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API for creating a contract and configuring the mock service.




Bases: object

Base class for objects built from a collection of Matchers.



Convert the object to a JSON version of the mock service.

Source code in src/pact/
def json(self):
    """Convert the object to a JSON version of the mock service."""
    raise NotImplementedError

Pact(consumer, provider, host_name='localhost', port=1234, log_dir=None, ssl=False, sslcert=None, sslkey=None, cors=False, publish_to_broker=False, broker_base_url=None, broker_username=None, broker_password=None, broker_token=None, pact_dir=None, specification_version='2.0.0', file_write_mode='overwrite')

Bases: Broker

Represents a contract between a consumer and provider.

Provides Python context handlers to configure the Pact mock service to perform tests on a Python consumer. For example:

from pact import Consumer, Provider pact = Consumer('consumer').has_pact_with(Provider('provider')) (pact.given('the echo service is available') ... .upon_receiving('a request is made to the echo service') ... .with_request('get', '/echo', query={'text': 'Hello!'}) ... .will_respond_with(200, body='Hello!')) with pact: ... requests.get(pact.uri + '/echo?text=Hello!')

The GET request is made to the mock service, which will verify that it was a GET to /echo with a query string with a key named text and its value is Hello!. If the request does not match an error is raised, if it does match the defined interaction, it will respond with the text Hello!.

:param consumer: The consumer for this contract. :type consumer: pact.Consumer :param provider: The provider for this contract. :type provider: pact.Provider :param host_name: The host name where the mock service is running. :type host_name: str :param port: The port number where the mock service is running. :type port: int :param log_dir: The directory where logs should be written. Defaults to the current directory. :type log_dir: str :param ssl: Flag to control the use of a self-signed SSL cert to run the server over HTTPS , defaults to False. :type ssl: bool :param sslcert: Path to a custom self-signed SSL cert file, 'ssl' option must be set to True to use this option. Defaults to None. :type sslcert: str :param sslkey: Path to a custom key and self-signed SSL cert key file, 'ssl' option must be set to True to use this option. Defaults to None. :type sslkey: str :param cors: Allow CORS OPTION requests to be accepted, defaults to False. :type cors: bool :param publish_to_broker: Flag to control automatic publishing of pacts to a pact broker. Defaults to False. :type publish_to_broker: bool :param broker_base_url: URL of the pact broker that pacts will be published to. Can also be supplied through the PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL environment variable. Defaults to None. :type broker_base_url: str :param broker_username: Username to use when connecting to the pact broker if authentication is required. Can also be supplied through the PACT_BROKER_USERNAME environment variable. Defaults to None. :type broker_username: str :param broker_password: Password to use when connecting to the pact broker if authentication is required. Strongly recommend supplying this value through the PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD environment variable instead. Defaults to None. :type broker_password: str :param broker_token: Authentication token to use when connecting to the pact broker. Strongly recommend supplying this value through the PACT_BROKER_TOKEN environment variable instead. Defaults to None. :type broker_token: str :param pact_dir: Directory where the resulting pact files will be written. Defaults to the current directory. :type pact_dir: str :param specification_version: The Pact Specification version to use, defaults to '2.0.0'. :type version: str of the consumer version. :param file_write_mode: overwrite or merge. Use merge when running multiple mock service instances in parallel for the same consumer/provider pair. Ensure the pact file is deleted before running tests when using this option so that interactions deleted from the code are not maintained in the file. Defaults to overwrite. :type file_write_mode: str

Source code in src/pact/
def __init__(
    Create a Pact instance.

    :param consumer: The consumer for this contract.
    :type consumer: pact.Consumer
    :param provider: The provider for this contract.
    :type provider: pact.Provider
    :param host_name: The host name where the mock service is running.
    :type host_name: str
    :param port: The port number where the mock service is running.
    :type port: int
    :param log_dir: The directory where logs should be written. Defaults to
        the current directory.
    :type log_dir: str
    :param ssl: Flag to control the use of a self-signed SSL cert to run
        the server over HTTPS , defaults to False.
    :type ssl: bool
    :param sslcert: Path to a custom self-signed SSL cert file, 'ssl'
        option must be set to True to use this option. Defaults to None.
    :type sslcert: str
    :param sslkey: Path to a custom key and self-signed SSL cert key file,
        'ssl' option must be set to True to use this option.
        Defaults to None.
    :type sslkey: str
    :param cors: Allow CORS OPTION requests to be accepted,
        defaults to False.
    :type cors: bool
    :param publish_to_broker: Flag to control automatic publishing of
        pacts to a pact broker. Defaults to False.
    :type publish_to_broker: bool
    :param broker_base_url: URL of the pact broker that pacts will be
        published to. Can also be supplied through the PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL
        environment variable. Defaults to None.
    :type broker_base_url: str
    :param broker_username: Username to use when connecting to the pact
        broker if authentication is required. Can also be supplied through
        the PACT_BROKER_USERNAME environment variable. Defaults to None.
    :type broker_username: str
    :param broker_password: Password to use when connecting to the pact
        broker if authentication is required. Strongly recommend supplying
        this value through the PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD environment variable
        instead. Defaults to None.
    :type broker_password: str
    :param broker_token: Authentication token to use when connecting to
        the pact broker. Strongly recommend supplying this value through
        the PACT_BROKER_TOKEN environment variable instead.
        Defaults to None.
    :type broker_token: str
    :param pact_dir: Directory where the resulting pact files will be
        written. Defaults to the current directory.
    :type pact_dir: str
    :param specification_version: The Pact Specification version to use, defaults to
    :type version: str of the consumer version.
    :param file_write_mode: `overwrite` or `merge`. Use `merge` when
        running multiple mock service instances in parallel for the same
        consumer/provider pair. Ensure the pact file is deleted before
        running tests when using this option so that interactions deleted
        from the code are not maintained in the file. Defaults to
    :type file_write_mode: str
        "This class will be deprecated Pact Python v3 "
        "(see pact-foundation/pact-python#396)",
        broker_base_url, broker_username, broker_password, broker_token

    scheme = 'https' if ssl else 'http'
    self.uri = '{scheme}://{host_name}:{port}'.format(
        host_name=host_name, port=port, scheme=scheme)
    self.consumer = consumer
    self.cors = cors
    self.file_write_mode = file_write_mode
    self.host_name = host_name
    self.log_dir = log_dir or os.getcwd()
    self.pact_dir = pact_dir or os.getcwd()
    self.port = port
    self.provider = provider
    self.publish_to_broker = publish_to_broker
    self.ssl = ssl
    self.sslcert = sslcert
    self.sslkey = sslkey
    self.specification_version = specification_version
    self._interactions = []
    self._process = None


HEADERS = {'X-Pact-Mock-Service': 'true'} class-attribute instance-attribute
MANDATORY_FIELDS = {'response', 'description', 'request'} class-attribute instance-attribute
consumer = consumer instance-attribute
cors = cors instance-attribute
file_write_mode = file_write_mode instance-attribute
host_name = host_name instance-attribute
log_dir = log_dir or os.getcwd() instance-attribute
pact_dir = pact_dir or os.getcwd() instance-attribute
port = port instance-attribute
provider = provider instance-attribute
publish_to_broker = publish_to_broker instance-attribute
specification_version = specification_version instance-attribute
ssl = ssl instance-attribute
sslcert = sslcert instance-attribute
sslkey = sslkey instance-attribute
uri = '{scheme}://{host_name}:{port}'.format(host_name=host_name, port=port, scheme=scheme) instance-attribute



Define the provider state for this pact.

When the provider verifies this contract, they will use this field to setup pre-defined data that will satisfy the response expectations.

:param provider_state: The short sentence that is unique to describe the provider state for this contract. :type provider_state: basestring :rtype: Pact

Source code in src/pact/
def given(self, provider_state):
    Define the provider state for this pact.

    When the provider verifies this contract, they will use this field to
    setup pre-defined data that will satisfy the response expectations.

    :param provider_state: The short sentence that is unique to describe
        the provider state for this contract.
    :type provider_state: basestring
    :rtype: Pact
    self._interactions[0]['provider_state'] = provider_state
    return self

Configure the Mock Service to ready it for a test.

Source code in src/pact/
def setup(self):
    """Configure the Mock Service to ready it for a test."""
        # First, check that the interactions are all complete
        for interaction in self._interactions:
            missing_fields = [f for f in self.MANDATORY_FIELDS if f not in interaction]
            if missing_fields:
                raise PactException(f"Interaction incomplete, missing field(s): {', '.join(missing_fields)}")

        interactions_uri = f"{self.uri}/interactions"
        resp = requests.delete(
            interactions_uri, headers=self.HEADERS, verify=False

        assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.text
        resp = requests.put(
            json={"interactions": self._interactions},

        assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.text
    except AssertionError:

Start the external Mock Service.

:raises RuntimeError: if there is a problem starting the mock service.

Source code in src/pact/
def start_service(self):
    Start the external Mock Service.

    :raises RuntimeError: if there is a problem starting the mock service.
    command = [
        "--log", f"{self.log_dir}/pact-mock-service.log",
        "--pact-dir", self.pact_dir,
        "--pact-file-write-mode", self.file_write_mode,

    if self.ssl:
    if self.sslcert:
        command.extend(['--sslcert', self.sslcert])
    if self.sslkey:
        command.extend(['--sslkey', self.sslkey])
    if self.cors:

    self._process = Popen(command)

Stop the external Mock Service.

Source code in src/pact/
def stop_service(self):
    """Stop the external Mock Service."""
    is_windows = 'windows' in platform.platform().lower()
    if is_windows:
        # Send the signal to ruby.exe, not the *.bat process
        p = psutil.Process(
        for child in p.children(recursive=True):
        if psutil.pid_exists(
            raise RuntimeError(
                'There was an error when stopping the Pact mock service.')


        if self._process.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'There was an error when stopping the Pact mock service.'
    if self.publish_to_broker:

Define the name of this contract.

:param scenario: A unique name for this contract. :type scenario: basestring :rtype: Pact

Source code in src/pact/
def upon_receiving(self, scenario):
    Define the name of this contract.

    :param scenario: A unique name for this contract.
    :type scenario: basestring
    :rtype: Pact
    self._interactions[0]['description'] = scenario
    return self

Have the mock service verify all interactions occurred.

Calls the mock service to verify that all interactions occurred as expected, and has it write out the contracts to disk.

:raises AssertionError: When not all interactions are found.

Source code in src/pact/
def verify(self):
    Have the mock service verify all interactions occurred.

    Calls the mock service to verify that all interactions occurred as
    expected, and has it write out the contracts to disk.

    :raises AssertionError: When not all interactions are found.
    self._interactions = []
    resp = requests.get(
        self.uri + "/interactions/verification", headers=self.HEADERS, verify=False
    assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.text
    resp = + "/pact", headers=self.HEADERS, verify=False)
    assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.text
will_respond_with(status, headers=None, body=None)

Define the response the server is expected to create.

:param status: The HTTP status code. :type status: int :param headers: All required headers. Defaults to None. :type headers: dict or None :param body: The response body, or a collection of Matcher objects to allow for pattern matching. Defaults to None. :type body: Matcher, dict, list, basestring, or None :rtype: Pact

Source code in src/pact/
def will_respond_with(self, status, headers=None, body=None):
    Define the response the server is expected to create.

    :param status: The HTTP status code.
    :type status: int
    :param headers: All required headers. Defaults to None.
    :type headers: dict or None
    :param body: The response body, or a collection of Matcher objects to
        allow for pattern matching. Defaults to None.
    :type body: Matcher, dict, list, basestring, or None
    :rtype: Pact
    self._interactions[0]['response'] = Response(
        status, headers=headers, body=body
    return self
with_request(method, path, body=None, headers=None, query=None)

Define the request that the client is expected to perform.

:param method: The HTTP method. :type method: str :param path: The path portion of the URI the client will access. :type path: str, Matcher :param body: The request body, can be a string or an object that will serialize to JSON, like list or dict, defaults to None. :type body: list, dict or None :param headers: The headers the client is expected to include on with this request. Defaults to None. :type headers: dict or None :param query: The query options the client is expected to send. Can be a dict of keys and values, or a URL encoded string. Defaults to None. :type query: dict, basestring, or None :rtype: Pact

Source code in src/pact/
def with_request(self, method, path, body=None, headers=None, query=None):
    Define the request that the client is expected to perform.

    :param method: The HTTP method.
    :type method: str
    :param path: The path portion of the URI the client will access.
    :type path: str, Matcher
    :param body: The request body, can be a string or an object that will
        serialize to JSON, like list or dict, defaults to None.
    :type body: list, dict or None
    :param headers: The headers the client is expected to include on with
        this request. Defaults to None.
    :type headers: dict or None
    :param query: The query options the client is expected to send. Can be
        a dict of keys and values, or a URL encoded string.
        Defaults to None.
    :type query: dict, basestring, or None
    :rtype: Pact
    self._interactions[0]['request'] = Request(
        method, path, body=body, headers=headers, query=query
    return self

Request(method, path, body=None, headers=None, query='')

Bases: FromTerms

Represents an HTTP request and supports Matchers on its properties.

:param method: The HTTP method that is expected. :type method: str :param path: The URI path that is expected on this request. :type path: str, Matcher :param body: The contents of the body of the expected request. :type body: str, dict, list :param headers: The headers of the expected request. :type headers: dict :param query: The URI query of the expected request. :type query: str or dict

Source code in src/pact/
def __init__(self, method, path, body=None, headers=None, query=''):
    Create a new instance of Request.

    :param method: The HTTP method that is expected.
    :type method: str
    :param path: The URI path that is expected on this request.
    :type path: str, Matcher
    :param body: The contents of the body of the expected request.
    :type body: str, dict, list
    :param headers: The headers of the expected request.
    :type headers: dict
    :param query: The URI query of the expected request.
    :type query: str or dict
    self.method = method
    self.path = from_term(path)
    self.body = from_term(body)
    self.headers = from_term(headers)
    self.query = from_term(query)


body = from_term(body) instance-attribute
headers = from_term(headers) instance-attribute
method = method instance-attribute
path = from_term(path) instance-attribute
query = from_term(query) instance-attribute



Convert the Request to a JSON version for the mock service.

Source code in src/pact/
def json(self):
    """Convert the Request to a JSON version for the mock service."""
    request = {'method': self.method, 'path': self.path}

    if self.headers:
        request['headers'] = self.headers

    if self.body is not None:
        request['body'] = self.body

    if self.query:
        request['query'] = self.query

    return request

Response(status, headers=None, body=None)

Bases: FromTerms

Represents an HTTP response and supports Matchers on its properties.

:param status: The expected HTTP status of the response. :type status: int :param headers: The expected headers of the response. :type headers: dict :param body: The expected body of the response. :type body: str, dict, or list

Source code in src/pact/
def __init__(self, status, headers=None, body=None):
    Create a new Response.

    :param status: The expected HTTP status of the response.
    :type status: int
    :param headers: The expected headers of the response.
    :type headers: dict
    :param body: The expected body of the response.
    :type body: str, dict, or list
    self.status = status
    self.body = from_term(body)
    self.headers = from_term(headers)


body = from_term(body) instance-attribute
headers = from_term(headers) instance-attribute
status = status instance-attribute



Convert the Response to a JSON version for the mock service.

Source code in src/pact/
def json(self):
    """Convert the Response to a JSON version for the mock service."""
    response = {'status': self.status}
    if self.body is not None:
        response['body'] = self.body

    if self.headers:
        response['headers'] = self.headers

    return response
