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Pact Python is made available through both GitHub releases and PyPI. The GitHub releases also come with a summary of changes and contributions since the last release.

The entire process is automated through the build GitHub Action. A description of the process is provided below.


Pact Python follows semantic versioning. Breaking changes are indicated by a major version bump, new features by a minor version bump, and bug fixes by a patch version bump.

There are a couple of exceptions to the semantic versioning rules:

  • Dropping support for a Python version is not considered a breaking change and is not necessarily accompanied by a major version bump.
  • Private APIs are not considered part of the public API and are not subject to the same rules as the public API. They can be changed at any time without a major version bump. Private APIs are denoted by a leading underscore in the name. Please be aware that the distinction between public and private APIs will be made concrete from version 3 onwards, and best judgement is used in the meantime to determine what is public and what is private.
  • Deprecations are not considered breaking changes and are not necessarily accompanied by a major version bump. Their removal is considered a breaking change and is accompanied by a major version bump.

Any deviation from the the standard semantic versioning rules will be clearly documented in the release notes.

The version is stored in pact/ This file is automatically generated by hatch-vcs and generates a version based on the latest version tag and the number of commits since that tag. Specifically:

  • If the latest tag is v1.2.3 and there have been no commits since then and the repository is clean, the version will be 1.2.3.
  • Otherwise, the version will take the form of{N}+g{hash} (or{N}+g{hash}.d{date} if there's a dirty repository) where N is the number of commits since the latest tag, hash is the short hash of the latest commit.

Build Pipeline

The build pipeline is defined in .github/workflows/build.yml. It is triggered on PRs targeting master, pushes to the master branch, and on every new tag. The pipeline is responsible for building the package (both as source distribution, and compiled wheels), creating the GitHub release, and uploading artifacts to PyPI.

Build Steps

The build steps generates the source distribution and wheels. This is done using cibuildwheel to ensure that the wheels are compatible with a wide range of Python versions and platforms.

In order to reduce the build time, the pipeline builds different sets of wheels depending on the trigger:

Trigger Platforms Wheels
Tag x86_64, arm64 all
master x86_64 all
Pull Request x86_64 cp312-*

Publish Step

The publish step uses the pypi GitHub environment, and is gated behind a manual approval. The publish step is responsible for the following:

  • Generating a changelog based on the conventional commits since the latest release.
  • Generating a new GitHub release with the changelog.
  • Uploading the source distribution and wheels to PyPI.
  • Creating a PR to update the file with the new release notes.

While the generated changelog should be accurate, it may require some manual adjustments on the release page and in the PR.