: VerifierHandle, url: str, *, teardown: bool, body: bool) -> None

Set the provider state URL for the Pact verifier.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_provider_state


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


The URL to use for the provider state.

TYPE: str


If teardown state change requests should be made after an interaction is validated.

TYPE: bool


If state change request data should be sent in the body or the query.

TYPE: bool

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_provider_state(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    url: str,
    teardown: bool,
    body: bool,
) -> None:
    Set the provider state URL for the Pact verifier.


            The verifier handle to update.

            The URL to use for the provider state.

            If teardown state change requests should be made after an
            interaction is validated.

            If state change request data should be sent in the body or the

verifier_set_publish_options(handle: VerifierHandle, provider_version: str, build_url: str | None, provider_tags: list[str] | None, provider_branch: str | None) -> None

Set the options used when publishing verification results to the Broker.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_publish_options


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


Version of the provider to publish.

TYPE: str


URL to the build which ran the verification.

TYPE: str | None


Collection of tags for the provider.

TYPE: list[str] | None


Name of the branch used for verification.

TYPE: str | None


If the publish options could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_publish_options(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    provider_version: str,
    build_url: str | None,
    provider_tags: list[str] | None,
    provider_branch: str | None,
) -> None:
    Set the options used when publishing verification results to the Broker.


            The verifier handle to update.

            Version of the provider to publish.

            URL to the build which ran the verification.

            Collection of tags for the provider.

            Name of the branch used for verification.

            If the publish options could not be set.
    retval: int = lib.pactffi_verifier_set_publish_options(
        build_url.encode("utf-8") if build_url else ffi.NULL,
        ["char[]", t.encode("utf-8")) for t in provider_tags or []],
        len(provider_tags or []),
        provider_branch.encode("utf-8") if provider_branch else ffi.NULL,
    if retval != 0:
        msg = f"Failed to set publish options for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_set_verification_options(handle: VerifierHandle, *, disable_ssl_verification: bool, request_timeout: int) -> None

Set the options used by the verifier when calling the provider.

Rust pactffi_verifier_set_verification_options


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


If SSL verification should be disabled.

TYPE: bool


The timeout for the request in milliseconds.

TYPE: int


If the options could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_set_verification_options(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    disable_ssl_verification: bool,
    request_timeout: int,
) -> None:
    Set the options used by the verifier when calling the provider.


            The verifier handle to update.

            If SSL verification should be disabled.

            The timeout for the request in milliseconds.

            If the options could not be set.
    retval: int = lib.pactffi_verifier_set_verification_options(
    if retval != 0:
        msg = f"Failed to set verification options for {handle}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

verifier_shutdown(handle: VerifierHandle) -> None

Shutdown the verifier and release all resources.

Rust pactffi_verifier_shutdown

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_shutdown(handle: VerifierHandle) -> None:
    Shutdown the verifier and release all resources.

    [Rust `pactffi_verifier_shutdown`](

verifier_url_source(handle: VerifierHandle, url: str, username: str | None, password: str | None, token: str | None) -> None

Adds a URL as a source to verify.

Rust pactffi_verifier_url_source


The verifier handle to update.

TYPE: VerifierHandle


The URL to use as a source for the verifier.

TYPE: str


The username to use when fetching pacts from the URL.

TYPE: str | None


The password to use when fetching pacts from the URL.

TYPE: str | None


The token to use when fetching pacts from the URL. This will be used as a bearer token. It is mutually exclusive with the username and password.

TYPE: str | None

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verifier_url_source(
    handle: VerifierHandle,
    url: str,
    username: str | None,
    password: str | None,
    token: str | None,
) -> None:
    Adds a URL as a source to verify.


            The verifier handle to update.

            The URL to use as a source for the verifier.

            The username to use when fetching pacts from the URL.

            The password to use when fetching pacts from the URL.

            The token to use when fetching pacts from the URL. This will be used
            as a bearer token. It is mutually exclusive with the username and
        username.encode("utf-8") if username else ffi.NULL,
        password.encode("utf-8") if password else ffi.NULL,
        token.encode("utf-8") if token else ffi.NULL,

verify(args: str) -> int

External interface to verifier a provider.

Rust pactffi_verify

  • args - the same as the CLI interface, except newline delimited


Errors are returned as non-zero numeric values.

Error Description
1 The verification process failed, see output for errors
2 A null pointer was received
3 The method panicked
4 Invalid arguments were provided to the verification process


Exported functions are inherently unsafe. Deal.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def verify(args: str) -> int:
    External interface to verifier a provider.

    [Rust `pactffi_verify`](

    * `args` - the same as the CLI interface, except newline delimited

    # Errors

    Errors are returned as non-zero numeric values.

    | Error | Description |
    | 1 | The verification process failed, see output for errors |
    | 2 | A null pointer was received |
    | 3 | The method panicked |
    | 4 | Invalid arguments were provided to the verification process |

    # Safety

    Exported functions are inherently unsafe. Deal.
    raise NotImplementedError

version() -> str

Return the version of the pact_ffi library.

Rust pactffi_version


The version of the pact_ffi library as a string, in the form of x.y.z.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def version() -> str:
    Return the version of the pact_ffi library.

    [Rust `pactffi_version`](

        The version of the pact_ffi library as a string, in the form of `x.y.z`.
    v = ffi.string(lib.pactffi_version())
    if isinstance(v, bytes):
        return v.decode("utf-8")
    return v

with_binary_body(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, content_type: str | None, body: bytes | None) -> None

Adds the body for the interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_binary_body

For HTTP and async message interactions, this will overwrite the body. With asynchronous messages, the part parameter will be ignored. With synchronous messages, the request contents will be overwritten, while a new response will be appended to the message.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or Response).

TYPE: InteractionPart


The content type of the body. Will be ignored if a content type header is already set. If None, the content type will be set to application/octet-stream.

TYPE: str | None


The body contents. If None, the body will be set to null.

TYPE: bytes | None


If the body could not be modified.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_binary_body(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    content_type: str | None,
    body: bytes | None,
) -> None:
    Adds the body for the interaction.


    For HTTP and async message interactions, this will overwrite the body. With
    asynchronous messages, the part parameter will be ignored. With synchronous
    messages, the request contents will be overwritten, while a new response
    will be appended to the message.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or

            The content type of the body. Will be ignored if a content type
            header is already set. If `None`, the content type will be set to

            The body contents. If `None`, the body will be set to null.

            If the body could not be modified.
    if len(gc.get_referrers(body)) == 0:
            "Make sure to assign the body to a variable to avoid having the byte array"
            " modified.",
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_binary_body(
        content_type.encode("utf-8") if content_type else ffi.NULL,
        body if body else ffi.NULL,
        len(body) if body else 0,
    if not success:
        msg = f"Unable to set body for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_binary_file(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, content_type: str | None, body: bytes | None) -> None

Adds a binary file as the body with the expected content type and contents.


This function is deprecated. Use with_binary_body in order to set the binary body, and use with_matching_rules to set the matching rules to ensure that only the content type is being matched.

Will use a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)

Rust pactffi_with_binary_file

For HTTP and async message interactions, this will overwrite the body. With asynchronous messages, the part parameter will be ignored. With synchronous messages, the request contents will be overwritten, while a new response will be appended to the message.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or Response).

TYPE: InteractionPart


The content type of the body. Will be ignored if a content type header is already set.

TYPE: str | None


The body contents. If None, the body will be set to null.

TYPE: bytes | None


If the body could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_binary_file(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    content_type: str | None,
    body: bytes | None,
) -> None:
    Adds a binary file as the body with the expected content type and contents.

    !!! warning

        This function is deprecated. Use
        [`with_binary_body`][pact.v3.ffi.with_binary_body] in order to set the
        binary body, and use
        [`with_matching_rules`][pact.v3.ffi.with_matching_rules] to set the
        matching rules to ensure that only the content type is being matched.

    Will use a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns false if the
    interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has
    already started)


    For HTTP and async message interactions, this will overwrite the body. With
    asynchronous messages, the part parameter will be ignored. With synchronous
    messages, the request contents will be overwritten, while a new response
    will be appended to the message.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or

            The content type of the body. Will be ignored if a content type
            header is already set.

            The body contents. If `None`, the body will be set to null.

            If the body could not be set.
    if len(gc.get_referrers(body)) == 0:
            "Make sure to assign the body to a variable to avoid having the byte array"
            " modified.",
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_binary_file(
        content_type.encode("utf-8") if content_type else ffi.NULL,
        body if body else ffi.NULL,
        len(body) if body else 0,
    if not success:
        msg = f"Unable to set body for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_body(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, content_type: str | None, body: str | None) -> None

Adds the body for the interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_body

Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)

If the content_type is determined as follows, whichever is first:

  • The content_type argument to this function
  • The Content-Type header for HTTP interaction, or contentType metadata entry for message interactions.
  • From automatic detection of the body contents.
  • Defaults to text/plain as a last resort.

Furthermore, the Content-Type header or contentType metadata entry will be updated with the above determined content type, unless it is already set.

This function will overwrite the body contents if they exist, with the exception of the response part of synchronous message interactions, where a new response will be appended.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or Response). This is ignored for asynchronous message interactions.

TYPE: InteractionPart


The content type of the body, or None to use the internal logic.

TYPE: str | None


The body contents. For JSON payloads, matching rules can be embedded in the body. See

TYPE: str | None


If the body could not be specified.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_body(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    content_type: str | None,
    body: str | None,
) -> None:
    Adds the body for the interaction.


    Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock
    server for it has already started)

    If the `content_type` is determined as follows, whichever is first:

    - The `content_type` argument to this function
    - The `Content-Type` header for HTTP interaction, or `contentType` metadata
      entry for message interactions.
    - From automatic detection of the body contents.
    - Defaults to `text/plain` as a last resort.

    Furthermore, the `Content-Type` header or `contentType` metadata entry will
    be updated with the above determined content type, _unless_ it is already

    This function will overwrite the body contents if they exist, with the
    exception of the response part of synchronous message interactions, where a
    new response will be appended.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or
            Response). This is ignored for asynchronous message interactions.

            The content type of the body, or `None` to use the internal logic.

            The body contents. For JSON payloads, matching rules can be embedded
            in the body. See

            If the body could not be specified.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_body(
        content_type.encode("utf-8") if content_type else ffi.NULL,
        body.encode("utf-8") if body else None,
    if not success:
        msg = f"Unable to set body for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_generators(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, generators: str) -> None

Add generators to the interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_generators

This function can be called multiple times, in which case the generators will be combined (provide they don't clash).

For synchronous messages which allow multiple responses, the generators will be added to all the responses.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


Request or response part (if applicable).

TYPE: InteractionPart


JSON string of the generators to add to the interaction.

TYPE: str


If the generators could not be added.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_generators(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    generators: str,
) -> None:
    Add generators to the interaction.


    This function can be called multiple times, in which case the generators
    will be combined (provide they don't clash).

    For synchronous messages which allow multiple responses, the generators will
    be added to all the responses.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            Request or response part (if applicable).

            JSON string of the generators to add to the interaction.

            If the generators could not be added.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_generators(
    if not success:
        msg = f"Unable to set generators for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_header_v2(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, name: str, index: int, value: str) -> None

Configures a header for the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_header_v2

To setup a header with multiple values, you can either call this function multiple times with a different index value:

with_header_v2(handle, part, "Accept-Version", 0, "2")
with_header_v2(handle, part, "Accept-Version", 0, "3")

Or you can call it once with a JSON value that contains multiple values:

    json.dumps({"value": ["2", "3"]}),

The JSON value can also contain a matcher, which will be used to match the query parameter value. For example, a semver matcher might look like this:

        "value": "1.2.3",
        "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
        "regex": r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+",



Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to add the header to (Request or Response).

TYPE: InteractionPart


The header name. This is case insensitive.

TYPE: str


The index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a header with multiple values.

TYPE: int


The header value.

This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or it may be a JSON matching rule.

TYPE: str


If there was an error setting the header.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_header_v2(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    name: str,
    index: int,
    value: str,
) -> None:
    Configures a header for the Interaction.

    [Rust `pactffi_with_header_v2`](

    To setup a header with multiple values, you can either call this
    function multiple times with a different index value:

    with_header_v2(handle, part, "Accept-Version", 0, "2")
    with_header_v2(handle, part, "Accept-Version", 0, "3")

    Or you can call it once with a JSON value that contains multiple values:

        json.dumps({"value": ["2", "3"]}),

    The JSON value can also contain a matcher, which will be used to match the
    query parameter value. For example, a semver matcher might look like this:

            "value": "1.2.3",
            "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
            "regex": r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+",

    See [](

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The part of the interaction to add the header to (Request or

            The header name. This is case insensitive.

            The index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a
            header with multiple values.

            The header value.

            This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or
            it may be a [JSON matching

            If there was an error setting the header.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_header_v2(
    if not success:
        msg = f"The header {name!r} could not be specified for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_matching_rules(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, rules: str) -> None

Add matching rules to the interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_matching_rules

This function can be called multiple times, in which case the matching rules will be merged.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


Request or response part (if applicable).

TYPE: InteractionPart


JSON string of the matching rules to add to the interaction.

TYPE: str


If the rules could not be added.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_matching_rules(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    rules: str,
) -> None:
    Add matching rules to the interaction.


    This function can be called multiple times, in which case the matching
    rules will be merged.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            Request or response part (if applicable).

            JSON string of the matching rules to add to the interaction.

            If the rules could not be added.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_matching_rules(
    if not success:
        msg = f"Unable to set matching rules for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_metadata(interaction: InteractionHandle, key: str, value: str, part: InteractionPart) -> None

Adds metadata to the interaction.

Metadata is only relevant for message interactions to provide additional information about the message, such as the queue name, message type, tags, timestamps, etc.

  • key - metadata key
  • value - metadata value, supports JSON structures with matchers and generators. Passing a NULL point will remove the metadata key instead.
  • part - the part of the interaction to add the metadata to (only relevant for synchronous message interactions).

Returns true if the metadata was added successfully, false otherwise.

To include matching rules for the value, include the matching rule JSON format with the value as a single JSON document. I.e.

python with_metadata( handle, "TagData", json.dumps({ "value": {"ID": "sjhdjkshsdjh", "weight": 100.5}, "pact:matcher:type": "type", }), )



For HTTP interactions, use with_header_v2 instead. This function will not have any effect on HTTP interactions and returns false.

For synchronous message interactions, the part parameter is required to specify whether the metadata should be added to the request or response part. For responses which can have multiple messages, the metadata will be set on all response messages. This also requires for responses to have been defined in the interaction.

The with_body will also contribute to the metadata of the message (both sync and async) by setting the key contentType with the content type of the message.


The key and value parameters must be valid pointers to NULL terminated strings, or NULL for the value parameter if the metadata key should be removed.


If the metadata could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_metadata(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    key: str,
    value: str,
    part: InteractionPart,
) -> None:
    Adds metadata to the interaction.

    Metadata is only relevant for message interactions to provide additional
    information about the message, such as the queue name, message type, tags,
    timestamps, etc.

    * `key` - metadata key
    * `value` - metadata value, supports JSON structures with matchers and
      generators. Passing a `NULL` point will remove the metadata key instead.
    * `part` - the part of the interaction to add the metadata to (only
     relevant for synchronous message interactions).

    Returns `true` if the metadata was added successfully, `false` otherwise.

    To include matching rules for the value, include the matching rule JSON
    format with the value as a single JSON document. I.e.

    ```python with_metadata(
        handle, "TagData", json.dumps({
            "value": {"ID": "sjhdjkshsdjh", "weight": 100.5},
            "pact:matcher:type": "type",


    # Note

    For HTTP interactions, use [`with_header_v2`][pact.v3.ffi.with_header_v2]
    instead. This function will not have any effect on HTTP interactions and
    returns `false`.

    For synchronous message interactions, the `part` parameter is required to
    specify whether the metadata should be added to the request or response
    part. For responses which can have multiple messages, the metadata will be
    set on all response messages. This also requires for responses to have been
    defined in the interaction.

    The [`with_body`][pact.v3.ffi.with_body] will also contribute to the
    metadata of the message (both sync and async) by setting the key
    `contentType` with the content type of the message.

    # Safety

    The key and value parameters must be valid pointers to NULL terminated
    strings, or `NULL` for the value parameter if the metadata key should be

            If the metadata could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_metadata(
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to set metadata for {interaction} with {key}={value}"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_multipart_file(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, content_type: str, file: str, part_name: str) -> StringResult

Adds a binary file as the body as a MIME multipart.

Will use a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns an error if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started) or an error occurs.

Rust pactffi_with_multipart_file

  • interaction - Interaction handle to set the body for.
  • part - Request or response part.
  • content_type - Expected content type of the file.
  • file - path to the example file
  • part_name - name for the mime part

This function can be called multiple times. In that case, each subsequent call will be appended to the existing multipart body as a new part.


The content type, file path and part name must be valid pointers to UTF-8 encoded NULL-terminated strings. Passing invalid pointers or pointers to strings that are not NULL terminated will lead to undefined behaviour.

Error Handling

If the file path is a NULL pointer, it will set the body contents as as an empty mime-part. If the file path does not point to a valid file, or is not able to be read, it will return an error result. If the content type is a null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will return an error result. Returns an error if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started), the interaction is not an HTTP interaction or some other error occurs.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_multipart_file(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    content_type: str,
    file: str,
    part_name: str,
) -> StringResult:
    Adds a binary file as the body as a MIME multipart.

    Will use a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns an error if the
    interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has
    already started) or an error occurs.


    * `interaction` - Interaction handle to set the body for.
    * `part` - Request or response part.
    * `content_type` - Expected content type of the file.
    * `file` - path to the example file
    * `part_name` - name for the mime part

    This function can be called multiple times. In that case, each subsequent
    call will be appended to the existing multipart body as a new part.

    # Safety

    The content type, file path and part name must be valid pointers to UTF-8
    encoded NULL-terminated strings. Passing invalid pointers or pointers to
    strings that are not NULL terminated will lead to undefined behaviour.

    # Error Handling

    If the file path is a NULL pointer, it will set the body contents as as an
    empty mime-part. If the file path does not point to a valid file, or is not
    able to be read, it will return an error result. If the content type is a
    null pointer, or can't be parsed, it will return an error result. Returns an
    error if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for
    it has already started), the interaction is not an HTTP interaction or some
    other error occurs.
    # This function is intentionally left unimplemented. The
    # `with_multipart_file_v2` function should be used instead.
    raise NotImplementedError

with_multipart_file_v2(interaction: InteractionHandle, part: InteractionPart, content_type: str | None, file: Path | None, part_name: str, boundary: str | None) -> None

Adds a binary file as the body as a MIME multipart.

Will use a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns an error if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started) or an error occurs.

Rust pactffi_with_multipart_file_v2

This function can be called multiple times. In that case, each subsequent call will be appended to the existing multipart body as a new part.


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or Response).

TYPE: InteractionPart


The content type of the body.

TYPE: str | None


Path to the file to add. If None, the body will be set to null.

TYPE: Path | None


Name for the mime part.

TYPE: str


Boundary for the multipart separation. If None, a random string will be used.

TYPE: str | None

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_multipart_file_v2(  # noqa: PLR0913
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    part: InteractionPart,
    content_type: str | None,
    file: Path | None,
    part_name: str,
    boundary: str | None,
) -> None:
    Adds a binary file as the body as a MIME multipart.

    Will use a mime type matcher to match the body. Returns an error if the
    interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has
    already started) or an error occurs.


    This function can be called multiple times. In that case, each subsequent
    call will be appended to the existing multipart body as a new part.

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The part of the interaction to add the body to (Request or

            The content type of the body.

            Path to the file to add. If `None`, the body will be set to null.

            Name for the mime part.

            Boundary for the multipart separation. If `None`, a random string
            will be used.
    result = StringResult(
            content_type.encode("utf-8") if content_type else ffi.NULL,
            str(file).encode("utf-8") if file else ffi.NULL,
            boundary.encode("utf-8") if boundary else ffi.NULL,

with_pact_metadata(pact: PactHandle, namespace: str, name: str, value: str) -> None

Sets the additional metadata on the Pact file.

Common uses are to add the client library details such as the name and version Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the mock server for it has already started)

Rust pactffi_with_pact_metadata


Handle to a Pact model

TYPE: PactHandle


The top level metadat key to set any key values on

TYPE: str


The key to set

TYPE: str


The value to set

TYPE: str


If the metadata could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_pact_metadata(
    pact: PactHandle,
    namespace: str,
    name: str,
    value: str,
) -> None:
    Sets the additional metadata on the Pact file.

    Common uses are to add the client library details such as the name and
    version Returns false if the interaction or Pact can't be modified (i.e. the
    mock server for it has already started)


            Handle to a Pact model

            The top level metadat key to set any key values on

            The key to set

            The value to set

            If the metadata could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_pact_metadata(
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to set Pact metadata for {pact} with {namespace}.{name}={value}"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_query_parameter_v2(interaction: InteractionHandle, name: str, index: int, value: str) -> None

Configures a query parameter for the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2

To setup a query parameter with multiple values, you can either call this function multiple times with a different index value:

with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "version", 0, "2")
with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "version", 0, "3")

Or you can call it once with a JSON value that contains multiple values:

    json.dumps({"value": ["2", "3"]}),

The JSON value can also contain a matcher, which will be used to match the query parameter value. For example, a semver matcher might look like this:

        "value": "1.2.3",
        "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
        "regex": r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+",


If you want the matching rules to apply to all values (and not just the one with the given index), make sure to set the value to be an array.

        "value": ["2"],
        "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
        "regex": r"\d+",

For query parameters with no value, two distinct formats are provided:

  1. Parameters with blank values, as specified by ?foo=&bar=, require an empty string:

    with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "foo", 0, "")
    with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "bar", 0, "")
  2. Parameters with no associated value, as specified by ?foo&bar, require a NULL pointer:

    with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "foo", 0, None)
    with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "bar", 0, None)

Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The query parameter name.

TYPE: str


The index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a query parameter with multiple values.

TYPE: int


The query parameter value.

This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or it may be a JSON matching rule.

TYPE: str


If there was an error setting the query parameter.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_query_parameter_v2(
    interaction: InteractionHandle,
    name: str,
    index: int,
    value: str,
) -> None:
    Configures a query parameter for the Interaction.


    To setup a query parameter with multiple values, you can either call this
    function multiple times with a different index value:

    with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "version", 0, "2")
    with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "version", 0, "3")

    Or you can call it once with a JSON value that contains multiple values:

        json.dumps({"value": ["2", "3"]}),

    The JSON value can also contain a matcher, which will be used to match the
    query parameter value. For example, a semver matcher might look like this:

            "value": "1.2.3",
            "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
            "regex": r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+",

    See [](

    If you want the matching rules to apply to all values (and not just the one
    with the given index), make sure to set the value to be an array.

            "value": ["2"],
            "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
            "regex": r"\d+",

    For query parameters with no value, two distinct formats are provided:

    1.  Parameters with blank values, as specified by `?foo=&bar=`, require an
        empty string:

        with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "foo", 0, "")
        with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "bar", 0, "")

    2.  Parameters with no associated value, as specified by `?foo&bar`, require
        a NULL pointer:

        with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "foo", 0, None)
        with_query_parameter_v2(handle, "bar", 0, None)

            Handle to the Interaction.

            The query parameter name.

            The index of the value (starts at 0). You can use this to create a
            query parameter with multiple values.

            The query parameter value.

            This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or
            it may be a [JSON matching

            If there was an error setting the query parameter.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_query_parameter_v2(
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to add query parameter {name} to request {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_request(interaction: InteractionHandle, method: str, path: str) -> None

Configures the request for the Interaction.

Rust pactffi_with_request


Handle to the Interaction.

TYPE: InteractionHandle


The request HTTP method.

TYPE: str


The request path.

This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or it may be a JSON matching rule which allows regex patterns. For examples:

    "value": "/path/to/100",
    "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
    "regex": "/path/to/\\d+"

TYPE: str


If the request could not be specified.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_request(interaction: InteractionHandle, method: str, path: str) -> None:
    Configures the request for the Interaction.


            Handle to the Interaction.

            The request HTTP method.

            The request path.

            This may be a simple string in which case it will be used as-is, or
            it may be a [JSON matching
            which allows regex patterns. For examples:

                "value": "/path/to/100",
                "pact:matcher:type": "regex",
                "regex": "/path/to/\\d+"

            If the request could not be specified.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_request(
    if not success:
        msg = f"The request '{method} {path}' could not be specified for {interaction}."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

with_specification(pact: PactHandle, version: PactSpecification) -> None

Sets the specification version for a given Pact model.

Rust pactffi_with_specification


Handle to a Pact model.

TYPE: PactHandle


The spec version to use.

TYPE: PactSpecification


If the Pact specification could not be set.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def with_specification(pact: PactHandle, version: PactSpecification) -> None:
    Sets the specification version for a given Pact model.


            Handle to a Pact model.

            The spec version to use.

            If the Pact specification could not be set.
    success: bool = lib.pactffi_with_specification(pact._ref, version.value)
    if not success:
        msg = f"Failed to set Pact specification for {pact}"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

write_pact_file(mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle, directory: str | Path, *, overwrite: bool) -> None

External interface to trigger a mock server to write out its pact file.

This function should be called if all the consumer tests have passed. The directory to write the file to is passed as the second parameter.

Rust pactffi_write_pact_file


Handle to the mock server to write the pact file for.

TYPE: PactServerHandle


Directory to write the pact file to.

TYPE: str | Path


Whether to overwrite any existing pact files. If this is false, the pact file will be merged with any existing pact file.

TYPE: bool


If there was an error writing the pact file.

Source code in src/pact/v3/
def write_pact_file(
    mock_server_handle: PactServerHandle,
    directory: str | Path,
    overwrite: bool,
) -> None:
    External interface to trigger a mock server to write out its pact file.

    This function should be called if all the consumer tests have passed. The
    directory to write the file to is passed as the second parameter.


            Handle to the mock server to write the pact file for.

            Directory to write the pact file to.

            Whether to overwrite any existing pact files. If this is false, the
            pact file will be merged with any existing pact file.

            If there was an error writing the pact file.
    ret: int = lib.pactffi_write_pact_file(
    if ret == 0:
    if ret == 1:
        msg = (
            f"The function panicked while writing the Pact for {mock_server_handle} in"
            f" {directory}."
    elif ret == 2:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = (
            f"The Pact file for {mock_server_handle} could not be written in"
            f" {directory}."
    elif ret == 3:  # noqa: PLR2004
        msg = f"The Pact for the {mock_server_handle} was not found."
        msg = (
            "An unknown error occurred while writing the Pact for"
            f" {mock_server_handle} in {directory}."
    raise RuntimeError(msg)