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Shared PyTest configuration.

In order to run the examples, we need to run the Pact broker. In order to avoid having to run the Pact broker manually, or repeating the same code in each example, we define a PyTest fixture to run the Pact broker.

We also define a pact_dir fixture to define the directory where the generated Pact files will be stored. You are encouraged to have a look at these files after the examples have been run.


EXAMPLE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() module-attribute


broker(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Generator[URL, Any, None]

Fixture to run the Pact broker.

This inspects whether the --broker-url option has been given. If it has, it is assumed that the broker is already running and simply returns the given URL.

Otherwise, the Pact broker is started in a container. The URL of the containerised broker is then returned.

Source code in examples/
def broker(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Generator[URL, Any, None]:
    Fixture to run the Pact broker.

    This inspects whether the `--broker-url` option has been given. If it has,
    it is assumed that the broker is already running and simply returns the
    given URL.

    Otherwise, the Pact broker is started in a container. The URL of the
    containerised broker is then returned.
    broker_url: Union[str, None] = request.config.getoption("--broker-url")

    # If we have been given a broker URL, there's nothing more to do here and we
    # can return early.
    if broker_url:
        yield URL(broker_url)

    with DockerCompose(
    ) as _:
        yield URL("http://pactbroker:pactbroker@localhost:9292")

pact_dir() -> Path

Fixture for the Pact directory.

Source code in examples/
def pact_dir() -> Path:
    """Fixture for the Pact directory."""
    return EXAMPLE_DIR / "pacts"