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Typing definitions for the matchers.

This module provides basic type definitions, and is the runtime counterpart to the types.pyi stub file. The latter is used to provide much richer type information to static type checkers like mypy.


GeneratorType: TypeAlias = str module-attribute

All supported generator types.

Matchable: TypeAlias = Any module-attribute

All supported matchable types.

MatcherType: TypeAlias = str module-attribute

All supported matchers.

MessageProducerFull: TypeAlias = Callable[[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]], Message] module-attribute

Full message producer signature.

This is the signature for a message producer that takes two arguments:

  1. The message name, as a string.
  2. A dictionary of parameters, or None if no parameters are provided.

The function must return a bytes object.

MessageProducerNoName: TypeAlias = Callable[[Optional[dict[str, Any]]], Message] module-attribute

Message producer signature without the name.

This is the signature for a message producer that takes one argument:

  1. A dictionary of parameters, or None if no parameters are provided.

The function must return a bytes object.

This function must be provided as part of a dictionary mapping message names to functions.

StateHandlerFull: TypeAlias = Callable[[str, str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]], None] module-attribute

Full state handler signature.

This is the signature for a state handler that takes three arguments:

  1. The state name, as a string.
  2. The action (either setup or teardown), as a string.
  3. A dictionary of parameters, or None if no parameters are provided.

StateHandlerNoAction: TypeAlias = Callable[[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]], None] module-attribute

State handler signature without the action.

This is the signature for a state handler that takes two arguments:

  1. The state name, as a string.
  2. A dictionary of parameters, or None if no parameters are provided.

StateHandlerNoActionNoState: TypeAlias = Callable[[Optional[dict[str, Any]]], None] module-attribute

State handler signature without the state or action.

This is the signature for a state handler that takes one argument:

  1. A dictionary of parameters, or None if no parameters are provided.

This function must be provided as part of a dictionary mapping state names to functions.

StateHandlerNoState: TypeAlias = Callable[[str, Optional[dict[str, Any]]], None] module-attribute

State handler signature without the state.

This is the signature for a state handler that takes two arguments:

  1. The action (either setup or teardown), as a string.
  2. A dictionary of parameters, or None if no parameters are provided.

This function must be provided as part of a dictionary mapping state names to functions.

StateHandlerUrl: TypeAlias = Union[str, URL] module-attribute

State handler URL signature.

Instead of providing a function to handle state changes, it is possible to provide a URL endpoint to which the request should be made.

UNSET = Unset() module-attribute

Instance of the Unset class.

This is used to provide a default value for an optional argument that needs to differentiate between a None value and an unset value.



Bases: TypedDict

Message definition.

This is a dictionary that is used to represent the message. This class can be used as an initializer to create a new message, or the return of a dictionary can be used directly.


content_type: str | None instance-attribute

Content type of the message.

This should be specified as a MIME type, such as application/json.

contents: bytes instance-attribute

Message contents.

These are the actual contents of the message, as a bytes object.

metadata: dict[str, Any] | None instance-attribute

Any additional metadata associated with the message.


Special type to represent an unset value.

Typically, the value None is used to represent an unset value. However, we need to differentiate between a null value and an unset value. For example, a matcher may have a value of None, which is different from a matcher having no value at all. This class is used to represent the latter.