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Test 03 Message Provider

Test Message Pact provider.

Pact was originally designed for HTTP interactions involving a request and a response. Message Pact is an addition to Pact that allows for testing of non-HTTP interactions, such as message queues. This example demonstrates how to use Message Pact to test whether a consumer can handle the messages it. Due to the large number of possible transports, Message Pact does not provide a mock provider and the tests only verifies the messages.

A note on terminology, the consumer for Message Pact is the system that receives the message, and the provider is the system that sends the message. Pact is still consumer-driven, and the consumer defines the expected messages it will receive from the provider. When the provider is being verified, Pact ensures that the provider sends the expected messages.

The below example verifies that the provider sends the expected messages. The consumer need not send back a message, and any sideffects of the message must be verified on the consumer side.

A good resource for understanding the message pact testing can be found in the Pact documentation.


PACT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'pacts'.resolve() module-attribute

app = Flask(__name__) module-attribute


generate_read_message() -> Dict[str, str]

Source code in examples/tests/
def generate_read_message() -> Dict[str, str]:
    return {
        "action": "READ",
        "path": "test.txt",

generate_write_message() -> Dict[str, str]

Source code in examples/tests/
def generate_write_message() -> Dict[str, str]:
    return {
        "action": "WRITE",
        "path": "test.txt",
        "contents": "Hello world!",

test_verify(broker: URL) -> None

Source code in examples/tests/
def test_verify(broker: URL) -> None:
    provider = MessageProvider(
            "a request to write test.txt": generate_write_message,
            "a request to read test.txt": generate_read_message,

    with provider:
            # Despite the auth being set in the broker URL, we still need to pass
            # the username and password to the verify_with_broker method.